‫شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية (CGTN): الصين رسميًا في “مجتمع شياوكانغ” حيث يحتفل الحزب الشيوعي الصيني بالذكرى المئوية

بكين، 5 يوليو 2021 /PRNewswire/ – في حفل كبير للاحتفال بالذكرى المئوية لتأسيس الحزب الشيوعي الصيني يوم الخميس، أعلنت بكين رسميًا أنها أكملت هدفها المتمثل في بناء مجتمع مزدهر باعتدال من جميع النواحي.

ويمثل ذلك تتويجًا لرحلة الشعب الصيني التي استمرت 2500 عام لمتابعة “شياوكانغ” – حياة سلمية وسعيدة – من خلال 100 عام من المساعي الدؤوبة من قبل الحزب الشيوعي الصيني وكذلك أكثر من أربعة عقود من العمل الحكومي الدؤوب والبراعة الصينية.

“لقد حققنا الهدف المئوي الأول لبناء مجتمع مزدهر باعتدال من جميع النواحي”، كما قال الأمين العام للجنة المركزية للحزب الشيوعي الصيني شي جين بينغ في التجمع الكبير.

عبَّرت الهتافات الصاخبة من الحشد في ميدان تيانانمن عن فخر وبهجة الأمة الصينية بأكملها في الوصول إلى هذا الإنجاز الصعب.

ماذا يعني “مجتمع شياوكانغ” في بلد يبلغ عدد سكانه 1.4 مليار نسمة؟

يستخدم الحزب الشيوعي الصيني كلمة “شياوكانغ” المتجذرة في الثقافة التقليدية الصينية لوصف أهداف التنمية التي تسعى البلاد جاهدة لتحقيقها. الصيغة الأكثر استخدامًا – “مجتمع شياوكانغ الشامل” – تجسد الأهداف الأوسع للحداثة والقضاء على الفقر.

يتضمن المفهوم “خطة مضاعفة الدخل”، تهدف إلى مضاعفة الناتج المحلي الإجمالي ودخل الفرد لكل من سكان الحضر والريف بحلول عام 2020 مقارنة بمستويات عام 2010.

أصبحت الصين، وهي دولة فقيرة نسبيًا قبل عقود فقط، ثاني أكبر اقتصاد في العالم حيث تجاوز ناتجها المحلي الإجمالي 100 تريليون يوان (حوالي 15 تريليون دولار). بلغ نصيب الفرد من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي فيها أكثر من 10000 دولار، أي أعلى 10 مرات مما كان عليه في عام 2000 – مما يجعل الصين واحدة من أعلى البلدان ذات الدخل المتوسط

أعلنت الدولة النصر في القضاء على الفقر المدقع على مستوى البلاد في نهاية عام 2020، وشهد سكان الحضر والريف على حد سواء أن دخلهم ينمو بسرعة.

في عام 2020، بلغ نصيب الفرد من الدخل المتاح 32,189 يوانًا (4,665 دولارًا أمريكيًا). انخفض معامل إنجل إلى 30.2 في المائة في عام 2020، من 60 في المائة قبل بضعة عقود، مما يشير إلى ارتفاع مستويات المعيشة في البلاد.

بحلول نهاية عام 2020، كان 1.36 مليار شخص – 95 في المائة من السكان – لديهم تأمين طبي أساسي. وفي الوقت نفسه ، تم شمول 999 مليون شخص – أكثر من 90 في المائة من السكان – في نظام المعاشات التقاعدية.

وذهب الطموح “المزدهر باعتدال” إلى أبعد من تلبية الاحتياجات الأساسية للناس. ووفقًا لما قال شي في يوم الخميس، “منذ يوم تأسيسه، جعل الحزب السعي وراء السعادة للشعب الصيني وتجديد شباب الأمة الصينية طموحه ومهمته”.

أظهر الإحصاء الوطني السابع للصين في عام 2020 أن مستوى تعليم الناس قد ارتفع بشكل مطرد، بينما شهدت صناعة الثقافة الصينية نموًا سريعًا. في عام 2019، بلغت الزيادة 4.5 في المائة من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي، بزيادة تقارب 1.7 نقطة مئوية عن عام 2010.

من حيث الموارد والبيئة، ازدادت نسبة الطاقة النظيفة بسرعة. في عام 2020، شكلت الطاقة النظيفة 24.3٪ من إجمالي استهلاك الطاقة في الصين.

بينما تشرع الصين في رحلة جديدة نحو الحداثة الاشتراكية، تعهد شي بأن يواصل الحزب الشيوعي الصيني ممارسة فلسفة التنمية المتمحورة حول الناس، ومعالجة اهتمامات الشعب وتعزيز الرخاء المشترك للجميع.

 وكما أفاد في يوم الخميس “في الرحلة المقبلة، يجب أن نعتمد بشكل وثيق على الشعب لصناعة التاريخ”.


فيديو – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViJ8Ba1uhoA

China launches new weather forecasting satellite

China on Monday launched Fengyun-3E, a new weather forecasting satellite into space, state-run media said.

The satellite is equipped with 11 remote sensing payloads expected to “improve the accuracy of weather forecasting,” according to Xinhua news. It was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Gobi Desert, northwest China.

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) said the meteorological satellite “is designed with a lifespan of eight years and will mainly obtain the atmospheric temperature, humidity, and other meteorological parameters for numerical prediction applications, improving China’s weather forecast capacity.”

With the use of this new satellite, the Chinese space authorities will be able to monitor and report the global snow and ice coverage, sea surface temperature, natural disasters, and ecology “to better respond to climate change and prevent and mitigate meteorological disasters.”

“The satellite will monitor solar and space environments and their effects, as well as ionospheric data to meet the needs of space weather forecasts and supporting services,” CNSA added.

Meanwhile, three Chinese astronauts on Sunday completed “all tasks for their first extravehicular activities in space.”

China sent the astronauts into space aboard the Shenzhou-12 spaceship on June 17.

Two of the three astronauts had stepped out of the Tianhe core module of China’s space station on Sunday, said the China Manned Space Agency.

They installed foot restraints and extravehicular working platforms on the mechanical arm for around seven hours.

Source: Anadolu Agency

EU current account balance posts $138B surplus in Q1

The EU’s current account balance posted a surplus of €116.5 billion (around $138.45 billion) in the first quarter of the year, the bloc’s statistical office reported on Monday.

According to Eurostat, the figure was 3.4% of the 27-member bloc’s gross domestic product (GDP) in January-March, versus 2% in the same period last year.

The bloc’s current account surplus jumped 67% year-on-year, it said.

The surplus of the goods account fell to €99.2 billion from €108.7 billion in the previous quarter, as did the services surplus from €39.9 billion to €33.1 billion.

In terms of sub-categories, Eurostat said the goods account and services amounted to €108.7 billion and €39.9 billion, respectively.

The EU registered external current account surpluses with the UK (€53.3 billion), the US (€29.4 billion) and Switzerland (€21.7 billion), while deficits were posted with China (€26.7 billion), Russia (€4.3 billion), Japan (€3.4 billion) and offshore financial centers (€3.3 billion).

Among member states, Germany recorded the greatest surplus in the first quarter with €66.5 billion. France had the largest deficit at €11 billion.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Men’s basketball groups announced for Tokyo 2020

Men’s basketball groups for the forthcoming Tokyo 2020 Olympics were announced on Monday.

There are 12 teams in three groups, which will compete for the world championship.

Turkey were eliminated in the qualifying semifinals after losing to Greece 81-63 on July 3.

Games will be held from July 25 to Aug. 7.

– Groups

Group A – Iran, France, USA, Czech Republic

Group B – Australia, Germany, Italy, Nigeria

Group C – Argentina, Japan, Spain, Slovenia

Source: Anadolu Agency

CORRECTS Pakistan records lowest COVID-19 deaths in 5 months

Pakistan recorded 19 deaths from coronavirus over the past 24 hours, the lowest single-day toll since February, the Health Ministry said on Monday.

The South Asian country registered 16 fatalities on Feb. 21 — the lowest in 2021 — while 201 deaths were recorded on April 27, the highest since the country was hit by a third virus wave in March.

The number of new infections, however, remained over 1,000 for the fifth consecutive day following the lifting of almost all lockdown restrictions nationwide.

Some 1,347 new COVID-19 cases were reported, pushing the country’s overall caseload to 963,660. The total death toll stands at 22,427.

The number of active cases in the country are 33,299, while 907,934 patients have recovered so far.

Pakistan, which mostly received vaccines from China, has administered over 17.39 million shots so far. Anyone over 18 years old is eligible for vaccination.

It has also started administering the Moderna COVID-19 jab, as the country’s anti-virus task force said it is now available in select vaccination centers across the country.

“Received 2.5 million doses of Moderna sent by the US govt,” Asad Umar, who heads the National Command and Operation Center, tweeted on July 3. This will particularly help those who have to travel for work or study to countries which are only accepting certain vaccines, he added.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Questions remain about southern African bloc’s force deployment to Mozambique

The announcement last week about a decision by southern African leaders to deploy a regional military force to Mozambique to help it battle insurgency, has left many unanswered questions.

Leaders of the 16-nation Southern African Development Community (SADC) meeting in the Mozambican capital of Maputo resolved to deploy a force to Mozambique to help the government combat terrorism and acts of violent extremism.

A statement after the summit provided fewer details on the size of the troops and on when the deployment would take place.

But earlier this year, military experts from the bloc recommended sending 3,000 troops with arms, helicopters, airplanes and naval capacity.

-Driving factor

SADC’s Executive Secretary Stergomena Lawrence Tax declined to divulge details in an interview with Anadolu Agency, claiming that “when you go to war you keep the details to yourself, as such we can’t provide the details being asked for.”

An armed insurgency with its origins in the wider socio-economic and political disparity has kept Mozambique smoldering since 2017.

Peace had remained elusive with vast natural resources even after the end of a 15-year civil war in 1992.

Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi has lamented that outside forces were targeting the defenseless public and social institutions.

He said terrorists linked to Daesh/ISIS have caused havoc in the northern province of Cabo Delgado.

The summit statement appealed for humanitarian support for nearly 1 million people in northern Mozambique who need food aid.

Mozambique is to establish headquarters in the northern port city of Nacala for the regional force, according to the statement.

Asked what drove SADC to reach the deployment decision, Tax, said it is in a quest for peace.

“The deployment is to ensure peace and security in Mozambique, and such in the SADC region, and protect its citizens, in line with SADC objectives,” he said.

-Welcome move

Analysts say the deployment is a welcome development even when there seems to be a lot of uncertainty about the operation mandate of the force.

“Quick military intervention can deal and manage insurgency,” Freddie David Egesa, a Uganda-based security analyst, told Anadolu Agency.

“For sure, the southern region has been infiltrated and for extremists to be dissolved they have to work very hard.”

Extremists, according to Egesa, cross country boundaries using religious muscle which makes it very easy to spread their intentions across borders so they do not target countries but regions.

He cited Somalia from where he said jihadists are affecting East Africa as an indicator that they first established ideological bases in the whole region before creating a visible base.

So in case the whole region by implication has been invaded, the earlier SADC walk to reality the better, said Egesa, stressing that there is a need to build cross-border intelligence so that they manage infiltration.

“In other words, one needs more than military intervention to manage jihadists.”

-$12M for deployment

SADC set a $12 million budget for the deployment of the “alert force” according to Angolan Foreign Minister Tete Antonio.

Speaking Monday in an extraordinary virtual meeting of SADC’s Council of Ministers, Antonio highlighted that the council “was tasked with working on the budget of the force that should be in place to support the sister Republic of Mozambique.”

The meeting was held in line with the decision of the extraordinary summit of the heads of state and government of SADC held in Maputo.

He noted that the Council meeting determined that, due to the situation facing many countries in the southern region, recourse could be made to the organization’s reserve fund, to ensure that budgetary constraints do not delay the mission execution.

He pointed to the mandatory nature of contributions, saying it is “a matter of survival for the region.”

“We all have to be aware that the region is under threat, with a crisis in Mozambique and we all have to respond to it promptly,” he said.

-Caution urged

According to Jenerali Ulimwengu, a Tanzanian-based lawyer and commentator, deploying forces to Mozambique is a noble gesture as it may seem inevitable.

“Indeed, if Mozambique is left to its fate and allowed to crumble, who will be safe in the neighborhood? So, better to confront the terror groups in Mozambique before they come to your front porch,” he said.

“But great care needs to be taken in the taking of these interventionist measures. We have been here before. In the 1980s, Tanzania threw in its lot with the government of Samora Machel, lost many soldiers and eventually encouraged negotiations between the warring factions.”

Ulimwengu also warned that the forces to be sent to help the Mozambicans will contend with difficulties around the knowledge of the terrain, command unification, integration and interforce adaptability.

“The situation in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique is a serious situation, which the organization [SADC) has to deal with immediately and the deadline for contributions has been set for July 9,” said Antonio.

He underlined that the budget is subdivided into items and sources of financing, with sources the force made up of a contingency fund and contributions from member states.

Egesa noted that SADC has an uphill task in realizing the safety and security of their regions because of the internal politics of individual countries.

“Country to country unemployment may give way to more recruitment of the unemployed youth as you know the region also has the problem of poverty, droughts, etc,” he said.

Dino Mahtani, deputy director of the International Crisis Group’s Africa program, says Mozambican authorities have expressed hesitancy about having regional boots on the ground and so it is not certain how the mission will be implemented.

Source: Anadolu Agency

NHL goalie Kivlenieks dies in fireworks accident

Matiss Kivlenieks, a Latvian-born goalie for the Columbus Blue Jackets, died after being struck by fireworks over the US Independence Day weekend, the hockey team announced on Monday.

“It’s with a very heavy heart that we share the news that goaltender Matiss Kivlenieks passed away last night at the age of 24. We are heartbroken,” the National Hockey League team said in a statement.

Medical reports said he suffered a chest injury from fireworks, which are part of traditional displays on US July 4 holiday weekends.

Kivlenieks, 24, who signed with Columbus as a free agent in 2017, went 2-2-2 with a 3.09 goals-against average and .899 save percentage in eight career games with the club.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Bandits raid health center in Nigeria, abduct babies, staff

Gunmen believed to be bandits have abducted babies and staff from a health center in northwestern Nigeria, officials said on Monday.

Efforts are underway to rescue the victims, including three female nurses and five other staff, abducted from the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Centre near the city of Zaria of Kaduna State, said police spokesman Mohammed Jalige, confirming the incident.

The bandits reportedly stormed the premises in large numbers, firing at officers from a nearby police station and blocking a bridge to thwart any reinforcements.

A staff member of the hospital, who asked not to be named, told Anadolu Agency that there had been a heavy shootout and that the chief security guard on duty was among those abducted.

“Those kidnapped were our staff living at the staff quarters, some were abducted alongside their children. So, about ten people were taken away so far,” he said.

The public relations officer of the center’s medical and health union, Maryam Abdulrazaq, also confirmed the abduction, adding that she had compiled six names of those abducted and was searching for those of the remaining four.

This was the third time the center’s staff was abducted, another union official said.

Source: Anadolu Agency

US: 88 people shot, 14 killed in Chicago weekend violence

Another hyper-violent weekend in the US city of Chicago has left 14 people dead and another 67 people wounded by gunfire, with yet hours to go before the three-day holiday ended.

By mid-day Monday, the total number of those shot included a 5-year-old girl and a 6-year-old shot in the same south-side neighborhood just hours apart.

In both instances, as it was most of the shootings, the victims were innocent bystanders in outdoor gatherings, caught in the crossfire of gang-related shootings on a very hot weekend.

Police Superintendent David Brown briefed reporters late Sunday night.

“As we’ve seen too many times,” he said, “tragically, someone else is being targeted and the unintended target, an innocent child, is struck.”

Also shot were two Chicago police officers who were trying to disperse a large crowd that had gathered to watch fireworks. The injuries to both officers were considered minor.

All this comes on the heels of the previous, shorter weekend, in which 77 people were shot, including 17 people shot in two mass shootings, and seven deaths.

Chicago has struggled with gang-and-gun violence for years, but the number of shooting victims, fatal or non-fatal, has jumped 12 % since this time last year, and data shows that more people in outdoor crowds are being shot than in previous years. Chicago police have been trying to balance how to leave outdoor crowds alone, against dispersing them out of shooting fears.

And even with some of the most restrictive guns laws in the nation, Chicago is plagued by illegal guns that flow from the neighboring, more permissive gun state of Indiana, right on its border.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is also blaming a pandemic-related slowdown in the justice system that allowed more gun offenders to slip through the legal cracks. And last week, she bemoaned the constant cycle of gang members on the hunt for quick “street justice” whenever there is a previous shooting, rather than letting the legal system play itself out.

“Their thirst for revenge,” she said, “has no sense of decency.”

Source: Anadolu Agency