SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Virtualness, a mobile-first platform designed to help creators and brands navigate the complex world of Web3, announced today it has secured over $8M in seed funding. The fundraise was led by Blockchange Ventures, and joined by Polygon Ventures, Micron Ventures, Perot Jain, VC3 DAO, Carolyn Everson, Randi Zuckerberg, Nusier Yassin (Nas Daily), Amit Jain, Firoozeh Dumas, Neeraj Sagar, Satyen Kothari, Stacy Brown-Philpot and other thought-leaders.

There are more than 300M creators worldwide, half of them joining the creator economy in the last two years. Despite this extraordinary migration, these creators lack even the most basic tools to scale their businesses and easily capture the value-creation opportunities that blockchain and Web3 represent. Centered on the ethos of “empathy at the core,” Virtualness puts creators first, and is building the playbook for easy design, efficient sharing and seamless digital commerce.

Upon launch in early 2023, authenticated creators and brands will use the platform to design, mint and showcase branded digital collectibles; easily share across their social media channels; directly interact with their fans and community; enable unique experiences; and unlock new channels for monetization. Education, personalization, discovery, integration with Web2 and Web3 platforms and a mobile-first experience are core to the platform.

Virtualness is co-founded by Kirthiga Reddy, employee #1 and former Managing Director of Facebook India & South Asia and former Investment Partner at Softbank Investment Advisers, along with Saurabh Doshi, former Head of Meta, Asia-Pacific for Entertainment; Emerging Markets & Greater China Region for Creators and former Vice President at Viacom Group & Star India. Reddy and Doshi will leverage their decades of global entrepreneurial experience partnering with creators, media, brands, and tech platforms.

“Creators are the ultimate entrepreneurs. We’ve been at the heart of the Web2 ecosystem building and onboarding creators and brands, and we’re on our journey to do it again for Web3. People are spending more and more time in various digital worlds and have the desire for customized experiences, individual identities, expressions and personalized commerce.” said Reddy and Doshi. “We’re excited to see how creators and brands mimic various physical experiences in digital forms and in newer ways. This is about building a new economy – unlocked by branded digital collectibles that deliver unique experiences, capability and value. Our belief is that everything that can move from a physical form to digital will move.”

Reddy and Doshi are working closely with creators to inform how they build their product. Nusier Yassin (Nas Daily), a beloved creator with more than 50M followers across social media platforms and an investor in Virtualness, is one of the tech-forward creators helping shape the product from the concept stage.

“Kirthiga and Saurabh lead with hustle, heart and vision. I have had a ringside view of how they shepherded the transition to a digital and mobile world and onboarded a range of global creators and brands to Web2. The depth of their relationships with creators, brands and the entire ecosystem is unparalleled. Their shared experiences and impact over the last decade give me absolute conviction that they will do the same as they unlock the power of Web3 for creators and brands.” said Yassin. “Typically, countries outside of the US and Europe get access to features much later. I am confident that this team will unlock opportunities for creators and their fans no matter where they live. Kirthiga and Saurabh have the rare experience of scaling innovative, user-friendly technology globally, with a focus on creator monetization.”

With a core engineering team with a successful track record of collaboration on prior start-ups, Virtualness has bootstrapped a proof of concept on the Polygon chain. The company will use this first round of funding to support a number of key areas, including new hires in engineering, product, and design in the United States, India, Singapore, Dubai and other parts of the world – helping the company to innovate, expand platform support to additional blockchains, integrate with offline and online experiences — including metaverse platforms — and launch its offerings.

“This is a time of great transformation in the future of work, economic opportunity, and drivers of social change.” said Cailleach De Weingart-Ryan, GP, Blockchange Ventures. “Blockchain will have a tremendous impact on businesses and society and we believe Virtualness will be a leader in the next chapter of the generational technology shift the Blockchain represents. Kirthiga and Saurabh’s experiences are custom-built to help those who want to tap into Web3 but don’t know how. Their ability to navigate cross-cultural differences, expertise on the utility of the Blockchain and creator-obsessed approach to building product, is the triple-threat needed to accelerate adoption in Web3 at a global scale. As early investors in all aspects of the blockchain revolution, we look forward to partnering with Kirthiga and Saurabh and amplifying their efforts to democratize and unlock value-creation for creators and brands of any size and stage.”

Zuckerberg and Yassin serve as Advisors for the company, along with Ben Yu, CTO of Curious Addys, Jim Louderback, former GM of VidCon, Mai Akiyoshi, CEO of Curious Addys, and Shiva Rajaraman, VP Product of OpenSea. They have been at the forefront of creator economy trends and bring extensive expertise across diverse fields including media, art, entertainment, blockchain and web3. Their guidance has been instrumental in taking Virtualness from concept to reality and will continue to help shape the global vision.

Virtualness will roll out core capabilities for creators and brands when the platform launches in 2023.

About Virtualness
Virtualness is a mobile-first platform designed to help creators and brands navigate the complex world of Web3. Founded in 2022 by industry leaders Kirthiga Reddy and Saurabh Doshi, Virtualness puts creators first and is building the playbook for easy design, efficient sharing and seamless digital commerce. Authenticated creators and brands can use Virtualness to design, mint and showcase branded digital collectibles; easily share across their social media channels; directly interact with their community; enable unique experiences and unlock new channels for monetization. Funding led by Blockchange Ventures with participation from Polygon Ventures, F7 Ventures, Micron Ventures, Oceans Ventures, Neythri Futures Fund, Carolyn Everson, Randi Zuckerberg, Nusier Yassin (Nas Daily), Nikki Farb, Stacy Brown-Philpot, and other thought-leaders. To learn more visit

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‫Tianlong تعرض حل تحليل PCR في المختبر الذكي المبتكر في Medica 2022

شيان، الصين، 16 نوفمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — في الفترة من 14 إلى 17 نوفمبر، سيعرض حل تحليل PCR في المختبر الذكي الذي أطلقته Tianlong حديثًا في Medica 2022 في دوسلدورف، ألمانيا. يمكن لحل تحليل PCR في المختبر الذكي المبتكر من Tianlong زيادة الموارد إلى أقصى حد من خلال الاستفادة المثلى من الأشخاص والمساحة والمعدات، وتمكين تحليل PCR في المختبر بإنتاجية عالية وكفاءة عالية.

Tianlong team in Medica

كيف يمكننا تمكين تحليل PCR في المختبر؟

يختلف نظام المختبر الذكي Tianlong عن تحاليل PCR التقليدية التي تعتمد على التسجيل اليدوي والورقي، ويمكن لنظام المختبر الذكي من Tianlong تتبع جميع العينات، ومراقبة حالة التجربة في الوقت الفعلي، وبالتالي تحقيق التتبع السريع لنتائج الاختبار غير الطبيعية. لدى المحترفين رؤية غير مسبوقة لكل ما يحدث في المختبر.

يؤدي التسجيل غير الورقي إلى إزالة مهام سير العمل اليدوية المعرضة للأخطاء. يمكن للأداة الأوتوماتيكية بالكامل تحسين كفاءة المختبر وتوحيد العملية. مع نظام المختبر الذكي المبتكر والأجهزة الأوتوماتيكية المترابطة، يمكن تعزيز كفاءة اختبار الحمض النووي في المختبر بشكل كبير ويمكن ضمان سلامة البيانات.

Overview of Tianlong smart PCR lab solution

تسمح زيادة الاتصال والأتمتة للمختبرات بالعمل بكفاءة أكبر، مما يؤدي إلى بيانات عالية الجودة مع عمالة بشرية أقل وخطأ بشري أقل. في تحليل PCR في المختبر الذكي، يمكن أن تنخفض العمالة البشرية بنسبة 75% ويمكن أن تزيد قدرة الاختبار بنسبة 160% في نوبة مدتها 8 ساعات مقارنة بتحليل PCR في المختبر التقليدي. يعد حل المختبر الذكي من Tianlong مثاليًا للاختبارات الضخمة نظرًا لكفاءته العالية.

حتى الآن، تم تطبيق حل المختبر الذكي من Tianlong في العديد من المستشفيات مثل مستشفى بكين للأطفال ومستشفى بكين تسينغهوا تشانغ غنغ في البر الرئيسي للصين بالإضافة إلى بعض مختبرات الصحة العامة في هونغ كونغ، مما مكن هذه المختبرات بشكل كبير من أقصى قدر من الكفاءة.

نبذة عن Tianlong

Tianlong هي شركة مبتكرة للتكنولوجيا الفائقة متخصصة في منتجات التشخيص الجزيئي في الصين. منذ تأسيسها في عام 1997، كرست Tianlong نفسها لتوفير حلول تحليل PCR في المختبر المتكاملة للمهنيين في جميع أنحاء العالم. لدينا مجموعة واسعة من المنتجات التي تغطي من الأجهزة إلى الكواشف، بما في ذلك مستخلصات الأحماض النووية، وأنظمة PCR في الوقت الفعلي، وأنظمة التشخيص الجزيئي الكل في واحد، وأنظمة معالجة العينات، وأنظمة مناولة السوائل، و 300 نوع من الكواشف المتوافقة. مع علامات NMPA و CE و FDA ، تم تصدير منتجاتنا إلى أكثر من 100 دولة ومنطقة في جميع أنحاء العالم وساعدت بشكل كبير في الوقاية من الأوبئة ومكافحتها مثل COVID-19 و SARS وأنفلونزا الطيور والإيبولا وزيكا وحمى الخنازير الأفريقية.

استكشف Tianlong

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‫تلفزيون الصين المركزي (+CCTV): التعاون الإعلامي الصيني الأفريقي في إطار مفهوم “الإخلاص والنتائج الحقيقية والصداقة وحسن النية”

بكين، 16 نوفمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — عقد الاجتماع السنوي السادس لاتحاد الروابط الأفريقية ( ALU ) في بكين يوم الاثنين، حيث جمع 26 ممثلًا إعلاميًا من 19 دولة ومنطقة للمساعدة في تعزيز التعاون الإعلامي بين الصين وأفريقيا.

A group photo of media representatives.

وشارك المشاركون الذين استضافتهم وكالة أنباء الفيديو CCTV (CCTV+) وجهات نظرهم حول كيفية تعميق التعاون تحت شعار “الإخلاص والنتائج الحقيقية والصداقة وحسن النية، وتعزيز التعاون الإعلامي الصيني الأفريقي”.

وفي كلمته الافتتاحية، رحب السيد تينغ يون بينغ، رئيس CCTV+ ، ترحيبًا حارًا بالحضور من جميع أنحاء القارة الأفريقية، وقال إن التعاون الإعلامي الصيني الأفريقي لعب دورًا أساسيًا في تعزيز العلاقات بين الجانبين.

وقال تينغ إن “آلية عمل الاتحاد جعلتنا أقرب وأقرب، كما بنت جسرًا للتواصل بين الشعبين من حيث الاتصالات الإعلامية بين الصين وأفريقيا”، مضيفًا أن الاتحاد قدم مساهمات إيجابية في التنمية الشاملة للعلاقات الصينية الأفريقية.

كما شهد الاجتماع توقيع اتفاقية تعاون بشأن منصة الخدمات الإعلامية ( AMSP ) بين تينغ يونبينغ، رئيس CCTV+ ، وعثمان عبد المؤمن بشير، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة تشاد 24.

Mr. Teng Yunping signed the Cooperation Agreement on AMSP with the CEO of Tchad 24.

وقالت السيدة سونغ جيانينغ، نائبة مدير شبكة التلفزيون العالمية الصينية: “من أجل تجميع المحتوى الإخباري لوسائل الإعلام الرئيسية في العالم بشكل أفضل وإنشاء وسائل إعلام تعاونية دولية متنوعة وفعالة ومتعمقة على المدى الطويل، فإن CGTN على استعداد لتزويد الشركاء الإعلاميين الأفارقة بمزيد من المنتجات الإعلامية العامة في المستقبل، وإجراء تبادلات وتعاون أوثق.”

“لقد أصبحت CCTV plus مصدرًا مهما للمحتوى الإخباري لمحطتنا”، هذا ما قالته السيدة سوزان نغونجا، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Switch TV الكينية.

وقالت: “تتطلع Switch Media إلى زيادة بناء التحالفات داخل اتحاد أفريكان لينك من خلال إنشاء منتج عالمي المستوى من المحتوى الإخباري الاحترافي وتعزيز الشراكة لسنوات قادمة”.

“شكرًا لمجموعة الصين الإعلامية CGTN و CCTV + على التعاون. لقد تعلمنا منكم، وتكيفنا مع أساليب العمل الجديدة مثل منصة AMSP على سبيل المثال”، هذا ما قاله السيد مارتن نغنينغاي، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة أفريك ميديا من الكاميرون. وقال إن تبادل المحتوى السمعي البصري سمح للجماهير باكتشاف الحقيقة حول الصين ومعرفة المزيد عن الروعة والتنوع الثقافي والمواقع السياحية في البلدان المعنية، وخاصة لتحقيق الحياد والصرامة في معالجة المعلومات.

كما تبادل ممثلو وسائل الإعلام آراءهم حول تغطية الأحداث الدولية الهامة وخططهم المستقبلية للتعاون الإعلامي الصيني والأفريقي بعد المؤتمر الوطني ال20 للحزب الشيوعي الصيني، فضلًا عن مواصلة تطوير الاتحاد في الاجتماع.

كما شهد الحدث الإعلان عن الفائزين بجوائز ALU News Awards من 2021 إلى 2022، تكريمًا للأعضاء الذين قدموا مساهمات بارزة في تطوير منصة التعاون خلال العام الماضي.

تم إطلاق ALU من قبل CCTV + والمؤسسات الإعلامية في جميع أنحاء أفريقيا في عام 2016، بهدف تعزيز التعاون الإعلامي والتبادلات بين الصين وأفريقيا.

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Ulf Kristersson elected Sweden’s new prime minister

Sweden’s parliament on Monday elected Moderates leader Ulf Kristersson as the country’s new prime minister.

A total of 176 members of the Riksdag voted in favor of Kristersson, while 173 members voted against him.

“It feels great, I am grateful and happy about the confidence I have received from the Riksdag and also markedly humble about the task that lies ahead of us,” Kristersson said in a news conference following the vote.

He was met with standing ovations, but also criticism from the opposition after his speech.

Kristersson will be leading a three-party coalition government with the Moderates, the Christian Democrats and the Liberals.

The newly elected prime minister said that the final decisions in government formation will be taken “as soon as we can.”

Kristersson is expected on Tuesday to announce who will be part of his government.

Outgoing Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, who leads the transitional government, congratulated Kristersson on becoming the prime minister in an Instagram post.

However, Andersson said: “Before the elections, the four right-wing conservative parties promised very much. But we already hear how they are beginning to let down their promises to the voters.”

Asked about criticism by his party members on the deal between three right-wing parties, Kristersson said that he does not see it as a problem.

“I believe that there is a serious atmosphere in Swedish politics for many different reasons,” he said, adding that he believes the vast majority will be focusing on doing “as much good as possible” despite differences.

The right-wing bloc won a slim majority in last month’s election over the ruling Social Democrats government and its left-wing bloc by securing 176 seats in a 349-member parliament.

Far-right Sweden Democrats will not be a part of the government, however, Kristersson said in a press conference last week that “he will cooperate closely with the Sweden Democrats.”

Source: Anadolu Agency

Iraq’s new president hopes for quick government formation

New Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid on Monday voiced hope for a quick formation of the country’s new government.

“We hope that the new government will be formed quickly to meet the demands of the Iraqis,” he said in a swearing-in ceremony attended by government officials and politicians in the capital Baghdad.

Rashid vowed to work “to protect the constitution and solve the country’s problems.”

Rashid was elected as Iraq’s new president on Thursday by Iraqi lawmakers after securing 162 votes against 99 votes for his predecessor Barham Salih.

Iraqi parties have been unable to agree on the formation of the country’s new government since last year’s general elections.

Under a political norm in Iraq since 2006, a Kurd is elected president, while a Sunni heads the parliament and a Shia takes the role of prime minister.

*Ikram Imane Kouachi contributed to this report.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Russia ‘won’t break us,’ Ukrainian president says after fresh wave of strikes

Ukraine’s president on Monday vowed that Kyiv would stay resolute in its war against Russia following another wave of drone strikes on the capital and other cities hours earlier.

“All night and all morning, the enemy terrorizes the civilian population. Kamikaze drones and missiles are attacking all of Ukraine (…) The enemy can attack our cities, but it won’t be able to break us,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Telegram.

Zelenskyy further underlined that Russia would be “punished” and “condemned” by future generations, pledging to achieve victory.

In a separate statement, one of Zelenskyy’s aides, Mykhailo Podolyak, criticized Russia’s inclusion in the upcoming G-20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia on Oct. 15-16.

“Those who give orders to attack critical infrastructure to freeze civilians and organize total mobilization to cover the frontline with corpses, cannot sit at the same table with leaders of G20,” Podolyak said on Twitter.

Meanwhile, authorities noted that a residential building in Kyiv had been hit during Monday morning’s drone strikes.

“The body of a civilian was already found under the debris of the residential building. Rescue work continues,” Interior Ministry advisor Anton Gerashchenko said on Telegram.

Gerashchenko further noted that 18 people were recovered from the debris of the building so far.

Since late Sunday, multiple explosions have rocked major Ukrainian regions, namely Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Sumy.

Missile and drone strikes were also reported by Ukrainian authorities in the Kyiv, Zaporizhzhia, and Kharkiv regions on Saturday.

Source: Anadolu Agency

More coercive measures expected if ‘tight supply situation’ continues in France

French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne has said there could be further coercive measures by the government in the event of a “very tight supply situation” at gas stations.

“If the situation remains very tense on Monday, more workers would be ordered to duty,” Borne told TF1 television Sunday evening.

The prefects in Flanders (Hauts-de-France) and Feyzin (Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes) have taken measures to force TotalEnergies employees to work, Liberation newspaper reported.

While the strikes at the Esso-ExxonMobil refineries ended Friday, they are continuing on Monday at TotalEnergies refineries following a call by the CGT, one of the five major trade unions in France.

The majority of unions have reached an agreement on wage increases.

Also this weekend, 30% of gas stations reported they were short on at least one fuel.

France could be in for a critical week, as many unions, including CGT and FO, have called for a general strike for Tuesday.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Moscow mayor announces end of partial mobilization in Russia’s capital

Moscow has completed tasks on partial mobilization set by the Russian Defense Ministry, the city mayor announced on Monday.

“According to the military commissar of Moscow, the partial mobilization tasks established on the basis of a presidential decree and the tasks of the Defense Ministry have been completed in full,” Sergey Sobyanin said in a statement on his website.

Sobyanin added that meeting places for the mobilized people will close on Oct. 17 at 2 p.m. Moscow time (1100GMT).

“The notices, sent out during the mobilization process to the place of residence and enterprises, are no more valid,” the mayor said.

On Sept. 21, President Vladimir Putin declared partial mobilization to enlist up to 300,000 people between the ages of 18 and 50 in the Russian military.

Source: Anadolu Agency