Romanian court rules Andrew Tate to remain in custody for a month

A Romanian court has ruled that former kickboxer Andrew Tate will remain in custody for 30 days.

Tate and his brother, Tristian, who have been under criminal investigation since April, and two more suspects have been detained in Romania as part of an investigation into alleged human trafficking, rape, and forming an organized crime group, according to media reports on Friday.

“The four suspects … appear to have created an organised crime group with the purpose of recruiting, housing and exploiting women by forcing them to create pornographic content meant to be seen on specialised websites for a cost,” prosecutors from the anti-organized crime unit said in a statement.

Investigators identified six alleged victims who had been sexually exploited by the group, the directorate said.

This came after climate activist Greta Thunberg responded to a tweet by Tate, in which he boasted about his car collection.

In response to the report about Tate’s arrest, Thunberg wrote on Twitter: “This is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza boxes.”

Tate, a controversial online influencer, has been banned from a number of social media platforms for expressing extreme views, including that women bear some responsibility for sexual assault.

Source: Anadolu Agency