ميرال تعلن عن خططها الاستراتيجية المستقبلية خلال معرض سوق السفر العربي 2022

·  استثمرت ميرال ما يزيد عن 9 مليار درهم إماراتي لتعزيز مكانة جزيرة ياس كوجهة عالمية للترفيه والاستجمام

دبي – الإمارات العربية المتحدة, 10 مايو / أيار 2022 /PRNewswire/ — أعلنت ميرال، المطور الرائد للوجهات في أبوظبي، عن خططها الاستراتيجية المستقبلية خلال دورة هذا العام من معرض سوق السفر العربي 2022. وتماشياً مع محاور معرض سوق السفر العربي 2022 التي تركز على السفر والسياحة الدولية، أكدت ميرال على التزامها بتطوير تجارب الترفيه والاستجمام في إمارة أبوظبي من خلال مشاريعها المستقبلية التي تضمن تعزيز مكانة العاصمة الإماراتية كوجهة عالمية للسياحة وتحقيق رؤيتها في مجال التنمية والتنوع الاقتصادي.

Miral - Yas Island

 وساهمت ميرال، خلال السنوات العشر الأولى من تأسيسها، في الاستثمار بما يزيد عن 9 مليار درهم إماراتي لتطوير وجهات وتجارب سياحية عالمية المستوى في جزيرة ياس، بالتعاون مع عمالقة القطاع في العالم، مثل “ووارنر براذرز” و”فيراري” مما ساهم في تعزيز مكانتها كوجهة عالمية للترفيه والاستجمام.

وتعليقاً على هذا الموضوع، قال محمد عبدالله الزعابي، الرئيس التنفيذي لميرال: “تسرّنا المشاركة في معرض سوق السفر العربي 2022 الذي يتيح لنا فرصةً مثالية لتسليط الضوء على ماضي ميرال وحاضرها ومستقبلها. كما وأننا فخورون بالإنجازات المتواصلة التي حققتها ميرال، بدءاً من مساهمتها في تعزيز مكانة جزيرة ياس كوجهة عالمية ووصولاً إلى اختيارها مؤخراً لتولي مهمة الإشراف على استراتيجية الإدارة السياحية لجزيرة السعديات. كما نتطلع لإنشاء المزيد من الوجهات السياحية عالمية المستوى التي تقدّم تجارب متكاملة للضيوف، إلى جانب المساهمة في تعزيز مكانة أبوظبي كوجهة عالمية للزوار من جميع أنحاء العالم”.

وأطلقت ميرال في عام 2011 رؤيتها الطموحة التي تهدف إلى إحداث تحوّل في تجارب الترفيه والاستجمام في العاصمة الإماراتية وتحديداً في جزيرة ياس، حيث عملت على تطوير مجموعة من الوجهات السياحية عالمية المستوى وتوفير تجارب استثنائية للضيوف. كما ساهمت ميرال في تأسيس بعض أشهر المعالم السياحية في دولة الإمارات وتطويرها، بالإضافة إلى مساهمتها في دعم العديد من أشهر الوجهات الثقافية في أبوظبي.

وبفضل هذه الجهود، تحولت جزيرة ياس إلى واحدة من أهم مناطق الجذب السياحي في دولة الإمارات، وساهمت في تعزيز مكانتها على خريطة العالم السياحية، حيث نجحت الجزيرة في استقطاب السياح من جميع أنحاء العالم لتجربة ما تقدمه من مرافق ترفيه متنوعة وحائزة على العديد من الجوائز العالمية. ونجحت ميرال خلال عامي 2020-2021 بافتتاح مجموعة من المشاريع ضمن جزيرة ياس، لتوسّع بذلك محفظتها من الوجهات عالمية المستوى ولتقدم تجارب فريدة للضيوف من المنطقة ومختلف أنحاء العالم.

وعلى رأس هذه المشاريع “ياس باي” في جنوب جزيرة ياس والذي يتألف من ثلاث مناطق متميزة ومتكاملة، هي: “الواجهة البحرية” في “ياس باي”، و”ريزيدنسز” في “ياس باي”، والمنطقة الإبداعية – ياس، حيث يلعب مشروع “ياس باي” دوراً محورياً في استمرار مسيرة التنمية في الجزيرة.

Miral - Yas Bay Waterfront

وافتتحت ميرال في عام 2021 “الواجهة البحرية” في ياس باي، الوجهة البحرية الحيوية في أبوظبي والممتدة على طول 3 كيلومترات، والتي توفر للضيوف نخبة من أرقى المطاعم والمقاهي ومرافق الترفيه الشهيرة على مستوى العالم. كما تضم الواجهة كل من “الاتحاد أرينا”، أكبر أرينا داخلية متعددة الأغراض في الشرق الأوسط، وفندق هيلتون أبوظبي جزيرة ياس، لتوفر بذلك للزوار تجربة استثنائية حافلة بالنشاط والترفيه على امتداد النهار والليل.

وتقدّم ميرال مرافق ضيافة فاخرة من أشهر العلامات العالمية لتضمن للضيوف إقامة مميزة ولحظات لا تنسى، حيث افتتحت في عام 2021، “دبل تري باي هيلتون رزيدينسز – جزيرة ياس”، وفندق “وارنر براذرز أبوظبي”، أول فندق في العالم يحمل علامة “وارنر براذرز”.

بدأت ميرال مسيرتها في مجال التحوّل الرقمي في عام 2018 مع إطلاق منصة “MyConnect”، وهي منصة رقمية توفّر إمكانات رقمية معززة، كجزء من سعي الشركة لتحقيق التكامل بين جميع المرافق والوجهات لتحسين تجربة الزوار. وسعياً منها لتعزيز مستويات التحول الرقمي، أطلقت ميرال في عام 2021 تقنية التعرف على الوجه “FacePass” المبتكرة بهدف تحسين تجربة الضيوف لتصبح جزيرة ياس وجهة “بدون تلامس” بالكامل، إلى جانب استراتيجيتها الرقمية الجديدة لتحليل البيانات الضخمة تحت اسم “مبادرة نور”. وتهدف المبادرة إلى تمكين استثمارات ميرال في تحليل البيانات الاستشرافية ودمج الابتكار في مختلف عملياتها، وذلك لتعزيز مساهمتها في ترسيخ مكانة أبوظبي كعاصمة ذكية.

كما بدأت ميرال عقدها الثاني في عام 2022 بخطط لتحقيق المزيد من الإنجازات الاستثنائية التي تعكس التزامها المتواصل بتوفير وجهات مميزة ومتكاملة، كان آخرها تعيين ميرال لتولي الإشراف على استراتيجية الإدارة السياحية لجزيرة السعديات من قبل دائرة الثقافة والسياحة – أبوظبي.

وتعاونت شركة ميرال مع دائرة الثقافة والسياحة – أبوظبي لإنشاء “متحف التاريخ الطبيعي”، المقرر افتتاحه في عام 2025، وتطويره على جزيرة السعديات في أبوظبي، بما يضمن تعزيز مكانة العاصمة الإماراتية كوجهة ثقافية مميزة. ويضم المتحف مجموعة من أندر المعروضات والتحف الأثرية في العالم، ويمنح الزوار فرصة استكشاف رحلة عبر الزمن تمتد إلى ما قبل 13.8 مليار سنة من التاريخ، من خلال تسليط الضوء على نشوء الكون وتوفير لمحة عن المستقبل.

وتتعاون ميرال مع شركة “سي وورلد باركس آند إنترتينمنت” لتنمية مشهد الترفيه والتعليم في أبوظبي من خلال تطوير “سي وورلد أبوظبي” على جزيرة ياس. وتضم المدينة المتخصصة بالحياة البحرية والتي سيتم الانتهاء من أعمالها الإنشائية في 2022، والتي تمتد على مساحة 183 ألف متر مربع، مركز “ياس سي وورلد للبحوث وحماية الحياة البحرية”، وهو أول مركز عالمي المستوى للأبحاث والإنقاذ وإعادة تأهيل وإطلاق الأحياء البحرية في العالم.

وتركّز مشاريع ميرال ومبادراتها في العقد القادم على تطوير تجارب الضيوف والالتزام بتنمية قطاع السياحة في العاصمة الإماراتية بما ينسجم مع رؤية أبوظبي 2030، خاصةً مع بدء قطاع السياحة والسفر في المنطقة فصلاً جديداً في مسيرته مع بداية عام 2022.

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Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1814558/Miral_Yas_Bay_Waterfront.jpg

Inc. Magazine Names Boomi In Prestigious List of Best Workplaces for 2022

Category-leading global SaaS company provides world-class employee experience as demonstrated by nearly 95% of Boomi employees reporting they feel engaged with the company

CHESTERBROOK, Pa., May 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Boomi™, the intelligent connectivity and automation leader, received recognition in Inc. magazine’s annual list of the Best Workplaces for 2022. Featured in the May/June issue, the list represents the results of a comprehensive measurement of American companies that have excelled in creating exceptional workplaces and company culture.

Inc. Magazine Names Boomi In Prestigious List of Best Workplaces for 2022

“Not long ago, the term ‘best workplace’ would have conjured up images of open-office designs with stocked snack fridges,” says Inc. editor-in-chief Scott Omelianuk. “Yet given the widespread adoption of remote work, the concept of the workplace has shifted. This year, Inc. has recognized the organizations dedicated to redefining and enriching the workplace in the face of the pandemic.”

“Boomi’s people and authentic culture remain a clear business differentiator within this highly competitive industry and hiring market,” said Shawn Maurice, chief human resources officer, Boomi. “Our employees have propelled Boomi into becoming a category-leading, high-growth, global software as a service (SaaS) company. We will continue to live by our motto of hiring ‘good humans’ and provide them with a world-class employee experience.”

Boomi team members participated in Inc. magazine’s employee survey, conducted by Quantum Workplace, and provided their personal experiences and insights on topics such as management effectiveness, perks, fostering employee growth and overall company culture. The magazine also audited Boomi’s benefits to determine its overall score and ranking. Boomi’s total score averaged 90 out of 100, with nearly 95% of employees noting they feel engaged with the company.

The intelligent connectivity and automation leader

Boomi’s mission to make the world a better place by connecting everyone to everything, anywhere serves as the backbone for the company’s unique values, including Go Beyond, Play for Each Other, Create Awesome Things, Own It and Build Trust. As part of Boomi’s inspiring culture, employees are supported to regularly give back to the community through volunteer opportunities such as participating in global litter cleanup projects. The company also offers innovative programs, such as its Boomi Veteran Academy, a unique and in-depth training experience that helps veterans transition from their military service into civilian careers in technology.

Boomi offers employees many opportunities to engage and connect, including 14 employee-led resources groups (ERGs) dedicated to fostering a diverse, inclusive workplace aligned with the organization they serve. Employee-created, developed and maintained, these groups exist to provide support in personal or career development and to create a safe space where employees feel comfortable bringing their true selves to work every day. In addition to its award-winning culture, Boomi provides industry-leading benefits, including a competitive 401K match, medical, dental and vision coverage, paid time off, comprehensive family planning benefits, access to personalized health, nutrition, telemedicine, and life-coaching programs, and more.

As a recipient of numerous awards for being an employer of choice, Boomi has been positioned as a Leader in the 2021 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Enterprise Integration Platform as a Service (EiPaaS)[1] for eight consecutive years. As the pioneer of cloud-based iPaaS and with more than 18,000 customers, Boomi boasts a growing community of over 100,000 members, a worldwide partner network of more than 800 partners, and one of the biggest arrays of global system integrators (GSI) in the iPaaS space.

For a list of open positions on the Boomi team, visit the careers page on the Boomi website.

Additional Resources

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About Boomi
Boomi instantly connects everyone to everything, anywhere with its cloud-native, unified, open, and intelligent platform. Boomi’s integration platform as a service (iPaaS) is trusted by more than 18,000 customers globally for its speed, ease-of-use, and lower total cost of ownership. As the pioneer at fueling intelligent use of data, Boomi’s vision is to make it quick and easy for customers and partners to discover, manage, and orchestrate data, while connecting applications, processes, and people for better, faster outcomes. For more information, visit http://www.boomi.com.

© 2022 Boomi, LP. Boomi, the ‘B’ logo, Boomiverse, and AtomSphere are trademarks of Boomi, LP or its subsidiaries or affiliates. All rights reserved. Other names or marks may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

About Inc. Media
The world’s most trusted business-media brand, Inc. offers entrepreneurs the knowledge, tools, connections, and community to build great companies. Its award-winning multiplatform content reaches more than 50 million people each month across a variety of channels including websites, newsletters, social media, podcasts, and print. Its prestigious Inc. 5000 list, produced every year since 1982, analyzes company data to recognize the fastest-growing privately held businesses in the United States. The global recognition that comes with inclusion in the 5000 gives the founders of the best businesses an opportunity to engage with an exclusive community of their peers, and the credibility that helps them drive sales and recruit talent. The associated Inc. 5000 Conference is part of a highly acclaimed portfolio of bespoke events produced by Inc. For more information, visit www.inc.com.

About Quantum Workplace
Quantum Workplace, based in Omaha, Nebraska, is an HR technology company that serves organizations through employee-engagement surveys, action-planning tools, exit surveys, peer-to-peer recognition, performance evaluations, goal tracking, and leadership assessment. For more information, visit QuantumWorkplace.com.

Boomi Contacts:
Kristen Walker
Global Corporate Communications

1 Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Integration Platform as a Service, Eric Thoo, Keith Guttridge, Bindi Bhullar, Shameen Pillai, Abhishek Singh, 29 September 2021

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Taconic Biosciences Appoints Nomura Siam as Distributor in India for All Taconic Animal Models

Improves Access to Critical Rodent Models for Researchers in India

RENSSELAER, N.Y., May 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Taconic Biosciences, a global leader in providing drug discovery animal model solutions, has appointed Nomura Siam International Co., Ltd (NSI), an established distributor of laboratory animals and related products, as its preferred distributor in India.

India makes a significant contribution to global pharmaceutical and vaccine production, and its pharmaceutical and biotechnology research and development is expected to grow over the next decade. To support this growth, scientists in India need advanced mouse and rat models for pharmacology studies and toxicology and drug safety assessment. Research across all therapeutic areas requires genetically engineered models (GEMs). Additionally, mice with humanized immune systems are critical for immuno-oncology and other applications.

Taconic’s portfolio comprises nearly 4,700 mouse and rat models, including widely used standard strains, immunodeficient models, and exclusive GEMs. Taconic is also a global leader in humanized immune system mouse generation. Taconic’s industry-leading quality systems, genetic integrity, and globally harmonized animal health standards promote research reproducibility while its flexible approach to licensing reduces barriers to accessing valuable GEMs.

Based in Thailand, NSI is known for its focus on quality and customer service. The company’s new agreement with Taconic significantly increases preclinical researchers’ access to GEMs in India and allows NSI to offer this market a full spectrum of solutions.

“To date, rodent model selection and availability has been somewhat limited in India. We believe this partnership will provide India’s growing pharmaceutical industry access to the most sophisticated and high-quality animal models available globally,” said Dr. Michael Seiler, vice president of commercial products at Taconic. “We truly believe this partnership will support Taconic’s desire to accelerate new life-saving therapeutics for the global community.”

“Taconic’s portfolio of sophisticated mouse models fills a major gap in the Indian market,” said Taiichiro Kamiya, president of NSI. “By our frequent information sharing, and the improvement of logistic process, we will provide faster and easier access to GEMs for Indian users.”

To learn more about Taconic’s full line of animal model solutions, please call 1-888-TACONIC (888-822-6642) in the US, +45 70 23 04 05 in Europe, or email info@taconic.com.

About Taconic Biosciences, Inc.

Taconic Biosciences is a fully licensed, global leader in genetically engineered rodent models and services. Founded in 1952, Taconic provides the best animal solutions so that customers can acquire, custom-generate, breed, precondition, test, and distribute valuable research models worldwide. Specialists in genetically engineered mouse and rat models, microbiome, immuno-oncology mouse models, and integrated model design and breeding services, Taconic operates service laboratories and breeding facilities in the US and Europe, maintains distributor relationships in Asia, and has global shipping capabilities to provide animal models almost anywhere in the world.

About Nomura Siam International Co. Ltd. (NSI)

Nomura Siam International Co. Ltd., based in Bangkok, Thailand, was jointly established in 2012 by CLEA Japan, Inc. and Nomura Jimusho, Inc. as a comprehensive provider for the laboratory animal field. As a one-stop service supplier, NSI not only sells laboratory animals but also handles a wide range of related products, including equipment for breeding, conducting experiments, and environmental enrichment, as well as consulting services for preclinical research and laboratory animal facility design.

Media Contact:

Aidan Bouchelle
Associate Director, Marketing Operations

Turkey condemns ‘attack’ at Swiss children’s festival

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Turkey’s foreign ministry has “strongly condemned” an “attack” at a children’s festival in Switzerland on Sunday, accusing the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) of carrying out the assault. A group of young men, allegedly PKK supporters, verbally and physically assaulted attendees of the “International Children’s Festival” in Basel, Switzerland, according to Turkish media Daily Sabah. At least six people, reportedly Turkish citizens, were wounded and some were hospitalised, the newspaper said. “The fact that a terrorist organisation and its sympathisers have degraded to target a children’s festiv… Continue reading “Turkey condemns ‘attack’ at Swiss children’s festival”

DC’s Coolest Clothing Store Just Opened Its Second Location

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By William Goodman Spend any time in the Union Market area of Washington, DC, during a workday, and you’ll see it’s a far cry from the crowds of brunch-hungry tourists it typically attracts on the weekend. There’s a hustle and bustle, to be certain, comprised of patrons of the market’s remaining vendors; as I scoured the 4th St NE block for parking — a rarity at any given point — the line at Mexican Fruits, a produce store in business since 1999, snaked out the front door. Across the street at the La Cosecha food hall, outdoor tables began to fill up with lunch-ready patrons. It’s quite the ju… Continue reading “DC’s Coolest Clothing Store Just Opened Its Second Location”

‫ نيو ترايب كابيتال تخطط لاستثمار 5 مليون دولار في مشاريع قائمة على NEAR Protocol

دبي، الامارات العربية المتحدة 10 مايو / أيار 2022 /PRNewswire/ — أعلن صندوق رأس المال الاستثماري “نيوترايب كابيتالNewTribe Capital، وهو صندوق يستثمر في الأصول الرقمية ومشاريع قائمة على تقنية البلوكتشين في مراحلها الأولى، عن استثمار 5 ملايين دولار في مشاريع قائمة على بروتوكول NEAR، بهدف تعزيز ونمو بيئته التقنية في الإمارات والعالم.

NewTribe and NEAR Logos

 ويعتبر بروتوكول ( NEAR ) القائم على البلوكتشين، منصّة رائدة في تطوير مشاريع الويب 3.0، ويوفر حلولاً لتوسيع نطاق الشبكة وإزالة الحواجز التي تحول دون تبني تكنولوجيا الويب 3.0. إضافة الى ميزات عدّة أهمها: السرعة العالية والرسوم المنخفضة وتجربة استخدام متقدمة Progressive UX . مجموعة من الميزات التي تتيح ل لمستخدمين الوصول إلى مستويات جديدة من دون مواجهة مشكلات التطبيقات اللامركزية التقليدية مثل ضعف تجربة المستخدمين وبطء وقت المعاملات.

وفي هذا الصدد، قالت الشريكة في “نيوترايب كابيتال” “جولييت سو: “لطالما كنا نتابع NEAR والتكنولوجيا الفائقة المعتمَدة لتطويرها، ونرى أن هناك إمكانية كبيرة لتنمو سريعاً. ويسرنا أن نكون أول صندوق رإسمالي يدعم تطوير البيئة التقنية لـ NEAR في منطقة الشرق الأوسط. إن وجود صندوق استثماري قوي مثل نيوترايب كابيتال في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، سيوفر الأدوات والدعم اللازمين لتحقيق النمو الفعال.”

هذا وتمّ بناء بروتوكول NEAR القائم على تقنية البلوكتشين، من أجل اقتصاد المبدعين والخلاقين . فهو يوفر بنية أساسية مستدامة وسوق واحدة حيث يكون أفراد المجموعة هم المسيطرون على أموالهم وبياناتهم، ما يمنحهم الأدوات اللازمة لتجسيد أفكارهم.

وتقدم “نيوترايب كابيتال” جميع الموارد اللازمة بما في ذلك المالية والاستشارية والتسويق والتوعية المجتمعية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يوفّر التعاون بين “نيوترايب كابيتال” وكل من “أورورا Aurora – “، هيومان غيلد Human Guild – ” و “أوكتوبوس Octopus – ” البنية الأساسية لجميع المشاريع المستعدة للبناء وال تطوير على بروتوكول “ Near Blockchain “.

  وكانت “نيوترايب كابيتال”، قد استثمرت في العديد من المشاريع القائمة على بروتوكول NEAR مثل شبكة “أتاريوس Attarius Network – “، منصّة “جامبو Jumbo Exchange – ” و”يومينتر YouMinter – “، وسوف تعلن عن مشاريع أخرى قريبا.

والجدير بالذكر، أن صندوق رأس المال الاستثماري نيوترايب كابيتال حصل على جائزة “أفضل صندوق رأس مال استثماري للعام” في قمة AIBC Summit لعام 2022 في الإمارات العربية المتحدة لمساهمته الكبيرة في تطوير البيئة التقنية للبلوكتشين.

حول “نيوترايب كابيتال”:

هو صندوق رأس مال استثماري موجه نحو النمو يتّخذ من دبي مركزاً له، ويشارك في التمويل الابتدائي والخاص . يستثمر في مشاريع البلوكتشين والأصول الرقمية في مراحلها المبكرة، ويقدم الدعم الطويل الأجل من خلال إنشاء شراكة صحية مع الشركاء. كما يقدم خدمات ذات قيمة مضافة للمشاريع تكفل تحقيق فوائد طويلة الأجل بجميع الوسائل.

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Rural California Hatches Plan for Engineered Mosquitoes to Battle Stealthy Predator

Published by
Kaiser Health News

VISALIA, Calif. — Bryan Ruiz moved his family into a newly built home in this Central Valley farming center seven months ago and almost immediately found they were under assault. Mosquitoes bit and harassed them in broad daylight. He looked around, trying to find a water source where they were breeding, and noticed a freshly dug pipe, meant to drain water from the backyard to the front. He lifted its cap and inside found a small puddle in the drainage line, which didn’t have enough slope to fully empty. He grabbed a turkey baster and drew water, already knowing what he would find: the larvae o… Continue reading “Rural California Hatches Plan for Engineered Mosquitoes to Battle Stealthy Predator”

Dante Labs receives grant by Italian government to pilot revolutionary CE-IVD, clinical whole genome sequencing-based Citizen Test for a G7 country, starting a new era in clinical genomics

NEW YORK, May 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dante Labs, a global leader in genomics and precision medicine, is pleased to announce the Italian Ministry of Economic Development has selected Dante to develop and pilot the first fully-CE-IVD, clinically approved whole genome sequencing (WGS) test for the citizens of Italy to be named the Dante Citizen Test.

The goal of the project is to introduce clinical whole genome sequencing with clinical reports in the standard medical care of the country’s hospitals and healthcare system and is the first step to introduce whole genome sequencing in the national healthcare system of a European and G7 country. The test will leverage Dante’s proprietary Extensa software for reporting, interpretation and analysis of whole genome and medical data.

“Clinical whole genome sequencing will finally become a standard solution in public healthcare systems, not as a luxury for the few but as a right for every citizen, thanks to the Dante Citizen Test,” said Andrea Riposati, CEO of Dante Labs. “The effective use of whole genome sequencing in standard clinical care requires mastery at sequencing, interpretation and integration of medical information, at scale. This is what we have been doing at Dante. Now, with partnerships with forward looking governments, like Italy’s, we can impact millions of patients worldwide.”

The groundbreaking project will be overseen by the Dante’s newly appointed European Medical Genomics Board, which is made of national and multinational world leaders in genomics, including geneticists, molecular biochemists and clinical experts in pharmacogenomics, nutrigenomics and oncogenomics, prenatal, neonatal and pediatric rare diseases.

About Dante Labs

Dante Labs is a global genomic information company building and commercializing a new class of transformative health and longevity applications based on whole genome sequencing and AI. The Company uses its platform to deliver better patient outcomes from diagnostics to therapeutics with assets including one of the largest private genome databases with research consent, proprietary software designed to unleash the power of genomic data at scale and proprietary processes which enable an industrial approach to genomic sequencing.


Laura D’Angelo
VP of Investor Relations
+39 0862 191 0671

Procter & Gamble announces new commitments and shares progress on actions to strengthen Equality & Inclusion across Asia Pacific, the Middle-East, and Africa

The commitments were announced at the P&G #WeSeeEqual regional summit that saw participation from global equality and inclusion advocates like Simone Biles, Dr.  Nawal Al Hosany, Anita Bhatia, Valerie Jarrett, among others

SINGAPORE, May 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Procter & Gamble (NYSE:PG) today announced new commitments aimed toward advancing Equality & Inclusion across Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa, at its fourth annual #WeSeeEqual summit for the region. The event saw participation from distinguished advocates and personalities from the private and public sectors who came together to discuss the challenges that society faces on equality and inclusion, and how different stakeholders can accelerate progress in the new normal.

Built on the theme, ‘#Unlearn and #Unleash‘, the summit saw P&G commit to several actions needed to advance progress towards creating an equal and inclusive world. P&G President for Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa, Magesvaran Suranjan, announced the following commitments:

  • P&G will spend a cumulative total of $300 million US dollars by deliberately working with women-owned and women-led businesses across the Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa region, from the year 2021 to 2025.
    • Last year, P&G committed to spending a cumulative total of $200 million US dollars by deliberately working with women-owned and women-led businesses across the region, from the year 2021 to 2025. With already more than $100 million US dollars invested through this initiative in the first year across the AMA region, the company is now elevating this commitment to $300 million US dollars by 2025.
  • P&G will achieve equal representation of female directors behind the camera for the company’s brand advertisements in Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa, by 2024.
    • In the AMA region, P&G has made strong progress, increasing representation of female directors from 16% in 2019 to 35% today. The company will achieve the 50-50 goal by 2024 through a comprehensive set of actions to build, fuel, and connect a pipeline of diverse female talent in advertising, media, and content.
  • P&G will improve the accessibility of its brand advertising, including social media content and websites, by making it accessible to people with sight and hearing impairments by 2024.
    • The company will do this for all new brand advertising across Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa. This initiative will make P&G brands more inclusive and accessible to all members of our community.
  • P&G will introduce the ‘P&G ReLaunch program’ – to welcome back talented professionals who took a break from the workforce and are looking to restart their careers in STEM roles, with targeted support and development.
    • This program is part of the company’s commitment to strengthen diversity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and will focus on people looking to relaunch their careers in IT, Research & Development, and Product Supply. The program will be first launched in India, Egypt, Singapore, Japan, and the Philippines.

Magesvaran Suranjan said: At P&G, we remain fully committed to creating a world where equal access and opportunity to learn, grow, succeed, and thrive are available to everyone. We believe in the power of our differences and the impact we can make when we come together, united by our shared values and purpose. We are making great progress, yet we know there is more work to be done. So we are announcing bold new commitments and expanding existing actions which will enable us to do more. We will continue to use the voice of our company and our brands in forums such as #WeSeeEqual to drive discussion and actions on the issues that matter.”

The company also shared strong progress on commitments across the Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa region made last year as part of the annual #WeSeeEqual summit. In 2021, P&G announced its ‘Share the Care’ parental leave policy, which has introduced greater leave benefits and flexibility for all new parents within the company. P&G has also achieved its commitment to achieving a 50-50 gender balance across its management workforce by 2022 in the AMA region, completing this ahead of schedule. On its commitment to educate more than 30 million girls on puberty and hygiene by 2024, through its brands Always and Whisper‘s “Keeping Girls in School” program, the company has already reached more than 15 million girls, achieving the halfway mark in one year.

Held in partnership with UN Women, the fourth annual regional #WeSeeEqual Summit engaged business leaders, government officials, and personalities in candid conversations around strategic actions that can be taken to advance equality and inclusion.

In addition to global and regional P&G leaders, the Summit also saw the participation of influential personalities and global leaders, including:

  • Simone Biles, the world’s most decorated gymnast
  • Valerie Jarrett, Chief Executive Officer, The Barack Obama Foundation
  • Her Excellency Dr. Nawal Al Hosany, UAE’s permanent representative to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
  • Anita Bhatia, Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director, UN Women
  • Alma Har’el, award-winning director, founder of Free the Bid and FREE THE WORK
  • Dr. Hsien Hsien Lei, Chief Executive Officer, The American Chamber of Commerce, Singapore
  • Scott Beaumont, President, Google – Asia Pacific
  • Lillian Barnard, Chief Executive Officer, Microsoft – South Africa

To inspire corporates and society alike, the summit also hosted P&G’s Chief Operating Officer, Shailesh Jejurikar, and the company’s Chief Brand Officer, Marc Pritchard to share their experiences and insights on the importance of leadership to drive equality and redefine inclusion behind the camera.

The #WeSeeEqual program demonstrates P&G’s continued commitment to creating a more equal and inclusive world and is also a winner of the U.S. Secretary of State’s Award for Corporate Excellence for Women’s Empowerment in 2019. As one of the world’s largest advertisers, P&G and its brands will also continue to leverage their influential voice in media and advertising to drive further awareness, tackle gender bias, spark conversations, and motivate change.

About Procter & Gamble

P&G serves consumers around the world with one of the strongest portfolios of trusted, quality, leadership brands, including Always®, Ambi Pur®, Ariel®, Bounty®, Charmin®, Crest®, Dawn®, Downy®, Fairy®, Febreze®, Gain®, Gillette®, Head & Shoulders®, Lenor®, Olay®, Oral-B®, Pampers®, Pantene®, SK-II®, Tide®, Vicks®, and Whisper®. The P&G community includes operations in approximately 70 countries worldwide. Please visit http://www.pg.com for the latest news and information about P&G and its brands.

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