‫تقرير – يمكن لتقنية المتانة تحقيق انخفاض هائل في البصمة الكربونية للهياكل الخرسانية

  • تساهم صناعة الأسمنت بنسبة 8% من انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون المقدرة على الصعيد العالمي.
  • توصل تقرير  بنترون إلى أنه يمكن تقليل البصمة الكربونية للهياكل الخرسانية بنسبة تصل إلى 65% باستخدام خليط بلوري متقدم يعمل على خفض نفاذية الخرسانة .
  • تسمح المواد المضافة البلورية المتقدمة بمزيد من المتانة للخرسانة في ظل وجود كمية قليلة من الأسمنت .
  • تعمل الخرسانة عالية المتانة على خفض نسبة 90% تقريبًا من البصمة الكربونية المتعلقة بالحفاظ على الهياكل الخرسانية .  
  • تستمر منتجات الأغشية ذات الانبعاث العالي لثاني أكسيد الكربون في الهيمنة على صناعة العزل المائي للخرسانة .

نيويورك، 27 يونيو 2022 / PRNewswire / —  أفاد تقرير أصدرته شركة بنترون عام 2022 بشأن الخرسانة الخالية من الكربون وذلك باعتبارها إحدى الشركات الرائدة في حلول العزل المائي البلورية أنه يمكن لأصحاب المصلحة في قطاع التشييد خفض ما يصل إلى 65% من البصمة الكربونية في الخرسانة  من خلال تبني رؤية طويلة المدى وتوسيع متانة المواد . كما يعد خفض استخدام الأسمنت باعتباره أحد أكثر المواد الصناعية كثافة في استخدام الكربون والذي يمثل 8% من انبعاثات الكربون العالمية أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لتحقيق أهداف خفض انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون على مستوى العالم.

توصل التقرير إلى أن متانة الخرسانة تشكل أكبر تحدِ للاستدامة في مجال التشييد. كما يعد الماء السبب الرئيس لتلف الخرسانة حيث يمثل التآكل نسبة 80% من جميع الأضرار. ويؤدي هذا إلى عمليات إصلاح أو استبدال متكررة ومكلفة مما يزيد من استخدام الأسمنت والمواد الأخرى والطاقة.

تقدر التكلفة السنوية لإصلاح الهياكل الخرسانية المسلحة بالقرب من المناطق الساحلية بنحو 300 مليار دولار سنويًا في الولايات المتحدة و755 مليون جنيه إسترليني في المملكة المتحدة.

يقيِّم التقرير كيف يمكن للحماية المتكاملة من تسرب المياه وحدها خفض نسبة تصل إلى 90% من البصمة الكربونية التي تطرأ نتيجة صيانة وإصلاح الهياكل الخرسانية. علاوة على ذلك، تقدر  شركة بنترون أن استخدام الخرسانة المتينة المقاومة للماء من شأنها خفض البصمة الكربونية بالهياكل بنسبة 50% أو أكثر من خلال إطالة عمرها التشغيلي.

تتوافق هذه النتائج مع  توجيهات لجنة 160 بالمعهد الدولي لإصلاح الخرسانة  التي تنص على أن استراتيجية الاستدامة الأكثر فاعلية للهياكل الخرسانية تتمثل في تجنب ضرورة إجراء أية إصلاحات. كما يساهم التخلص من البطانات والأغشية عالية الانبعاثات وإطالة عمر الهياكل الخرسانية وتجنب إجراء أية إصلاحات المكلفة واستخدام المنتجات غير السامة في مشاريع البناء الأكثر استدامة.

علق جوزيف فان بيك مدير شركة بنترون إنترناشونال قائلًا “يؤكد تقريرنا أن تعزيز متانة الخرسانة يمثل الطريقة الأكثر لخفض البصمة الكربونية بصورة كبيرة في المشاريع وهو أمر هام للغاية في كل من مرحلة البناء وطوال العمر التشغيلي. كما أن استخدام حلول دائمة ومتكاملة لمنع تسرب المياه من شأنها خفض ضرورة إجراء أي صيانة بجانب تعجيل عملية تنفيذ جداول البناء مما يعمل على خفض البصمة الكربونية بشكل كبير.

“نشجع صناعتنا على مواصلة السعي نحو الابتكار وأن نكون أكثر استدامة. وعلى الرغم من ذلك، نرى أن حوالي 80% من وسائل حماية الخرسانة على مستوى العالم لا تزال تهيمن عليها الحلول غير المستدامة وغير الفعالة مثل المنتجات التي تضم أغشية أو علاجات موضعية ، والتي لا تعتبر غير فعالة فحسب، بل تعمل أيضًا على زيادة البصمة الكربونية بالهياكل.  

كما توجد حاجة ملحة بالنسبة لقطاع البناء لتبني تقنية الخلط البلوري المتقدمة التي من شأنها عزل المياه عن الخرسانة بفاعلية وخفض البصمة الكربونية في المشاريع بشكل كبير”.

تعهدت الاقتصادات الكبرى بتحقيق مستوى صفر في استخدام الخرسانة والصلب بعملية البناء بشكل عام بحلول عام 2050. ويسلط التقرير الضوء على ضرورة قيام الصناعة في الوقت الحالي بإدراج المنتجات منخفضة الكربون والحلول المستدامة ضمن مشاريعها وذلك على النحو الآتي :

  • تمكين التصميمات الذكية من بناء المزيد بتكلفة أقل 
  • بناء هياكل أكثر متانة لإطالة العمر التشغيلي
  • قيادة الاقتصاد الدائري وإعادة تدوير مواد البناء
  • تحديد حلول البصمة الكربونية المنخفضة
  • دمج بدائل الأسمنت في الخلطات الخرسانية

كما يحث التقرير الصناعة على إعادة النظر في خفض المواد المستخدمة في البناء والتي زادت بصورة واسعة في المدن التي تعاني من ندرة الأراضي. كما تنطوي أغشية العزل المائي التقليدية للهياكل الموجودة تحت الأرض على بصمة كربونية بصورة كبيرة حيث يصل بعضها إلى 23 كيلوجرامًا من ثاني أكسيد الكربون لكل متر مربع أي ما يعادل ثلاثة أضعاف الانبعاثات الصادرة عن جالون من البنزين [1] . ترى شركة بنترون أن إزالة الأغشية غير المستدامة من هذه الهياكل من شأنها خفض البصمة الكربونية في الهياكل الفرعية بنسبة تصل إلى 20%.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول التقرير، يُرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني https://www.penetron.com/sustainable-concrete

1 وكالة حماية البيئة الأمريكية – انبعاثات غازات الدفيئة من مركبات الركاب العادية.

نبذة عن  شركة بنترون

تقدم شركة بنترون تقنية بلورية متقدمة تمثل المعيار الذهبي بالصناعة لحماية الخرسانة بصورة دائمة. كما تقدم شركة بنترون خدماتها في 105 دولة ولديها مرافق إنتاج حول العالم وتقدم خدمات المنتجات والدعم الفني من خلال شبكة شاملة من الموزعين والشركات التابعة.

حصلت شركة بنترون على اعتماد ISO 14001   بشأن معايير البيئة في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وتلعب منتجاتها دورًا رئيسيًا في مساعدة المشاريع في جميع أنحاء العالم على تحقيق المعايير المعترف بها دوليًا مثل الريادة في الطاقة والتصميم البيئي .

تتوافق منتجات  شركة بنترون مع المعايير الدولية للأبنية الخضراء مثل  اعتماد جرين جارد الذهبي  وإعلان المنتج البيئي وإدارة كاليفورنيا للصحة العامة وبرنامج العلامات الخضراء بسنغافورة. تجدر الإشارة أن هذه المنتجات خالية تمامًا من المركبات العضوية المتطايرة ، كما أنها غير سامة مما يجعلها مثالية لاستخدامات مياه الشرب.

تتمتع شركة بنترون بسجل حافل بالنسبة لعدد المشاريع البارزة مثل حدائق الخليج ومطار جوهرة تشانجي في سنغافورة وصن مارينا تاون في فيتنام ومنتجع بكين العالمي في الصين ومحطة تحلية مياه جولد كوست في أستراليا ومنارة جاكرتا في إندونيسيا ومحطة دافيسبورو للتحكم في تلوث المياه بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ومنتجع ريفيرا مايا نايكلدون في المكسيك وملاعب كأس العالم في البرازيل.     

Theme song “We Will Be Better” echoes 25th anniversary of HK’s return to motherland

BEIJING, June 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — A music video for the theme song celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR)’s return to the motherland was released by China Media Group on Friday.

The theme song “We Will Be Better,” composed by Hong Kong musician Keith Chan Siu-kei and Alan Cheung Ka-shing, fully displays the confidence and expectations of Hong Kong people with brisk melody and readable lyrics.

Inspired by the deepening integration between Hong Kong and the mainland over the past 25 years, Chan has used over 30 Chinese characters in the lyrics such as “sea”, “river” and “bay”, which share the same component, to highlight the regional characteristics of the Greater Bay Area. Meanwhile, warm images of “bridge”, “shore” and “lighthouse” are used to depict the kinship between Hong Kong and the mainland.

The composition and arrangement of the song features a distinctive “Hong Kong style”, combining the light rock popular with Hong Kong youth and traditional Chinese music that highlights traditional culture.

Cheung hopes to express his pride as a Chinese through his creation, and never forget his original aspiration in the tide of the development of the times and strive to move forward to the future with perseverance.

The music video records the work and life scenes of many Hong Kong compatriots, including Doo Hoi Kem, an Olympic bronze medalist, Janis Chan Pui-yee, the role model of “Touching China 2021”, and Leung On-lee, a post-90s Hong Kong resident who started her poverty-alleviation career in southwest China’s Guizhou Province in 2018.

Link: https://youtu.be/BNGFcwnZ2-4

Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNGFcwnZ2-4

Hisense Praises Women Football Players through #RememberTheName Campaign, Commits to Enhancing Tournament Experience

QINGDAO, China, June 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Across the past year, many football fans’ attention has been drawn to women’s football worldwide. As the proud partner of UEFA Women’s EURO 2022™, Hisense aims to contribute to the substantial growth and professionalization of women’s football, inspire and support female players and fans who are enthusiastic about the sport, and bring more attention from the masses to the accomplishments of female athletes.

By partnering with the tournament and continuous investment in local market, Hisense has established strong relationships with European consumers. Starting with the 10-day countdown to UEFA Women’s EURO 2022, Hisense is launching inspiration campaigns to help gain more female football players the recognition they deserve while establishing a more profound emotional connection with European consumers.

Interactive and Charity Campaign 

Hisense, as a global partner of UEFA Women’s EURO 2022 and an international enterprise, launched the #RememberTheName campaign from June until August, both online and offline to empower and celebrate all the incredible moments of females, and enabled fans worldwide to give further encouragement and support to all women football players and females who are passionate about football.

During the tournament, Hisense and UEFA will post “Hisense Vision,” a series of digital clips on social media pages. These clips will show every football fan the most fantastic moments created by women’s footballers on every match day.

To enhance fans’ match engagement experience, audiences that join the campaigns will be able to win match tickets, official match balls used in the tournament, and other prizes.

Apart from the aforesaid, Hisense’s end market is also gathering a wider range of social forces to empower women’s sports through public welfare donations.  In the UK, consumers can earn cashback rewards of £30 to £500 if they purchase Hisense products online or in-store between June 1 and July 26. Hisense encourages consumers to donate a customized amount of cashback to a charity organization that supports the growth of women’s sports – ‘Women in Sport’, to make a valuable contribution to women who love football and build a better sporting environment for all.

Product and Management Localization in Europe

Hisense is committed to meeting the needs of local consumers through marketing campaigns and localization management. To meet the needs of different markets, Hisense has conducted extensive research and modified its products to meet local needs.

Hisense refrigerators performed well in Europe last year. These remarkable results were because Hisense understands the climate makes local produce scarce in winter; therefore, demand for fridge-freezers would rise. Thus, Hisense designed refrigerators with half and half capacity for Europe consumers, which enabled refrigerators sales to soar.

For Hisense, fully connecting with local consumers through emotional linkage and providing superior products are keys to success. Hisense will join hands with UEFA Women’s EURO 2022 to give fans splendid women’s football match experiences and impress the world through leading-edge technology and better products.

Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqdSuWg0c3w
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1846966/image_1.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1846967/image_2.jpg

CGTN: Why China’s development philosophy can help promote global prosperity

BEIJING, June 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — As the world is faced with stiff challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, regional conflicts, and backlash against globalization, the international community is striving for maintaining development while tackling deficits in global peace and governance.

This is an age rife with challenges, but it is also an age full of hope,” Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out as he hosted the High-level Dialogue on Global Development on Friday in virtual format.

Xi noted some countries have politicized and marginalized the development issue, built “a small yard with high fences,” imposed maximum sanctions, and stoked division and confrontation.

And he urged international community to recognize the prevailing trend of the world, firm up confidence, and act in unison and with great motivation to promote global development and foster a development paradigm featuring benefits for all, balance, coordination, inclusiveness, win-win cooperation and common prosperity.

Realizing people’s dream for a better life

Xi recounted the story and his experience of being a farmer on the Loess Plateau in the late 1960s when speaking at the event.

He said that after visiting cities, towns and villages across China and many countries in the world throughout the years, one deep impression he got is that only through continuous development can the people’s dream for a better life and social stability be realized.

Stressing placing development at the center of international agenda, Xi called for implementing the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and building a political consensus that development is valued by all people and cooperation is jointly pursued by all countries.

Pursuing common development

Under Xi’s guidance, China has been committed to building a world of common prosperity. On Friday, Xi made four proposals for promoting common development.

He called for jointly building international consensus on promoting development. “Only when people all over the world live better lives can prosperity be sustained, security safeguarded and human rights solidly grounded.”

He said the international community should work together to create an enabling international environment for development featured with open world economy and a just and equitable global governance system.

Protectionist moves will boomerang; anyone attempting to form exclusive blocs will end up isolating himself, Xi noted, adding maximum sanctions serve nobody’s interest, and practices of decoupling and supply disruption are neither feasible nor sustainable.

The Chinese president also highlighted the necessity of fostering new drivers for development, saying efforts should be made to step up scientific and technological innovation as well as institutional innovation, advance modern industries, bridge the digital gap, and speed up low-carbon transition.

In terms of development, no country or individual should be left behind, Xi stressed, calling for forging a global development partnership.

“Developed countries should fulfill their obligations, developing countries should deepen cooperation, and the South and the North should meet each other halfway,” said Xi.

China’s solid promise

Bearing in mind the well-being of the entire humanity, Xi proposed the Global Development Initiative (GDI) at the General Debate of the 76th United Nations General Assembly in September 2021 in steering global development toward a new stage of balanced, coordinated and inclusive growth, which has been warmly received and strongly supported by more than 100 countries.

On Friday, Xi announced China’s further pragmatic steps to give continued support to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and promote global prosperity.

He said China will upgrade the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund to a Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund, adding $1 billion to the fund on top of the $3 billion already committed as well as increase input to the UN Peace and Development Trust Fund.

China is willing to work with all sides to advance cooperation in poverty reduction and eradication, food production and supply, green development, vaccines’ innovation, research and development as well as enhancing industrialization and connectivity, Xi noted.

According to the Chinese president, the country will set up a platform for experience and knowledge sharing on international development, a global development promotion center and a global knowledge network for development, for the purpose of exchanging governance experience and promoting mutual learning.

“We will host a global forum on youth development and take part in the launch of a global action plan on youth development, in a bid to pool as much strength as possible for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” said Xi.


Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C52LtPJmMe4

Petal Search wins iF Award 2022, signaling its dedication to next-generation search engine

Petal Search aims to provide search services anytime, anywhere

SHENZHEN, China, June 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Petal Search has been announced as the winner of iF DESIGN AWARD 2022 under the User Experience (UX) discipline.

Petal Search wins iF Award 2022

Founded in 1953, iF Design has become a global symbol of excellent design, and the annual iF DESIGN AWARD is one of the most prestigious design awards worldwide.

As a winner of iF award, Petal Search constantly strives to improve the user experience by continuously elevating its services so consumers can enjoy the convenience of a search journey tailored to them.

Making the search experience intuitive and efficient

With the vast number of apps used nowadays, switching between apps and attempting to find specific information can be a hassle. Seeking to address this pain point, Petal Search designed an all-in-one search experience to build better connections between users and the host of information available on their devices.

Instead of having to open individual apps, users can simply fulfil all their tasks within a single app, thanks to Petal Search. Covering over 20 verticals, users can access services from a range of different providers to find whatever they need.

With borders reopening, many also have their mind on traveling. With Petal Search, users can plan every aspect of their trip. Find interesting places to visit, book flights and hotels, and even check out the latest weather conditions, all within Petal Search.

Understanding each individual with the aid of AI

Petal Search is dedicated to continuously elevating its services so that consumers can enjoy the convenience of a search journey tailored to them.

With the help of artificial intelligence technology, Petal Search is able to better understand the intentions of each user and provide them with an enhanced search experience. While saving users the trouble of toggling between pages to find what they are looking for, Petal Search combines local and online search results to optimise each search.

As users continue to use Petal Search, the search engine starts to recognise individual habits, interests, and the context of each user’s daily life. Petal Search then predicts what each individual is going to search for and offers recommendations specific to them, ranging from frequently used apps, websites, upcoming tasks.

By displaying interactive and visual content, Petal Search allows users to locate the information they are looking for within the sea of results instantly.

Encouraging exploration and discovery

As Petal Search continues to understand it’s users, the search engine encourages them to explore and discover results beyond their initial expectations. That might be providing useful suggestions such as related products to the items they are shopping for, or interesting content related to past searches. Petal Search is able to understand each user’s unique language and offer results from different providers.

Commenting on the win, Petal Search UX design team leader said, “We’re honoured to receive this award which recognises the innovation we’ve brought to Petal Search, elevating the all-in-one search experience for consumers globally. The Petal Search team is committed to bringing further improvements and updates to the platform to enhance the experiences for our users, including new features, designs, and security measures.”

With the help of Huawei’s 1+8+N all-scenario strategy and artificial intelligence technologies, Petal Search is forging an open and inclusive platform with a vast array of content and services. Looking forward, Petal Search will continue to go the extra mile to offer its users the most optimal and enjoyable search journey.

To download and experience Petal Search, please visit: https://bit.ly/3rpGYGY

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1847220/Petal_Search_wins_iF_Award_2022.jpg

Colorado Avalanche win Stanley Cup after over 2 decades

The Colorado Avalanche beat the Tampa Bay Lightning late on Sunday to lift the NHL Stanley Cup for the third time in franchise history and the first in more than two decades.

Colorado, which previously won the title in 2001 and 1996, denied Tampa Bay a third successive championship with a 2-1 victory in Game 6 of the final.

Artturi Lehkonen scored the decisive goal that dethroned the two-time defending champions on their home turf, while goaltender Darcy Kuemper saved 22 out of 23 shots to secure the win.

Colorado’s Cale Makar picked up the 2022 Conn Smythe Trophy, the annual award for the most valuable player.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Petr Cech steps down as Chelsea’s technical and performance adviser

English Premier League club Chelsea confirmed the departure of Technical and Performance Adviser Petr Cech on Monday.

“Chelsea Football Club today announces that Petr Cech, Technical and Performance Advisor, will leave his role effective 30 June,” Chelsea said in a statement.

“Since his appointment three years ago, Cech has provided advice and guidance on all football and performance matters throughout the Club, while strengthening the links between our men’s and Academy teams,” it added.

Cech, 40, is a former Chelsea goalkeeper who moved to the London club from France’s Rennes in 2004.

The Czech regular played for Chelsea from 2004 to 2015.

During his 11-year spell at Chelsea, Cech won the UEFA Champions League title in 2012 and the UEFA Europa League title in 2013.

He also helped Chelsea win four English Premier League titles in 2005, 2006, 2010 and 2015.

Cech retired as a player at Arsenal in 2019.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Oil prices rise with possible price cap on Russian oil

Oil prices increased on Monday as investors are closely following the G7 meeting for decisions on Russian oil exports and a revival of the Iran nuclear deal.

International benchmark Brent crude was trading at $109.57 per barrel at 0720 GMT for a 0.43% increase after closing the previous session at $109.1 a barrel.

American benchmark West Texas Intermediate (WTI) was at $108.02 per barrel at the same time for a 0.37% gain after the previous session closed at $107.62 a barrel.

Fear of lower demand due to a global economic slowdown and worry over lost Russian oil supply amid sanctions are pushing oil prices higher.

The leaders of the G7 countries on Sunday discussed a price cap on Russian oil to tackle inflation and reduce dependence on Russia.

By setting a limit on the price Russia can charge for its oil, Western countries hope to curtail Moscow’s revenues while at the same time allowing more oil supply to reach the global market.

At the summit, the leaders are also expected to discuss the negotiations on the Iran nuclear deal. Markets expect that Iran will start oil exports again.

Meanwhile, markets are focused on Thursday’s meeting by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), led by Saudi Arabia, and the OPEC+ group, which consists of some non-OPEC producer countries.

In its last meeting, the OPEC+ group decided to increase production by 648,000 barrels in July and August, instead of 432,000 barrels per day as expected.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Spot market natural gas prices for Sunday, June 26

The trade volume on Türkiye’s spot natural gas market showed an increase of 869% to 81.96 million Turkish liras on Sunday, Türkiye’s Energy Exchange Istanbul (EXIST) data showed on Monday.

Total trade on Saturday amounted to 8.46 million liras.

On Sunday’s spot market, 1,000 cubic meters of natural gas cost 12,680.98 liras, while the cumulative natural gas trade volume amounted to around 6.46 million cubic meters.

Türkiye received 106.7 million cubic meters of pipeline gas on Sunday.

US$1 equals 16.71 liras at 1100 GMT on Monday.

Source: Anadolu Agency