‫غلوبال تايمز: توطيد العلاقات الحديدية بين الصين وباكستان؛ مشاريع CPEC الرئيسية تتقدم على أنها “BRI ، التحديث الصيني يفيد الجميع”

بكين، 5 نوفمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — أجرى الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ محادثات مع رئيس الوزراء الباكستاني الزائر محمد شباز شريف في قاعة الشعب الكبرى في بكين، وشريف هو أحد قادة العالم الذين زاروا الصين مباشرة بعد اختتام المؤتمر الوطني العشرين للحزب الشيوعي الصيني ( CPC ).

وقال شي إن الصين على استعداد للعمل مع باكستان لرفع مستوى التعاون الاستراتيجي الشامل، وتسريع الجهود لبناء مجتمع صيني باكستاني أقرب مع مستقبل مشترك في العصر الجديد، وضخ زخم جديد في شراكتهم التعاونية الاستراتيجية في جميع الأحوال الجوية.

بعد عرض النتائج الرئيسية للمؤتمر الوطني العشرين للحزب الشيوعي الصيني، أكد الرئيس شي أن الصين ستواصل سياستها الأساسية المتمثلة في الانفتاح وتوفير فرص جديدة لباكستان وبقية العالم من خلال التنمية المستمرة. وستزيد الصين من تعميق التآزر بين استراتيجياتها الإنمائية واستراتيجيات باكستان.

وأشار شي إلى أن كلا الجانبين ينبغي أن يقفا على الجانب الأيمن من التاريخ، وأن يواصلا تعاونهما القوي في الآليات المتعددة الأطراف، وأن يعملا بشكل وثيق بشأن القضايا الدولية والإقليمية الرئيسية من أجل دعم تعددية الأطراف الحقيقية، والإنصاف والعدل الدوليين، والمصالح المشتركة للبلدان النامية، وأن ينشرا اليقين والإيجابية في العالم.

ووفقًا لبيان مشترك صدر عقب الاجتماع الثنائي، أجرى الجانبان تبادلًا متعمقًا للآراء بشأن العلاقات الثنائية، فضلًا عن الحالة الإقليمية والمشهد السياسي الدولي. واتفق الجانبان على أهمية الشراكة التعاونية الاستراتيجية بين الصين وباكستان في جميع الأحوال الجوية وسط التحديات العالمية الناشئة. واتسمت الاجتماعات بالدفء التقليدي والثقة الاستراتيجية المتبادلة وتوحيد الآراء.

في الاجتماع، أشار شريف إلى أنه شرف كبير له أن يكون من بين أوائل القادة الأجانب الذين زاروا الصين بعد المؤتمر الوطني العشرين الناجح للحزب الشيوعي الصيني، والذي كان علامة فارقة جديدة. وتشهد الزيارة على الصداقة القوية بين باكستان والصين.

وقال شريف إن الصين خلقت على مدى العقد الماضي، بقيادة الرئيس شي، معجزة إنجازات إنمائية عظيمة. وقد تمسكت الصين بتعددية الأطراف، وعززت التضامن والتعاون العالميين، وقدمت إسهامات هامة في صون السلام والتنمية العالميين. وبذلك تكون الصين قد أوفت بمسؤوليتها كبلد رئيسي.

وقال تشيان فنغ، مدير قسم الأبحاث في معهد الاستراتيجية الوطنية في جامعة تسنغهوا، لصحيفة غلوبال تايمز: “بعد أن دُعي شريف كأحد أوائل القادة الأجانب لزيارة الصين بعد اختتام المؤتمر الوطني العشرين للحزب الشيوعي الصيني، لا يظهر العلاقة الوثيقة بين الجانبين فحسب، بل يثبت مرة أخرى أن المجتمع الدولي متفائل بشأن تنمية الصين في المستقبل، ومستعد لتعزيز العلاقات مع الصين”.

وقال شريف إن باكستان تؤيد تأييدًا تامًا مبادرة التنمية العالمية ومبادرة الأمن العالمي اللتين طرحهما الرئيس شي. وستعزز الاتصالات والتعاون مع الصين في الشؤون الدولية والإقليمية للإسهام بشكل إيجابي في السلام والتنمية العالميين. “إن الصداقة الباكستانية الصينية لا تنفصم. وقال رئيس الوزراء الباكستاني إن باكستان ستقف دائمًا بحزم مع الصين”.

من خلال مبادرة الحزام والطريق، ساعدت الصين باكستان في حل مشكلتين من مشاكل الاختناق التي تعصف بالتنمية الاقتصادية في باكستان – البنية التحتية ونقص إمدادات الطاقة. وأشار إلى أنه من خلال المرحلة الأولى من التعاون في الممر الاقتصادي الصيني الباكستاني ( CPEC) ، أرسى أساسًا متينًا وأرسى منصة للتنمية الاقتصادية في باكستان في الخطوة التالية.

وقال تشيان: “إن التنسيق الاستراتيجي الوثيق والفعال بين الصين وباكستان قد أعطى مثالًا على التعاون الدولي ووصل رسالة واضحة إلى العالم، مفادها أن البلدان ذات الأنظمة الاجتماعية والقوميات والحضارات ومراحل التنمية المختلفة لا تزال قادرة على تحقيق التعاون المربح للجانبين”.

وقال شي في الاجتماع إن الجانبين سيستخدمان بشكل كامل لجنة التعاون المشتركة للممر الاقتصادي الصيني الباكستاني، وسيعملان على النهوض بالائتلاف بمزيد من الكفاءة، وسيجعلانه نموذجًا للتعاون عالي الجودة بين الحزام والطريق.

وقال الرئيس الصيني إن الصين ستعمل مع باكستان لتوسيع التعاون في الاقتصاد الرقمي والتجارة الإلكترونية والفلطاضوئية وغيرها من تقنيات الطاقة الجديدة، واتخاذ خطوات قوية لتعزيز التعاون فيما يتعلق بالزراعة والعلوم والتكنولوجيا وسبل عيش الناس.

وستواصل الصين بذل قصارى جهدها لدعم باكستان في تحقيق استقرار وضعها المالي. وأشار شي إلى أن الصين تدعم مقاطعاتها بصناعة قوية في الاقتران مع الشركاء الباكستانيين لتعزيز التعاون الصناعي، ويأمل أن يوفر الجانب الباكستاني بيئة أعمال سليمة.

وإذ لاحظ الجانبان انتهاء عقد من الإنجازات الرائعة التي حققتها اللجنة في عام 2023، أعربا عن ارتياحهما لمساهمة اللجنة في التنمية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية للبلدين، وفقًا للبيان المشترك.

وأشار الجانبان أيضًا إلى أن الاجتماع الذي عقده مؤخرًا الفريق العامل المشترك المعني بالتعاون والتنسيق الدوليين التابع للرابطة قد أبرز أن اللجنة تشكل منبرًا مفتوحًا وشاملًا. ورحب الجانبان باستفادة الأطراف الثالثة المهتمة من الفرص الاستثمارية في المجالات ذات الأولوية للتعاون بين البلدان الأعضاء في اللجنة، مثل الصناعة، والزراعة، وتكنولوجيا المعلومات، والعلم والتكنولوجيا، والنفط والغاز.

أخبر لين مينوانغ، الأستاذ في معهد الدراسات الدولية بجامعة فودان، صحيفة غلوبال تايمز أنه نظرًا لوجود ميزة واضحة لتطوير CPEC – فإن الثقة المتبادلة رفيعة المستوى بين الصين وباكستان، وهذا النوع من الثقة تجاه الصين من باكستان هو إجماع قوي تشترك فيه جميع الأحزاب والقوى السياسية الرئيسية.

وقال لين: “مع وصول شريف إلى السلطة في وقت سابق من هذا العام، ركز التعاون الصيني الباكستاني على مشاريع البنية التحتية الضخمة، وتحسين سبل عيش السكان المحليين مع مزيد من التقدم في بناء البنية التحتية”.

وقال شريف إن باكستان مستعدة للعمل مع الصين لمواصلة تعزيز التعاون عالي الجودة في مجال الحزام والطريق، ويأمل أن يحظى بدعم الصين القوي في ترقية ML-1 وخط كراتشي الدائري للسكك الحديدية ومشاريع البنية التحتية المهمة الأخرى. وستزيد باكستان من تعزيز التدابير الأمنية وستبذل كل ما في وسعها لحماية سلامة المؤسسات والموظفين الصينيين.


44th Istanbul Marathon to be held Sunday

Dozens of elite runners will participate in the 44th Istanbul Marathon, the world’s only intercontinental race, set to take place on Sunday.

The race will have four categories — 42.2-kilometer (26.2-mile) marathon, 42-km (26 mile) roller skate run,15-km (9.3-mi) run, and 8-km (4.9-mi) FunRun.

A total of 60,000 athletes, including 56 elite runners, will take part in the marathon starting from Istanbul’s Asian side and ending in the European part.

Marius Kimutai, Samuel Kiplimo, Tadesse Kemechachu, and Robert Kipkemboi are among the favorites to win the men’s category. Sechale Dalase and Melesech Tsegaye are highlights of the women’s race.

Marathon to begin at 0600GMT

The 42.2-km marathon will begin in the Asian part of Istanbul at 9 a.m. local time (0600GMT) near the July 15 Martyrs’ Bridge and conclude in Sultanahmet Square.

The participants will cross the bridge giving a spectacular view of the Bosporus, and tour many historical sites, including the Sultanahmet Camii (Blue Mosque) and Ayasofya (Hagia Sophia).

Best results

Kenyan athlete Daniel Kipkore Kibet won the 41st edition of the Marathon in 2019, breaking the 42-kilometer (26-mile) track record with 2 hours, 9 minutes, and 44 seconds.

In the women’s category, Ruth Chepngetich from Kenya finished the 42-km (26-mile) run in 2 hours, 18 minutes, and 35 seconds breaking the marathon’s records.

The name of the marathon, which kicked off as the Asia-Europe Run, was later changed to the Intercontinental Eurasia Marathon.

In 2013, the name of the marathon was changed to Istanbul Marathon in order to promote the city and bring its name to the forefront.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Türkiye ‘neutralizes’ 2 YPG/PKK terrorists in northern Syria

Turkish forces “neutralized” two YPG/PKK terrorists in northern Syria, the National Defense Ministry said on Sunday.

The terrorists were targeted in the Operation Peace Spring zone, the ministry said in a statement.

Turkish authorities use the term “neutralize” to imply the terrorists in question surrendered, or were killed or captured.

Since 2016, Ankara has launched a trio of successful anti-terror operations across its border in northern Syria to prevent the formation of a terror corridor and enable the peaceful settlement of residents: Euphrates Shield (2016), Olive Branch (2018), and Peace Spring (2019).

In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK – listed as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the US, and EU – has been responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants. The YPG is the PKK’s Syrian offshoot.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Istanbul hosts ‘Our vision for liberation in Palestine’ conference

A three-day conference discussing “Our vision for liberation in Palestine” began Saturday in the Turkish metropolis of Istanbul.

Palestine is a “fundamental problem in the world,” said Hasan Turan, a lawmaker and chairman of the Palestine Committee at the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye.

“The occupier, Israel, is every day occupying more and more lands of Palestinians but powerful (nations) who could deliver justice to Palestinians, are not paying attention,” he said, addressing the conference that is hosted by the Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA) at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University (IZU).

Calling Palestine “a litmus test for the whole of humanity,” Turan urged all “conscience keepers and those who stand for freedom and justice to side with Palestinians.”

For Türkiye, he said, Palestine is “our red line,” echoing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

“Until Palestinian lands are free … until an independent Palestinian state is established with Al Quds as its capital, we will continue to support Palestinians,” he said, indicating that Palestinian resistance movements against Israeli oppression are not getting sufficient support in international arenas.

More than two dozen scholars, practitioners, activists and journalists are at the conference which professor Sami Al-Arian, director of the CIGA, said was the third international event around Palestine held by the center since 2017 when the think tank was launched in Istanbul.

The discussion will debate a new book, “Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders and Intellectuals Speak Out,” co-edited by professor Ilan Pappe from UK-based Exeter University and Palestinian journalist and author Ramzy Baroud.

The 462-page book has brought together 27 scholars to provide a fresh direction to the Palestinian struggle.

Pappe, who is also a Palestinian historian, said the book was “a powerful message about the present determination and resilience of Palestinians, wherever they are, that they continue their struggle” for self-determination.

He lauded the Palestinian “human capital” but said, “images of disunity and fragmentation” are seen among them.

“This is not a fabrication. At a certain level, there is a crisis of leadership among the Palestinians,” he said.

“But,” he asserted, there is a “unity of purpose” among Palestinians across the world that is “totally opposite to this image of disunity, on the vision for the future of (free) Palestine.”

He said despite the huge magnitude of the trauma that has happened to Palestinians since 1948, the people have “not allowed the trauma to define” them.

“There is a resurrection after such a trauma which is an amazing story that can only be told through personal narratives,” he said, citing examples of how Palestinians are rebuilding their homes bulldozed by Israel.

“There is resilience and resistance,” he said, “and the aspiration for the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea, would never die.”

IZU rector, professor Ahmet Cevat Acar, said the situation in Palestine “gives us a lot of distress.”

“Dozens of resolutions in the UN have been passed on Palestine but none of them have been implemented,” he said, adding that the situation was spreading to neighboring regions like Syria.

He acknowledged that the Muslim world is facing “significant problems,” but said the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, a group of 57 member states that ensures the interests of Muslims are safeguarded, has not “taken any tangible actions to address” the Palestinian problem.

“Palestine is not a Jewish problem. It is a problem created by Zionists which is a question for all humanity,” he said, urging continued “efforts and discussions” for “viable solutions.”

Source: Anadolu Agency

Rocket strikes kill 2 in Ukraine

Russian strikes have killed two more people in Ukraine, Ukrainian officials said Sunday.

One person was killed during rocket strikes targeting Ukraine’s southeastern Zaporizhzhia region.

“At night, the enemy made two rocket attacks on the regional center. One of the rockets hit the grounds of a private enterprise. As a result of the attack, one person died,” Kyrylo Tymoshenko, deputy head of the Office of the Ukrainian President, said on Telegram.

Tymoshenko further noted that a fire broke out in an area of 800 square meters (8,611 square feet) due to the blast.

The official said another rocket fell on private property without hurting anyone, though resulting in two cars being damaged.

“The enemy continues to terrorize us by striking civilian objects. All that Russia is capable of is to fight with our peaceful people,” Tymoshenko added.

Another strike on Ukraine’s Donetsk region on Saturday killed one civilian and injured three others, Donetsk Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko said on Telegram.

Russian forces launched a new series of airstrikes on Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities over the past weeks.

The recent escalation is seen as an apparent retaliation for what Moscow claimed was a Ukrainian attack on its Black Sea fleet, and a key bridge linking Crimea to Russia.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Elon Musk launches $7.99 Twitter Blue subscription fee

Elon Musk wasted no time Saturday in rolling out his new Twitter Blue subscription plan at $7.99 per month.

The fee he promised to implement was launched so users can verify accounts with the coveted blue checkmark.

“Get Twitter Blue for $7.99/month if you sign up now,” Twitter announced in an update on Apple iOS devices. “Blue checkmark: Power to the people. Your account will get a blue checkmark, just like the celebrities, companies and politicians you already follow.”

The move comes days before the US midterm elections on Nov. 8 and the blue checkmark is raising concerns about who can get a verified account because anyone able to get it could lead to confusion and the spread of disinformation ahead of voting. Impostors could pay for the subscription and use the names of politicians and elected officials.

Twitter’s verification system had been in existence for 13 years since the platform launched it in 2009 to prevent impersonations of high-profile accounts such as celebrities and politicians.

The company had about 423,000 verified accounts before the new changes. That verification was supposed to be used to help the site’s 238 million daily users determine if the accounts they were getting information from were authentic.

The new fee is luring those who want to be verified with the promise of extra perks.

“Coming soon… Half the ads & much better ones,” the Twitter statement added. “Since you’re supporting Twitter in the battle against the bots, we’re going to reward you with half the ads and make them twice as relevant.”

Twitter Blue is also promising users the ability to “post longer videos” and receive “priority ranking for quality content.”

“Your content will get priority ranking in replies, mentions and search,” said the announcement. “This helps lower visibility of scams, spam, and bots.”

Twitter Blue is available on iOS in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the UK.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Pakistan scraps ban on broadcast of ex-premier’s speech

Pakistan’s government scrapped a ban on the broadcast of a speech and press conferences by former Prime Minister Imran Khan on Saturday.

It comes hours after the country’s media regulatory watchdog slapped the ban, accusing Khan of hurling “baseless” allegations against state institutions and government officials.

Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, in a statement, said the ban was terminated on a directive of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif.

However, she added, Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) should ensure “continued implementation of legal requirements under Article 19 of the Constitution.”

The ban was slapped a day after Khan, who was attacked and injured during his anti-government march on the capital Islamabad on Thursday, accused the government and a senior intelligence official of being involved in his attempted assassination.

The government and the army, however, rejected Khan’s allegations, calling them “baseless.”

This was the second time in less than three months that PEMRA imposed a ban on Imran Khan.

In August, the authority slapped a ban on the live broadcast of his speeches on the same ground. The ban, nonetheless, was quashed after a few days by the Islamabad High Court.

Khan was shot and injured while leading a “long march” on Islamabad in the Wazirabad district of northeastern Punjab province on Thursday.

At least one person was killed and over a dozen others, including two lawmakers, were injured in the attack, which sparked widespread protests and condemnations from across the globe.

Khan accused Prime Minister Sharif, Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah, and a senior intelligence official, Maj. Gen. Faisal, of being involved in the botched attempt, and demanded their resignations.

Khan kicked off the “long march” on Oct. 28 in an attempt to press the government for snap elections.

He was deposed as prime minister in April after a no-confidence motion was passed in parliament.

He blames his unceremonious ouster on a US-backed conspiracy, an allegation that Islamabad and Washington have repeatedly refuted.

Khan, who became the country’s 19th prime minister in August 2018, ruled for just over three and a half years.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Kosovo Serbs withdraw from country’s institutions

Kosovo Serbs announced Saturday that they have withdrawn from all central and local institutions in Kosovo because of recent developments concerning license plates.

The move came after a meeting by the Serb List — a minority political party in Kosovo in the Zvecan municipality.

Serbian representatives withdrew from the assembly, government and all Pristina institutions, as well as suspended their participation in the police and judiciary.

The head of Serb List, Goran Rakic, said the decision is in response to the Kosovo government’s attempts to convert license plates given to Serbs by Serbian authorities to “RKS,” or the Republic of Kosovo, license plates.

“It is precisely because of our determination to respect international public law and defend the Brussels Agreement that we have decided to leave all political institutions, the Assembly, the government and four municipalities and the participation and work of Serbs in the judiciary, the police and all administrative staff from the four municipalities in the north,” he said in a statement.

Rakic said the decision will remain in effect until the establishment of the Union of Serbian Municipalities agreement within the scope of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue in Brussels and all other deals are implemented.

He also announced his resignation as the Minister for Communities.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic urgently convened the government due to the developments.

”We will not give up on the politics of peace and stability,” he said.

Vucic is expected to address the nation in the coming days.

Serbia neutralized a commercial drone Wednesday on the Kosovo border.

Vucic issued orders to the military Tuesday to destroy any enemy drones in the country’s airspace after unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were spotted above military bases bordering Kosovo.

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic confirmed that drones had been spotted filming military bases.

Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said earlier that the armed forces are on alert as tensions escalate with neighboring Kosovo about the issue of car license plates.

Kosovo has tried many times this year to make its Serb minority renew their license plates which date before 1999 when Kosovo was part of Serbia. The move has resulted in violent clashes between police and Serbs.

Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in 2008 but Serbia continues to see Kosovo as its territory.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Mauro Icardi leads Galatasaray to crucial Istanbul derby win against Besiktas

Mauro Icardi scored twice as Galatasaray defeated Besiktas 2-1 on Saturday in a thrilling derby.

Galatasaray broke open the scoring with a close-range finish from Icardi in the 18th minute. He was assisted by Baris Yilmaz at the Lions’ home ground, NEF Stadium.

Ten minutes later, Besiktas leveled the match when Cenk Tosun scored on a right-footed volley in the area with an assist from Romain Saiss.

Galatasaray took the lead in the 59th minute on a header from the Argentine to cap the scoring.

The result catapulted Galatasaray to second place with 24 points while Besiktas remained in the fifth spot with 22 points on matchday 13 of the Turkish Super Lig.

– Week 13 fixtures and results:

Kasimpasa – MKE Ankaragucu: 1-1

HangiKredi Umraniyespor – Corendon Alanyaspor: 3-1

Bitexen Giresunspor – Istanbulspor: 3-2

Galatasaray – Besiktas: 2-1


Gaziantep FK – Yukatel Kayserispor

Fraport TAV Antalyaspor – VavaCars Fatih Karagumruk

Trabzonspor – Arabam.com Konyaspor

– Monday

Fenerbahce – Demir Grup Sivasspor

Atakas Hatayspor – Medipol Basaksehir

Source: Anadolu Agency