Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a bill Wednesday that adopts sanctions against 18 legal entities which he claimed are associated with Russia. 'Our principle is clear: the activity of all individuals and legal entities, which is the foundation of the Russian regime's ability to terrorize Ukraine and the rules-based international order, must be blocked,' Zelenskyy said in a statement on Telegram. The relevant, which was shared by the Ukrainian presidency, noted 18 legal entities registered in Russia, Luxembourg and Southern Cyprus. The presidency said Oleksiy Danilov, the head of Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council, will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the decision. It also said the Cabinet of Ministers and the Security Service of Ukraine and the National Bank of Ukraine, will ensure 'the implementation and monitoring of the effectiveness' of the sanctions. The presidency also said the Foreign Ministry would be tasked with informing authorities from the EU, US and other countries on the application of the sanctions and raise the issue of introducing similar restrictive measures.
Source: Anadolu Agency