Victim of Istanbul bombing expresses support for Türkiye’s latest military operation

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Mevludiye Meydan, whose husband and nine-year-old daughter were among the victims of the terrorist attack, said Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu promised her revenge.

“It has been a week since the attack in Istanbul. I am not very well, but today at least I am relieved a little. Knowing that revenge is being taken for my daughter and my husband relieved me a little bit.”

Türkiye conducted an air operation against the PKK/YPG terror group in northern Syria and northern Iraq, the National Defense Ministry said early Sunday.

The operation follows last Sunday’s terrorist attack on Istanbul’s crowded Istiklal Avenue that killed at least six people and left 81 injured.

The Turkish government said the attack was carried out by the PKK/YPG terror organization.

Turkish police on Sunday apprehended two people on suspicion of aiding the illegal entry into Türkiye of the perpetrator of last week’s deadly Istanbul bombing as well as Bilal Hassan, a fugitive suspect in the attack.

Sought by police for allegedly helping Hassan and confessed terrorist bomber Ahlam Albashir enter Türkiye illegally from Hatay, a Turkish province bordering Syria, the suspects, identified as Suleyman G. and Tareq A., were sent to the Istanbul Courthouse after police procedures.

Suleyman G reportedly denied the accusations against him.

Istanbul prosecutors are continuing their investigation into the Nov. 13 terrorist attack in Istanbul.

In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK — listed as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the US and the European Union — has been responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women, children and infants. The YPG is the terror group’s Syrian offshoot.

Source: Anadolu Agency