At least six people were killed and 16 others were injured in Russian military strikes in various regions of Ukraine, including the capital Kyiv. 'On May 17, Russians killed 1 resident of Donetsk region - in Kostiantynivka. In addition, the body of a child killed during the occupation was exhumed in Tetyanivka,' Donetsk Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko said in a statement on Telegram early Thursday. Another five people were injured in the region, Kyrylenko said, adding that it is impossible to determine the number of victims in Mariupol and Volnovakha because they are under Russian control. Separately, Kherson Governor Oleksandr Prokudin said on Telegram early Thursday that three people were killed and eight more were injured by Russian forces strikes in the region in the past day. 'Over the past day, the enemy carried out 90 shelling, firing 529 shells from heavy artillery, grads, tanks, drones, and aviation. The enemy shelled the city of Kherson 3 times,' Prokudin said. He added that 147 people have been evacuated from the entire region. In the Zaporizhzhia region, a 68-year-old Huliaipole city resident died from injuries sustained during Russian strikes. 'In Stepnohirsk, three men, (aged) 44, 51 and 70, were wounded during enemy attacks. They were promptly taken to a medical facility and are receiving all necessary assistance,' Zaporizhzhia Governor Yuriy Malashko said. Meanwhile, Kyiv has been subjected to a ninth wave of air attacks since the beginning of the month, which Serhiy Popko, head of the Kyiv City Military Administration, described as "unprecedented in their power, intensity, and variety." 'This time, the attack was carried out by strategic bombers Tu-95MS, (and) Tu-160 from the Caspian region, probably by cruise missiles of the X-101/555 type,' Popko said, adding that reconnaissance drones were also deployed over the capital. All Russian attempts on Kyiv were "detected and destroyed" based on preliminary information, Popko said. He added that falling debris was recorded in the Desnianskyi and Darnytskyi districts, with the latter reportedly sustaining the greatest damage. 'In the rest of the districts, debris may fall on parked cars, residential areas, or forest park areas. Information about the victims has not yet been received,' he added. Russian authorities have yet to comment on the strikes. The Russia-Ukraine war, now in its 14th month, has killed 8,836 civilians and wounded 14,985, according to the latest UN figures.
Source: Anadolu Agency