Curia Receives 2024 CDMO Leadership Award

Curia recognized for its Service in the CDMO industry

2024 CDMO Leadership Award
Curia Receives 2024 CDMO Leadership Award in the Service category.

ALBANY, N.Y., Feb. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, a leading contract research, development and manufacturing organization, today announced it has been awarded a 2024 CDMO Leadership Award in the Service category, Small Pharma group. In its 13th year, the awards are presented by Outsourced Pharma and Life Science Leader.

“Curia is honored to receive this award,” said Philip Macnabb, CEO, Curia. “This distinction underscores our commitment to creating value for our customers across all of our R&D and manufacturing offerings, and we are especially appreciative to be acknowledged by the partners we support for that commitment.”

Winners of CDMO Leadership Awards are selected based on market research by Industry Standard Research (“ISR”) to distinguish CDMOs that meet or exceed customer expectations. For the 2024 awards, 98 contract manufacturers were evaluated by 23 performance metrics in ISR’s annual Contract Manufacturing Quality Benchmarking survey. Respondents to the survey only evaluate companies with which they have worked on an outsourced project within the past 18 months. Curia was awarded based on the feedback of respondents in the Small Pharma category.

“Congratulations to our 2024 CDMO Leadership Award winners. By vote of your customers, you are recognized as the best in the global outsourcing development and manufacturing sector of the biopharma industry,” says Louis Garguilo, Chief Editor and Conference Chair, Outsourced Pharma. “Award winners maintained and expanded capabilities and expertise to meet the needs of a diverse customer base; provided the additional quality and reliability so crucial to novel processes and products; and forged the closest relationships with customers. 2023 rang in with many unsettled questions. The 2024 CDMO Leadership Award winners are the support companies that best answered the bell over the past year.”

About Curia
Curia is a Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) with over 30 years of experience, an integrated network of 27 global sites and over 3,500 employees partnering with Biopharmaceutical customers to bring life-changing therapies to market. Our biologics and small molecules offering spans discovery through commercialization, with integrated regulatory and analytical capabilities. Our scientific and process experts and state-of-the-art facilities deliver best-in-class experience across drug substance and drug product manufacturing. From curiosity to cure, we deliver every step to improve patients’ lives. Visit us at

Corporate Contact:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9031149

Researchers at KFSH&RC & KAUST Discover Gene Responsible for Reproduction of the Most Dangerous Malaria Strain

Researchers at KFSH&RC & KAUST Discover Gene Responsible for Reproduction of the Most Dangerous Malaria Strain
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center – Riyadh

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Feb. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a major scientific breakthrough, a research team from King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC), in collaboration with King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), working alongside researchers from the UK, the US, and India, discovered a vital gene instrumental in combating malaria. This gene, termed PfAP2-MRP, is essential in the replication process of Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite that causes the most lethal strain of malaria.

Advanced laboratory techniques enabled the researchers to inhibit the PfAP2-MRP gene, revealing its critical role in the malaria parasite’s life cycle within red blood cells. This inhibition significantly disrupts the parasite’s ability to reproduce, reducing the severity of the disease’s symptoms and curbing its spread. This discovery is particularly impactful as it addresses Plasmodium falciparum malaria, which claims over half a million lives annually.

Dr. Ashraf Dada, Chairman of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre in Jeddah and the lead researcher, stated: “This discovery paves the way for the development of more effective treatments for the deadliest malaria strain, Plasmodium falciparum.” Also, this study enhances the scientific community’s understanding of the disease’s progression and its interaction with the human immune system, thereby strengthening efforts to combat this widespread malaria parasite prevalent in Africa.

Furthermore, the research demonstrated that the PfAP2-MRP gene regulates the production of genetically diverse protein receptors, allowing the parasite to evade the host’s immune system. This mechanism plays a significant role in the global spread of malaria and underscores the gene’s importance in developing future therapeutic strategies.

Published in the prestigious journal “Nature” this noteworthy study is part of a close collaboration between KFSH&RC and KAUST to engage in innovative research activities aimed at not only improving the diagnosis of microbes, bacteria, and parasites, but also underscores a global effort to combat pathogens and improve human health.

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre stands among the global leaders in providing specialized healthcare, driving innovation, and serving as an advanced medical research and education hub. Through strategic partnerships with prominent local, regional, and international institutions, the hospital is dedicated to advancing medical technologies and elevating the standards of healthcare worldwide.

About King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC):

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) stands as a leading healthcare institution in the Middle East, envisioned to be the optimal choice for every patient seeking specialized healthcare. The hospital boasts a rich history in the treatment of cancers, cardiovascular diseases, organ transplantation, neurosciences, and genetics.

In 2023, “Brand Finance” ranked King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre as the top academic medical centre in the Middle East and Africa, and among the top 20 globally. Additionally, in 2022, it was recognized as one of the leading global healthcare providers by Newsweek magazine.

As part of Saudi Vision 2030, a royal decree was issued on December 21, 2021, to transform the hospital into an independent, non-profit, government-owned entity, paving the way for a comprehensive transformation program aimed at achieving global leadership in healthcare through excellence and innovation.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


For more information please contact:

Mr. Essam Al-Zahrani, Media Affairs Head, 0555254429

Mr. Abdullah Al-Awn, Media Coordination Officer, 0556294232

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9031968

‫باحثون في “التخصصي” وجامعة “كاوست” يكتشفون جينًا مسؤولاً عن تكاثر أخطر أنواع الملاريا

Researchers at KFSH&RC & KAUST Discover Gene Responsible for Reproduction of the Most Dangerous Malaria Strain
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center – Riyadh

الرياض, Feb. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

اكتشف باحثون بمستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث، بالتعاون مع جامعة الملك عبدالله للعلوم والتقنية “كاوست”، وباحثون من بريطانيا وأمريكا والهند؛ جيناً مسؤولا عن تكاثر طفيليات الملاريا المتصورة المنجلية داخل كريات الدم الحمراء، وبتعطيل عمله تتوقف الطفيليات عن التكاثر بالشكل المعتاد، مما يؤدي إلى تخفيف أعراض المرض والحد من انتشار عدوى أشرس أنواع الملاريا التي تفتك بأكثر من نصف مليون إنسان سنويا.

وتمكن الباحثون من تحقيق هذا الاكتشاف باستخدام تقنيات مخبرية متقدمة في فحص وتحديد جزيئات وجينات البروتينات المشاركة في دورة طُفيل المتصور المنجلي، حيث تم من خلالها إيقاف عمل جين يُدعى PfAP2-MRP، وهو ما أسهم في إثبات أن طفيليات الملاريا لا تستطيع التكاثر داخل خلايا الدم الحمراء بالشكل المعتاد، كما يتعطل نشاطها وخروجها بشكل ملحوظ من داخل خلية الدم الحمراء المصابة جرّاء تعطل عمل هذا الجين، الأمر الذي يقلل بشكل كبير من اختراق خلايا بشرية جديدة في الدم، مما يسهم في تقليل أعراض المرض وكذلك الحد من انتشار العدوى بين الأفراد.

وقال الدكتور أشرف دادا، رئيس قسم علم الأمراض والطب المخبري في مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث بجدة، والباحث الرئيسي” إن الاكتشاف يمهد الطريق لابتكار أدوية ذات فعالية أكبر لعلاج الملاريا المتصورة المنجلية الذي يُعد الأخطر بين أقرانه“، موضحاً أن البحث يُقدم للمجتمع العلمي فهماً أعمق لكيفية تطور المرض، وآلية تجاوبه مع الجهاز المناعي البشري، مما يُعزز جهود مكافحة نوع الطفيليات المسببة للملاريا الأشد فتكاً والأكثر انتشاراً في القارة الأفريقية.

كما أثبت الباحثون أن الجين PfAP2-MRP يتحكم في الجينات التي تستخدمها طفيليات المتصورة المنجلية في تكوين مستقبلات بروتينية جديدة مختلفة في تركيبها الجيني تتحايل على الأجسام المضادة التي كوّنها الجهاز المناعي لجسم المصاب، لتصبح عديمة الجدوى، ما يتسبب بمعضلة مسؤولة عن انتشار الملاريا في العالم.

وجاءت هذه الدراسة المنشورة بمجلة نيتشر “Nature” الرائدة في مجال العلوم، ضمن تعاون بين “التخصصي” و “كاوست”؛ لإجراء أبحاث تسهم في اكتشاف وسائل مبتكرة لتحسين طريقة تشخيص الميكروبات والجراثيم والطفليات بشكل عام، وكذلك الوقاية والعلاج من الأمراض التي تسبب بها؛ بهدف محاربة الأمراض المعدية والحد من انتشارها.

ويُعد مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث من بين الأبرز عالميًا في تقديم الرعاية الصحية التخصصية، ورائدًا في الابتكار، ومركزًا متقدمًا في البحوث والتعليم الطبي، كما يسعى لتطوير التقنيات الطبية، والارتقاء بمستوى الرعاية الصحية على مستوى العالم، وذلك بالشراكة مع كبرى المؤسسات المحلية والإقليمية والدولية لتحقيق خدمة عالمية المستوى في المجالات السريرية والبحثية والتعليمية.

نبذة عن مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث:

يُعد مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث (KFSH&RC) أحد المؤسسات الصحية في الشرق الأوسط، وتتمثل رؤيته في أن يكون الخيار الأمثل لكل مريض في مجال تقديم الرعاية الصحية التخصصية، حيث يمتلك المستشفى تاريخاً حافلاً في علاج الأورام وأمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية، وزراعة الأعضاء، علوم الأعصاب، وعلم الوراثة.

وخلال العام 2023، صنفت منظمة “Brand Finance” مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث المركز الطبي الأكاديمي الأفضل في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا، ومن بين أفضل 20 مركزًا عالميًا. كما صُنف في العام 2022، ضمن مقدمي الرعاية الصحية الرائدين في جميع أنحاء العالم من قبل مجلة نيوزويك.

كجزء من رؤية السعودية 2030 وبرامجها، صدر في 21 ديسمبر 2021 أمر ملكي يقضي بتحويل المستشفى إلى مؤسسة مستقلة ذات طبيعة خاصة غير هادفة للربح ومملوكة للحكومة، في خطوة مهدت لانطلاق برنامج تحول شامل يستهدف تحقيق الريادة في مجال الرعاية الصحية على الصعيد العالمي من خلال التميز والابتكار.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى التواصل مع مدير الشؤون الإعلامية في المستشفى الأستاذ عصام الزهراني جوال: 0555254429 للتنسيقات الإعلامية، يرجى التواصل مع مسؤول التنسيقات الإعلامية الأستاذ عبدالله العون جوال: 0556294232

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9031968

Nocturne Acquisition Corporation Announces Postponement of Extraordinary General Meeting

SANTA ANA, CA / ACCESSWIRE / February 5, 2024 / Nocturne Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ:MBTCU) (the "Company"), announced today that the Board of Directors has voted in favor of a second postponement of the meeting date for the Extraordinary General Meeting that was to be held on January 30, 2024 for shareholders to vote on the proposed business combination with Cognos Therapeutics, Inc. The Extraordinary General Meeting that was postponed until February 6, 2024 has been postponed further and will now be held virtually on February 27, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time. The Company plans to continue to solicit proxies from shareholders during the period prior to the Extraordinary General Meeting. The record date for the Extraordinary General Meeting remains the close of business on December 29, 2023. No changes have been made in the proposals to be voted on by the shareholders at the postponed meeting. Shareholders who have previously submitted their proxy or otherwise voted and who do not want to change their vote need not take any action. Stockholders as of the record date may vote, even if they have subsequently sold their shares. The deadline by which shareholders must exercise their redemption rights in connection with the Extraordinary General Meeting has been extended to two business days prior to the second postponed meeting.

About Nocturne Acquisition Corp.

The Company is a blank check company organized for the purpose of effecting a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, recapitalization, reorganization, or other similar business combination with one or more businesses or entities. While the Company may pursue an acquisition opportunity in any industry or sector, the Company focuses its search for targets bringing to market disruptive technologies in the blockchain/crypto and artificial intelligence technology sectors. Equity value of potential targets is expected to be in the $300 million to $1 billion USD range.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Statements contained in this press release that are not historical facts may be forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements generally relate to future events or the Company's future financial or operating performance. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements because they contain words such as "may," "will," "should," "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "could," "intends," "target," "projects," "contemplates," "believes," "estimates," "predicts," "potential" or "continue" or the negative of these words or other similar terms or expressions that concern the Company's expectations, strategy, plans or intentions. . Such forward-looking statements do not constitute guarantees of future performance and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events or developments or otherwise.

Additional Information and Where to Find It

A full description of the terms of that certain Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization, dated December 30, 2022, by and among Nocturne, Cognos, and Nocturne Merger Sub, Inc., a Delaware corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of Nocturne, in connection with the proposed Merger is provided in the definitive Registration Statement which includes a prospectus with respect to the combined company's securities to be issued in connection with the Merger and a proxy statement with respect to the Extraordinary General Meeting to vote on the Merger. The definitive proxy statement/prospectus included in the Registration Statement has been mailed to stockholders of Nocturne as of the record date of December 29, 2023. Stockholders are also able to obtain a copy of the Registration Statement, including the proxy statement/prospectus, and other documents filed with the SEC without charge, by directing a request to Nocturne Acquisition Corporation, P.O Box 25739, Santa Ana, CA 92799, Attention Thomas Ao. The preliminary and definitive proxy statement/prospectus included in the Registration Statement can also be obtained, without charge, at the SEC's website (

Participants in Solicitation

Nocturne, Cognos and their respective directors and officers may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from Nocturne's stockholders in connection with the proposed business combination. Information about Nocturne's directors and executive officers and their ownership of Nocturne's securities is set forth in Nocturne's filings with the SEC. Additional information regarding the interests of those persons and other persons who may be deemed participants in the proposed business combination may be obtained by reading the Registration Statement.

MBTC Company/Media Contact:

MBTC Investor Relations Contact:

Chris Tyson/Doug Hobbs
MZ SPAC Investor Relations
(949) 491-8235

SOURCE: Nocturne Acquisition Corporation

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Physician Growth Partners Announces Promotion of Robert Aprill, From Managing Director to Partner

BOSTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / February 5, 2024 / Physician Growth Partners ("PGP"), a leading sell-side healthcare investment banking and transaction advisory firm, is pleased to announce the promotion of Robert Aprill to the position of Partner effective February 1, 2024.

Since joining PGP in January 2021 as a Managing Director, Robert has been instrumental in growing PGP's capabilities through his experience and knowledge of the healthcare ecosystem. He was keen on driving PGP's continued growth year-over-year, empowering Physician Growth Partners to become the lead advisor in representing physician groups in transactions with private equity. Robert has led PGP's efforts in orthopedics, urology, oral surgery, specialty dentistry, and behavioral health, among other specialties.

"Robert's accelerated promotion to partner is a testament to his exceptional leadership and invaluable contributions. His mentorship, commitment, and role in driving PGP's growth has made him a leader in this organization. As a partner, Robert will continue to steer us towards new heights, bringing his expertise and dedication to help further elevate our firm's achievements in the healthcare investment banking sector," said Michael Kroin, CEO and Managing Partner.

"As an individual I have always placed the utmost importance on aligning myself with people who share common goals and values. PGP was founded on the premise of providing a white glove approach to client service, while creating a culture of respect, loyalty, and teamwork. I am excited and honored to join PGP as a Partner and to continue working every day, strengthening our position as the premier investment bank in the healthcare sector," said Mr Aprill.

About Physician Growth Partners

Physician Growth Partners is one of the most active sell-side healthcare investment banking firms in the US and is dedicated to representing specialty physician practices in transactions with private equity. PGP creates value by providing operational support, strategic positioning, and transaction execution from start to finish. Founded in 2018, PGP has advised more than 60 practices to successful private equity partnerships.

Watch episode 27 of "Fixing Healthcare…From The Trenches", where Robert Aprill joined Dr Alejandro Badia to discuss the dynamic and consolidating healthcare landscape

For more information about Physician Growth Partners, please visit or contact us at 432 N. Clark Street, Ste. 200, Chicago, IL 60654

SOURCE: Physician Growth Partners

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Labor Smart Inc., LTNC, Next Gen Beverages Launches New eSports Division

JACKSON, WY / ACCESSWIRE / February 5, 2024 / Labor Smart, Inc. (OTC PINK:LTNC) through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Next Gen Beverages, maker of performance drink brand LOCK'DIN, is pleased to announce the launch of its new eSports Gaming Division.

The division was developed to accommodate the rapidly growing number of eSports (electronic sports) athletes taking part in multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between amateur and professional players and teams. The rapidly growing phenomenon surrounding eSports continues to gather momentum as the intersection of gaming and sports offers an innovative wave of branding opportunities, engaging content, and activations for millions across the world. The total market value for the eSports industry is estimated at over 1.6 billion. We encourage every "gamer" to visit for more information and to sign up.

Quoting our Interim CEO, Tom Zarro, "I am pleased to see the gaming enthusiasts have a dedicated space to participate in their eSports competitions, enjoy our LOCK'DIN beverage products, grow their community, and do so in an environment where they're most comfortable. It is my goal to see this division have its dedicated product line very soon, to be trademarked under another name, therefore delivering more to the parent company and the LTNC shareholder value proposition. We would love our current and potential shareholders, consumers, and gaming enthusiasts to please join our affiliate program and learn more about what's to come. "

All current and future products feature innovative, science-based formulas, many with branded, trademarked ingredients from such respected providers as Nutrition 21 and Applied Food Sciences. One example is the LOCK'DIN Nootropic Performance Drink featuring a strategic combination of two ingredients, nooLVL® and AmaTea MAX®, which have been shown in research to improve aspects of gaming performance including memory, focus, reaction time, and information processing. These benefits not only unlock peak performance for gamers but for everyday individuals who desire improved brain performance as well.

Please direct inquiries regarding the LOCK'DIN gaming division to its dedicated director at

On Tuesday, February 6th, 2024, at 8pm EST, we encourage shareholders and customers of LOCK'DIN Beverages to please join us on @lockdinnews Twitter Spacesto learn more about the ongoing developments in the company and our product line.

We encourage shareholders to register their email addresses with LOCK'DIN Beverages to stay up to date with product news and receive exclusive shareholder-only promotions. Sign up at

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the U.S. federal securities laws, which statements may include information regarding the plans, intentions, expectations, future financial performance, or future operating performance of Labor Smart, Inc. ("Labor Smart" or the "Company"). Forward-looking statements are based on the expectations, estimates, or projections of the Company's management as of the date of this press release. Although Labor Smart's management believes these expectations, estimates, or projections to be reasonable as of the date of this presentation, forward-looking statements are inherently subject to significant business risks, economic and competitive uncertainties, or other contingencies, which could cause the Company's actual results or performance to differ materially from what may be expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause Labor Smart's actual results or performance to differ materially from the forward-looking statements include those set forth in the "Risk Factors" sections in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which are available for viewing on the SEC's EDGAR website. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release and, except as required by law, Labor Smart specifically disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future.

Tom Zarro, Interim CEO and Board Member
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 2922
Jackson, WY 83001-2922

SOURCE: Labor Smart, Inc.

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PureCycle Provides Notice of Agreement in Principle to Purchase Ironton Bonds

ORLANDO, FL / ACCESSWIRE / February 5, 2024 / PureCycle Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq:PCT) (the "Company"), today announced that PureCycle: Ohio LLC ("PCO"), an indirect subsidiary of the Company, has reached an agreement in principle with holders of a majority (the "Majority Holders") of the Southern Ohio Port Authority Exempt Facility Revenue Bonds (PureCycle Project), Tax-Exempt Series 2020A (the "Series 2020A Bonds"), of which $219,550,000 principal amount is outstanding, to purchase for cash (the "Purchase"), at a purchase price equal to $1,030 per $1,000 principal amount of Bonds (as defined below) purchased (the "Purchase Price"). In addition to the Majority Holders, additional holders of the Series 2020A Bonds may participate in the Purchase.

Holders of the Series 2020A Bonds that participate in the Purchase will be required to consent (each a "Consent" and collectively, the "Consents") to certain proposed amendments (the "Proposed Amendments") to the bond documents governing the Series 2020A Bonds and closing of the Purchase will require that no less than Majority Holders participate in the Purchase and provide their Consents. The Proposed Amendments will eliminate certain restrictive covenants and events of default contained in the bond documents governing the Series 2020A Bonds that are permitted to be eliminated with the consent of the Majority Holders. The Consents will become effective upon closing of the Purchase.

In addition to the Purchase of the Series 2020A Bonds, PCO may purchase Southern Ohio Port Authority Subordinate Exempt Facility Revenue Bonds (PureCycle Project), Tax-Exempt Series 2020B (the "Series 2020B Bonds"), of which $20,000,000 principal amount is outstanding, and Southern Ohio Port Authority Subordinate Exempt Facility Revenue Bonds (PureCycle Project), Taxable Series 2020C (the "Series 2020C Bonds"), of which $10,000,000 principal amount is outstanding (the Series 2020A Bonds, Series 2020B Bonds and Series 2020C Bonds collectively, the "Bonds," and the holders thereof, the "Holders"), for which Consents shall also be required to the extent such Bonds are purchased.

The Purchase Price is calculated in part to compensate the Sellers for default interest accruing from January 2, 2023 through December 31, 2023, and any other accrued and unpaid interest on the Bonds from, and including, the most recent interest payment date up to the closing date of the Purchase. The Purchase Price does not include any default or penalty interest accruing from January 1, 2024, that may otherwise be owed and Holders that participate in the Purchase will waive their respective right to such default or penalty interest.

The Proposed Amendments to the Indenture of Trust, dated as of October 1, 2020 (as amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the "Indenture"), between Southern Ohio Port Authority (the "Issuer") and UMB Bank, N.A., as trustee ("Trustee") and the Loan Agreement by and between the Issuer and PCO, dated as of October 1, 2020 (as amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the "Loan Agreement") are expected to include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Elimination of certain restrictive covenants and events of default contained in the Indenture and the Loan Agreement and other transaction documents that are permitted to be eliminated with the consent of the Majority Holders; and
  • Release of funds (solely to the extent such release may be effectuated with the consent of the Majority Holders) on deposit in accounts in the Trust Estate (as defined in the Indenture) in an amount proportionate to the percentage of the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds that Sellers submit for Purchase, which released funds will be used by PCO to effectuate the Purchase.

The Purchase is intended to allow the Company to provide additional flexibility in completing commissioning activities at the Ironton Facility. The Company expects to fund the Purchase with those Trust Estate funds released under the Proposed Amendments together with available cash on hand.

The Purchase will not occur unless the Majority Holders participate in the Purchase and provide Consents to the Proposed Amendments. The Purchase is expected to close no later than February 15, 2024.

None of the Company or its affiliates, their respective boards of directors, or the Trustee is making any recommendation as to whether Holders should participate in the Purchase, and neither the Company nor any such other person has authorized any person to make any such recommendation. Holders must make their own decisions as to whether to sell any Bonds and the principal amount of Bonds to sell.

This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy or an offer to purchase or sell any securities. The offer is being made only pursuant to a definitive purchase agreement between PCO and the participating Holders and only in such jurisdictions where permitted under applicable law.


PureCycle Contact

Christian Bruey
+1 (352) 745-6120

About PureCycle Technologies

PureCycle Technologies LLC., a subsidiary of PureCycle Technologies, Inc., holds a global license for the only patented solvent-driven purification recycling technology, developed by The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G), that is designed to transform polypropylene plastic waste (designated as No. 5 plastic) into a continuously renewable resource. The unique purification process removes color, odor, and other impurities from No. 5 plastic waste resulting in an ultra-pure recycled (UPR) plastic that can be recycled and reused multiple times, changing our relationship with plastic.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements, including statements about the outcome of any legal proceedings to which PureCycle is, or may become a party, and the financial condition, results of operations, earnings outlook and prospects of PureCycle. Forward-looking statements generally relate to future events or PureCycle's future financial or operating performance and may refer to projections and forecasts. Forward-looking statements are often identified by future or conditional words such as "plan," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "outlook," "estimate," "forecast," "project," "continue," "could," "may," "might," "possible," "potential," "predict," "should," "would" and other similar words and expressions (or the negative versions of such words or expressions), but the absence of these words does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking.

The forward-looking statements are based on the current expectations of the management of PureCycle and are inherently subject to uncertainties and changes in circumstances and their potential effects and speak only as of the date of this press release. There can be no assurance that future developments will be those that have been anticipated. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties or other assumptions that may cause actual results or performance to be materially different from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those factors described in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in each of PureCycle's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 and PureCycle's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, those discussed and identified in other public filings made with the Securities and Exchange Commission by PureCycle and the following:

• PCT's ability to obtain funding for its operations and future growth and to continue as a going concern;

• PCT's ability to meet, and to continue to meet, applicable regulatory requirements for the use of PCT's UPR resin (as defined below) in food grade applications (including in the United States, Europe, Asia and other future international locations);

• PCT's ability to comply on an ongoing basis with the numerous regulatory requirements applicable to the UPR resin and PCT's facilities (including in the United States, Europe, Asia and other future international locations);

• expectations and changes regarding PCT's strategies and future financial performance, including its future business plans, expansion plans or objectives, prospective performance and opportunities and competitors, revenues, products and services, pricing, operating expenses, market trends, liquidity, cash flows and uses of cash, capital expenditures, and PCT's ability to invest in growth initiatives;

• the ability of PCT's first commercial-scale recycling facility in Lawrence County, Ohio (the "Ironton Facility") to be appropriately certified by Leidos, following certain performance and other tests, and commence full-scale commercial operations in a timely and cost-effective manner;

• PCT's ability to meet, and to continue to meet, the requirements imposed upon it and its subsidiaries by the funding for its operations, including the funding for the Ironton Facility;

• PCT's ability to complete the necessary funding with respect to, and complete the construction of, (i) its first U.S. multi-line facility, located in Augusta, Georgia (the "Augusta Facility"); (ii) its first commercial-scale European plant located in Antwerp, Belgium and (iii) its first commercial-scale Asian plant located in Ulsan, South Korea, in a timely and cost-effective manner;

• PCT's ability to sort and process polypropylene plastic waste at its plastic waste prep ("Feed PreP") facilities;

• PCT's ability to maintain exclusivity under the Procter & Gamble Company ("P&G") license (as described below);

• the implementation, market acceptance and success of PCT's business model and growth strategy;

• the success or profitability of PCT's offtake arrangements;

• the ability to source feedstock with a high polypropylene content at a reasonable cost;

• PCT's future capital requirements and sources and uses of cash;

• developments and projections relating to PCT's competitors and industry;

• the outcome of any legal or regulatory proceedings to which PCT is, or may become, a party including the securities class action case;

• geopolitical risk and changes in applicable laws or regulations;

• the possibility that PCT may be adversely affected by other economic, business, and/or competitive factors, including rising interest rates, availability of capital, economic cycles, and other macro-economic impacts;

• turnover or increases in employees and employee-related costs;

• changes in the prices and availability of labor (including labor shortages), transportation and materials, including significant inflation, supply chain conditions and its related impact on energy and raw materials, and PCT's ability to obtain them in a timely and cost-effective manner;

• any business disruptions due to political or economic instability, pandemics, armed hostilities (including the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the current situation in Israel);

• the potential impact of climate change on PCT, including physical and transition risks, higher regulatory and compliance costs, reputational risks, and availability of capital on attractive terms; and operational risk.

SOURCE: PureCycle Technologies, Inc.

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Innodata to Participate in A.G.P.’s Virtual Technology Conference

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / February 5, 2024 / INNODATA INC. (NASDAQ:INOD) a leading data engineering company, announced that it will be participating in the Alliance Global Partners (A.G.P.) Virtual Technology Conference on February 7, 2024.

Jack Abuhoff, CEO, will be hosting one-on-one meetings. Innodata's investor presentation is available at

Alliance Global Partners ( is a global investment and advisory firm based in New York City.

Investors who wish to request a meeting with Innodata should contact their A.G.P. representative or reach out to Marcia Novero, company contact, at

About Innodata

Innodata (NASDAQ:INOD) is a global data engineering company delivering the promise of AI to many of the world's most prestigious companies. We provide AI-enabled software platforms and managed services for AI data collection/annotation, AI digital transformation, and industry-specific business processes. Our low-code Innodata AI technology platform is at the core of our offerings. In every relationship, we honor our 30+ year legacy delivering the highest quality data and outstanding service to our customers. Visit to learn more.

Forward Looking Statements

This press release may contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements concerning our operations, economic performance, and financial condition. Words such as "project," "believe," "expect," "can," "continue," "could," "intend," "may," "should," "will," "anticipate," "indicate," "predict," "likely," "estimate," "plan," "potential," "possible," "promises," or the negatives thereof, and other similar expressions generally identify forward-looking statements.

These forward-looking statements are based on management's current expectations, assumptions and estimates and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, impacts resulting from the continuing conflict between Russia and the Ukraine and Hamas' attack against Israel and the ensuing conflict; investments in large language models; that contracts may be terminated by customers; projected or committed volumes of work may not materialize; pipeline opportunities and customer discussions which may not materialize into work or expected volumes of work; the likelihood of continued development of the markets, particularly new and emerging markets, that our services support; the ability and willingness of our customers and prospective customers to execute business plans that give rise to requirements for our services; continuing reliance on project-based work in the Digital Data Solutions (DDS) segment and the primarily at-will nature of such contracts and the ability of these customers to reduce, delay or cancel projects; potential inability to replace projects that are completed, canceled or reduced; continuing DDS segment revenue concentration in a limited number of customers; our dependency on content providers in our Agility segment; difficulty in integrating and deriving synergies from acquisitions, joint ventures and strategic investments; potential undiscovered liabilities of companies and businesses that we may acquire; potential impairment of the carrying value of goodwill and other acquired intangible assets of companies and businesses that we acquire; a continued downturn in or depressed market conditions; changes in external market factors; changes in our business or growth strategy; the emergence of new, or growth in existing competitors; various other competitive and technological factors; our use of and reliance on information technology systems, including potential security breaches, cyber-attacks, privacy breaches or data breaches that result in the unauthorized disclosure of consumer, customer, employee or Company information, or service interruptions and other risks and uncertainties indicated from time to time in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Our actual results could differ materially from the results referred to in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, the risks discussed in Part I, Item 1A. "Risk Factors," Part II, Item 7. "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations," and other parts of our Annual Report on Form 10-K, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 24, 2023, as updated or amended by our other filings that we may make with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In light of these risks and uncertainties, there can be no assurance that the results referred to in the forward-looking statements will occur, and you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof.

We undertake no obligation to update or review any guidance or other forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as may be required by the Federal securities laws.

Company Contact

Marcia Novero
Innodata Inc.
(201) 371-8015

SOURCE: Innodata Inc.

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Here to Serve Holding Corp. Completes Company Name Change to Mesa Home Resources, Inc., Under the New Trading Symbol “MHRE”

ANAHEIM, CA / ACCESSWIRE / February 5, 2024 / Mesa Home Resources, Inc. (OTC PINK:MHRE) ("Mesa" or the "Company") is the new corporate name and ticker symbol of Here To Serve Holding Corp. (OTC PINK:HTSC).

Effective February 5, 2024. the Company will be officially known as Mesa Home Resources, Inc., and its new trading symbol will be MHRE. The change reflects the Company's commitment to its new strategic direction and aligns with recent transformative developments.

The Company recently completed its acquisition of DCE Construction, Inc., dba Mesa Garage Doors, marking a pivotal moment in the Company's growth trajectory. The acquisition, which closed on November 3, 2023, positioned the Company as a leader in the home improvement sector, focusing on garage doors, entry doors, and custom gates.

Dwight Esnard, CEO of Mesa Home Resources, Inc., expressed enthusiasm for the achievement, stating "The completion of the acquisition and related transactions are pivotal milestones for our growth. We believe that we are now well-positioned to harness the vast opportunities presented in the home improvement industry."

Michael Layman, CFO of Mesa Home Resources, Inc., added "The strategic decisions taken by Mesa Home Resources, Inc. pave the way for exciting prospects in the home improvement sector. We are committed to driving financial success."

About Mesa Home Resources, Inc.
Mesa Home Resources, Inc. (OTC PINK:MHRE) was founded over 30 years ago, and is a Southern California leader in the otherwise highly fragmented business of sales, installation, and service for garage doors. Over these 30 years, Mesa has serviced well over half of a million customers, utilizing its own staff of installers, technicians, and repair employees. With a strong reputation and extensive customer base, Mesa has leveraged its financial strength, scalability, operations and service call center, and professional management to become one of the largest garage door specialty companies in the United States. (

Safe Harbor Statement
This release contains "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements also may be included in other publicly available documents issued by Mesa Home Resources, Inc. and in oral statements made by our officers and representatives from time to time. These forward-looking statements are intended to provide management's current expectations or plans for our future operating and financial performance, based on assumptions currently believed to be valid. They can be identified by the use of words such as "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "goal," "seek," "believe," "project," "estimate," "expect," "strategy," "future," "likely," "may," "should," "would," "could," and other words of similar meaning in connection with a discussion of future operating or financial performance.

Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others, statements relating to the Company's ability to successfully integrate the Mesa business, the development of the Company post-closing, future sales, earnings, cash flows, results of operations, uses of cash, and other measures of financial performance.

Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause Mesa Home Resources, Inc.'s actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties and other factors include, among others such as, but are not limited to economic conditions, changes in the laws or regulations, demand for Mesa Home Resources, Inc.'s products and services, the effects of competition, and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or represented in the forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking information provided in this release should be considered with these factors in mind. We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this press release.

Company Contact:
For more information about Mesa Home Resources, Inc. please contact:
(714) 560-7270

SOURCE: Mesa Home Resources, Inc.

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