Pope Francis meets Lebanese PM, calls for national unity

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Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati visited the Vatican City on Thursday, where he was hosted for a private meeting with Pope Francis. After the meeting, which lasted around 20 minutes, the Pope called for “the cooperation of all Lebanese in order to save their country,” according to local news reports. The visit comes amid a catastrophic economic and social crisis in Lebanon, which has left about eight in 10 people in poverty and threatened the education of some 700,000 children, according to UNICEF. “Lebanon is a country, a message and a promise that must be fought for,” said the Pope durin… Continue reading “Pope Francis meets Lebanese PM, calls for national unity”

The Perfect Thanksgiving Weekend Workout Plan, If You Must

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By Tanner Garrity Thanksgiving is an exercise in excess. It’s a time to eat and drink yourself silly, because it’s dark out and it’s been a long year. That’s what the end of November is for, and you should never feel guilty about it. That said, one day of heavy consumption doesn’t need to knock you out for an entire holiday weekend. Days off are sacred, whatever time of year they arrive, and you can absolutely use this Friday, Saturday and Sunday to get a few workouts in. They’ll hold back the levees from whatever gluttony you got up to on Thursday, sure, but more importantly, they’ll also giv… Continue reading “The Perfect Thanksgiving Weekend Workout Plan, If You Must”

Review: Why a Blended Japanese Whisky Is My Thanksgiving Staple

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By Kirk Miller What we’re drinking: Hatozaki Small Batch Where it’s from: Kaikyo Distillery in Akashi City in Japan, about 320 miles west of Tokyo near the Seto Inland Sea. The distillery celebrated its centennial in 2017; it started off making rice-based spirits and moved on to sake. But most recently, it’s released two blended whiskies and a gin, all with flavors unique to Japan. Why we’re drinking this: “In Japan, we have a highball during our meals,” explains Hatozaki’s brand ambassador Miho Komatsu during a Zoom tasting from Japan (alongside Master Distiller and Blender Kimio Yonezawa). “… Continue reading “Review: Why a Blended Japanese Whisky Is My Thanksgiving Staple”

‫ LTI تقوم بتمكين التحول الرقمي على نطاق واسع لمجموعة شركات PIH

– يُظهِر تنفيذ أنظمة “ساب” عبر 63 مجموعة شركات خبرة شركة LTI  العميقة في مجال الهندسة والبناء

مومباي، الهند، 25 نوفمبر 2021 — /PRNewswireلارسن آند توبرو إنفوتيك(Larsen & Toubro Infotech) (BSE:  540005) (NSE: LTI) -وهي شركة استشارات تقنية وحلول رقمية عالمية- في شراكة مع مجموعة شركات عالمية مقرها قطر، وهي مجموعة شركات باور إنترناشيونال القابضة (Power International Holding (PIH من أجل تمكين التحول الرقمي على نطاق واسع من الاستفادة من مجموعة واسعة من حلول شركة ساب (®SAP) من أجل شركة ذكية.  ويعمل تنفيذ إطار عمل الحلول على تعزيز وتسريع رؤية PIH للوصول إلى نهج أعمال “رقمي أولاً” يعتمد على البيانات.


وكجزء من رحلة التحول الرقمي لشركة PIH مع LTI، تنتشر 63 شركة من شركات المجموعة عبر أربعة مجالات للأعمال خضعت لتحول أكثر من 250 عملية.  ويستفيد هذا التحول الرقمي من ®SAP S/4HANA، وحلول ®SAP SuccessFactors، وحلول SAP السحابية للصناعة، والإضافات المبنية على منصة تكنولوجيا ساب للأعمال (SAP BTP) التي تستفيد من العديد من الحلول القائمة على بروتوكول الإنترنت من LTI المصممة لصناعات الهندسة والبناء.  وهو يتضمن مُزامِن التخطيط، وسلسلة مدفوعات المشروع، وأداة نشر الموارد، وقمرة قيادة إدارة المشروع من أجل التنبؤ بالأداء، والتدفق النقدي الهندسي، وبوابة الموردين.  لقد قامت هذه المبادرة بتمكين مجموعة شركات PIH من الحصول على تدفق سلس للبيانات من أجل تمكين اتخاذ قرارات أكثر دقة وفي الوقت المناسب عبر مشهد أعمال متنوع، كما مكّنتهم من الحصول على أدلة أعمال لعمليات الاستحواذ أو الاندماج أو إلغاء الاندماج الجديدة.

قال سودهير شاتورفيدي، الرئيس وعضو مجلس الإدارة التنفيذي لدى LTI :  “أدى التسارع الرقمي الناجم عن الوباء إلى إبراز فوائد تبني التقنيات المثيرة للضجة.  ويمكن لرقمنة الأساسيات أن تعزز كفاءة العملية ورضاء العملاء وتقليل التكاليف، والتي تساعد معًا في تحقيق التميز في الأعمال.  إن تراث LTI الغني بالخبرة في صناعة الهندسة والبناء وشراكتنا القوية مع ساب كشريك خدمة استراتيجي عالمي تجعلنا الشريك المثالي لـ PIH لهذه المشاركة الطموحة”.

جاسم عبد الرحمن، رئيس قسم المعلومات للمجموعة لدى PIH :  “في PIH، عقدنا العزم على التطور والتنويع والنمو من خلال اعتماد نهج رقمي أولاً.  ومن أجل تحقيق هذا الهدف، أردنا حلاً لا يشمل الأعمال التجارية الحالية فحسب في إطار رقمي واحد، بل يوفر أيضًا المرونة لتجهيز غزتنا في الصناعات الجديدة في المستقبل.  إن خبرة LTI المثبَتة في تمكين أنظمة التحول الرقمي المثيرة للضجة تحظى بشهرة عالمية، وبالتعاون مع ساب، قامت شراكتنا بتمكين رحلة PIH التحولية”.

وعلق علاء جابر، المدير الإداري لشركة ساب قطر وأسواق النمو السريع قائلاً:  “تؤكد الأوقات الحالية على أهمية السرعة وخفة الحركة والمرونة وقابلية التوسع للشركات في قطر من أجل مواصلة مسيرتها نحو النمو.  ويَبرز التحول الرقمي لشركة PIH مع LTI كشهادة مثالية لعرض نهج استباقي في تبني التكنولوجيا من أجل مساعدة الشركات الكبيرة على التوسع بوتيرة سريعة”.

PIH هي تكتل مقره قطر يعمل فيه أكثر من 60000 موظف يعملون في عدة بلدان عبر ستة قطاعات – المقاولات العامة (UCC Holding)، والتطوير العقاري، والصناعة والخدمات، والخدمات العامة، والزراعة والصناعات الغذائية (بلدنا)، والضيافة والترفيه.

حول شركة LTI

LTI (NSE: LTI) هي شركة استشارات تقنية وحلول رقمية عالمية تساعد أكثر من 460 عميل على النجاح في عالم متقارب.  ومن خلال عملياتنا في 33 دولة، فإننا نقطع شوطًا إضافيًا من أجل عملائنا ونُسرِّع من تحولهم الرقمي من خلال منصة Mosaic من LTI التي تقوم بإتاحة خدماتهم على الأجهزة الجوّالة، ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، والخدمات التحليلية، وإنترنت الأشياء، والسحابة.  وقد تأسست في عام 1997 كشركة تابعة لشركة لارسن آند توبرو المحدودة، ويمنحنا تراثنا الفريد خبرة لا مثيل لها في العالم الحقيقي لحل أكثر التحديات تعقيدًا للشركات في جميع المجالات.  ويقوم فريقنا المكون من أكثر من 40000 موظف في LTI بتمكين عملائنا من تحسين فعالية أعمالهم وعملياتهم التقنية وتقديم قيمة لعملائهم وموظفيهم ومساهميهم كل يوم.  يمكنك العثور على المزيد على http://www.Lntinfotech.com أو تابعنا على LTI_Global@.

أية بيانات في هذا البيان لا تُمثِّل حقائق تاريخية هي بيانات تطلعية على النحو المحدد في قانون إصلاح التقاضي للأوراق المالية الخاصة الأمريكية لعام 1995.  وتخضع جميع البيانات التطلعية لمختلف المخاطر والشكوك الموضحة في ملفات ساب لدى “هيئة الأوراق المالية والبورصات الأمريكية”، بما في ذلك أحدث تقرير سنوي لها بشأن النموذج F-20، والذي قد يتسبب في اختلاف النتائج الفعلية ماديًا عن التوقعات.  وتُحذِّر ساب القراء من الاعتماد بشكل غير مبرر على هذه البيانات التطلعية التي لا تلتزم ساب بتحديثها، والتي لا تتحدث إلا اعتبارًا من تواريخها.

تُعَد ساب ومنتجات وخدمات ساب الأخرى المذكورة هنا بالإضافة إلى الشعارات الخاصة بها علامات تجارية أو علامات تجارية مسجلة لشركة ساب إس إي (SAP SE) في ألمانيا وبلدان أخرى.

 يُرجى الاطلاع على https://www.sap.com/copyright للحصول على معلومات وإشعارات العلامات التجارية الإضافية.  جميع أسماء المنتجات والخدمات الأخرى المذكورة هي علامات تجارية خاصة بشركاتها المعنية.

تَواصَل مع LTI :

اقرأ المزيد:

LTI تُعلِن عن حل الهندسة الرقمية والبناء الرقمي القائم على منصة ساب السحابية  (SAP® Cloud Platform)

– – شراكة  استراتيجية بين LTI وساب

LTI في صناعة الهندسة والبناء

الشعار: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1044154/LTI_Logo.jpg 

One step closer to interoperability: Applying SNOMED CT’s engine to the International Patient Summary

In 2022, SNOMED International will extend the core of SNOMED CT’s structured clinical terminology to deliver an open, standalone sub-ontology to support the scope of content within the International Patient Summary (IPS) under a Creative Commons license.

London, United Kingdom, Nov. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — At SNOMED International’s recent October Business Meetings held in London, the organization’s governance bodies enacted a decision to extend the core of SNOMED CT’s structured clinical terminology to deliver an open, standalone sub-ontology to support the scope of content within the International Patient Summary (IPS.)

The IPS is an electronic health record extract containing essential healthcare information for use in the unscheduled, cross-border care scenario, as well as for local, regional and other care scenarios. It is a minimal, non-exhaustive set of data elements defined by ISO/EN 17269 and delivered by HL7 in both CDA and FHIR using a curated set of SNOMED CT terms.

There is a groundswell of support across all health sectors to increase the portability and usability of patient information for the purpose of safe health care delivery. In 2019, SNOMED International and HL7 International announced the formalization of a license agreement in which a relevant ‘Free for Use’ Set of SNOMED CT coded concepts would be used within the HL7 IPS. Most recently, we watched as G7 leaders collaborated to release a communique on the dire need to progress a global health interoperability agenda. IBM offers a working definition of interoperability as “the timely and secure access, integration and use of electronic health data so that it can be used to optimize health outcomes for individuals and populations.”  The G7 communique, which highlighted the importance of enabling digital healthcare systems worldwide to work together seamlessly as patients move between providers, facilities and even countries, is an impactful statement that rippled throughout the global health community. A charge taken up by the Global Digital Health Partnership, it is one SNOMED International is eager to support.

Embracing a collaborative approach, “SNOMED International has been pleased to continue to work with HL7 International and partners across Europe and beyond to define SNOMED CT content for use in the International Patient Summary,” offered SNOMED International Management Board Chair, Joanne Burns.

Continuing to act in the spirit of the IPS Freeset, SNOMED International has committed to create and release an openly available IPS sub-ontology in the first half of 2022 to enhance the existing cross border movement of information, and ultimately health system interoperability. Unlike SNOMED International’s Global Patient Set, a flat list of SNOMED CT codes and terms, an IPS sub-ontology will provide implementers with a product that can be used in healthcare solutions using the power of SNOMED CT through its query language and hierarchies for the specified scope. Use of the IPS sub-ontology will allow for more effective use of clinical data analytics and decision support, and for Artificial Intelligence applications.

Alex Elias, Chair of SNOMED International’s General Assembly, the organization’s Member governance body, has observed a significant increase in discussion regarding the IPS. “2021 has seen increased interest by governments and Health and Care organizations globally for implementing the IPS to enhance timely cross border health information flow and interoperability. This has been a primary driver in SNOMED International supporting this recent initiative to make the IPS sub-ontology openly available with SNOMED CT content.“

An organization with an extensive history and active program of collaboration, SNOMED International CEO, Don Sweete, has played a pivotal role in positioning the IPS sub-ontology as a ‘soon to be achieved’ reality. “As the G7 Health Ministers recently indicated, the importance of enabling digital healthcare systems worldwide to work together seamlessly so patients don’t suffer as they move between providers, facilities and even countries is a sentiment that has rippled throughout the global health community”, offered Sweete. He went on to state that, “continued work with fellow health standards development, national, clinical and technical entities, SNOMED International will dedicate resources to achieve the goal of digital health interoperability.” Sweete added, “equipping the IPS, already one of the best examples of international collaboration among standards bodies, with the full capability of SNOMED CT’s ontological design is a significant action that we can contribute to achieving health information access gains for patients.”

Over the coming months, SNOMED International is formalizing the steps and due diligence required to make the IPS sub-ontology available for broad release. Throughout this period, SNOMED International will continue to define the IPS sub-ontology, from content through to its release and maintenance approach for launch in the first half of 2022.

Visit SNOMED International’s IPS Sub-Ontology information page or subscribe to the organization’s news service to learn more as this initiative progresses. For additional information, contact info@snomed.org.


About SNOMED International

SNOMED International is a not-for-profit organization that owns and develops SNOMED CT, the world’s most comprehensive healthcare terminology product. We play an essential role in improving the health of humankind by determining standards for a codified language that represents groups of clinical terms. This enables healthcare information to be exchanged globally for the benefit of patients and other stakeholders. We are committed to the rigorous evolution of our products and services, to deliver continuous innovation for the global healthcare community. SNOMED International is the trading name of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation.



Kelly Kuru
SNOMED International

Yashat sends six more war veterans to Turkey for treatment

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Azer News

By Ayya Lmahamad Azerbaijan’s Yashat Foundation, which was set up to help families of soldiers killed and injured during last year’s 44-day Karabakh war, continues to send seriously injured war veterans to Turkey for treatment. Six more veterans – Zohrabli Tabriz, Aliyev Heydar, Rahimov Rashad, Musayev Vadim, Salayev Namiq and Mabudlu Shaban will receive treatment in Turkey. The foundation will monitor the veterans’ treatment until their full recovery. To date, 150 war veterans have been sent to Turkey for treatment. The treatment of 108 of them has already been successfully completed and they… Continue reading “Yashat sends six more war veterans to Turkey for treatment”

How the Lions’ Thanksgiving Game Became One of the NFL’s Longest-Standing Traditions

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By Evan Bleier When Americans tuck into their turkey on Thanksgiving, the side dish the majority of us agree on isn’t mashed potatoes, stuffing or cranberry sauce — it’s football. This year, at least if you eat early, it won’t be a very appetizing product: the Chicago Bears will head to Detroit to take on the Lions in a matchup of teams that have a combined record of just 3-16-1 to kick off Thursday’s NFL action. Given the teams that are involved, we highly doubt human viewership of the game will match the 46 million turkeys that are consumed each year on the third Thursday in November. So how… Continue reading “How the Lions’ Thanksgiving Game Became One of the NFL’s Longest-Standing Traditions”

Any new Russian aggression against Ukraine will carry a high price: Merkel

Germany’s outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday warned Russia over its military buildup near its border with Ukraine.


Speaking at a joint news conference with Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, Merkel said European Union member states are united and will do everything to prevent new provocations.


“Our first task is to make it clear that any further aggression against the sovereignty of Ukraine would carry a high price, this is crystal clear,” she said, referring to the possibility of harsher EU sanctions on Russia in the case of military aggression.


However, Merkel also underlined that the channels of communication with Moscow must be kept open.


Several media outlets reported earlier that the US administration officially warned its European allies that Russia may well be planning another invasion of Ukraine.


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Tuesday denied these allegations.


“We have repeatedly stated at various levels that Russia is not going to attack anyone, does not have any aggressive plans,” he told reporters at a briefing in Moscow.


Since March 2014, Ukraine has been plagued by conflict in its eastern regions, bordering Russia, following Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea.


Western nations accuse Russia of destabilizing the region by providing military support to separatists.


Source: Anadolu Agency




Unilateral actions should be avoided in runup to Dec. 24 Libyan elections: Turkish National Security Council

Unilateral actions should be avoided in Libya to ensure the Dec. 24 elections there take place in a lawful and peaceful atmosphere, said Turkey’s National Security Council on Thursday.


The international community should also oppose actors who try to exploit the Libyan election process for their own interests, said a council statement after a meeting in the capital Ankara chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.


Turkey and Libya are bound together by both historical ties and security and territorial agreements signed in November 2019.


Nearly 100 candidates have registered to run in Libya’s Dec. 24 presidential elections, including transitional Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, putschist renegade Gen. Khalifa Haftar, and former strongman leader Muammar Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, who was disqualified Wednesday by a Libyan court over committing war crimes.


Libya’s presidential and parliamentary elections are set to take place under a UN-sponsored agreement reached by Libyan political rivals during meetings in Tunisia on Nov. 15 last year.


The application deadline for those wishing to run for the presidency was Nov. 22, while nominations for parliamentary polls remain open through Dec. 7.


Libyans hope that the upcoming elections will help end an armed conflict that has plagued the oil-rich country for years.


South Caucasus region


The council statement also touched on recent developments in the South Caucasus region, the scene of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, in which Azerbaijan – Turkey’s historic ally – liberated a group of lands from Armenian occupation just over a year ago.


“It is important for Armenia to consider the hand of peace extended to it as an opportunity, to cooperate, and to fully comply with the cease-fire” that ended the conflict last November, the council said.


After new clashes erupted last Sept. 27, Azerbaijan and Armenia were embroiled in a 44-day conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, or Upper Karabakh, which ended with a Russian-brokered agreement on Nov. 10, 2020.


During the faceoff, Azerbaijan liberated several cities and 300 settlements and villages that had been illegally occupied by Armenia for almost 30 years.


This January, the leaders of the three countries agreed to develop economic ties and infrastructure for the benefit of the entire Caucasus region.


In recent months, Armenia has launched numerous attacks on the Azerbaijani border area, including the area which lies on an energy route close to the Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey corridor.


Instability in this region has the potential to directly affect the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan crude oil pipeline, Southern Gas Corridor, and Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway – all three including Turkish territory.


This Tuesday, the Kremlin announced that the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia will hold a trilateral meeting Friday in the Russian resort city of Sochi.


Economic policies


“Challenges and threats that Turkey has faced and may face in the process of implementing investment, production, employment, and export-oriented economic policies in line with its objectives on the solid infrastructure it has built, have been evaluated,” the National Security Council statement also said.


The determination to reach the centennial anniversary of the foundation of the Republic of Turkey in 2023 with a strong economy has also been reiterated in the meeting.


It was underlined that all kinds of necessary efforts, especially along the country’s borders, will continue without compromise against terrorist organizations.


The statement also stressed that any support to the unlawful activities of KCK/PKK, PYD/YPG terror groups — which are a clear violation of international law — are expected to be terminated as soon as possible.


“Our strong support for Iraq’s struggle to clear its lands from terrorist organizations has been reaffirmed, and it has been strongly emphasized that the steps taken for combating terrorism should not lead to consequences that would disrupt social peace, especially in regions that are sensitive in terms of ethnic and sectarian balances.”


Evaluating the latest developments in the Balkans, a region where Turkey has strong historical and cultural ties, the statement stressed the importance of maintaining the peace and tranquility established with great sacrifices, and pointed out that all actors should act responsibly for this purpose and refrain from attempts that destabilize the situation in the region.


It went on to say that Greece’s insistence on not fulfilling the requirements of good neighborly relations with its aggressive rhetoric, actions, and stance that violates its obligations arising from international agreements will adversely affect stability and peace in the region.


“Powers that encouraged Greece to take further steps by supporting its attitude against international law and good neighborly relations were invited to abandon their approach that would disturb the peace of the region and take a position in the direction of justice and peace,” it said.


Source: Anadolu Agency