Two police officers injured in terror attack in Turkish capital Ankara

Two police officers were slightly injured when two terrorists detonated a bomb in front of the General Directorate of Security in the Turkish capital of Ankara, with one of them blowing himself up, the interior minister has said.

“Two terrorists, who arrived in a light commercial vehicle in front of the gate of the General Directorate of Security, carried out a bomb attack. One of the terrorists blew himself up,” said Ali Yerlikaya on Sunday.

Yerlikaya said two police officers were slightly injured in the attack, which occurred at 9.30 a.m. local time (0630GMT).

He added that the injured police officers are still being treated and that their injuries are not life-threatening.

The loud explosion was also heard in front of the Turkish Interior Ministry in Ankara in the morning.

Following the explosion and gunshots heard near the ministry building in Kizilay, the major city center in the capital’s Cankaya district, police forces took increased security in the area.

Necessary measures to be taken

The Ankara police warned people not to panic when they saw the sight of suspicious packages that would be “controlled detonated.”

“Necessary security measures will be taken regarding suspicious package incidents around Kizilay and the General Directorate of Security, and a controlled explosion will be carried out by bomb disposal teams,” the Ankara Police Department stated on X.

The main Ataturk Boulevard was closed to traffic due to the explosion close to one of the gates of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye.

Special operations police were also dispatched to the scene. The fire brigade and medical teams are also on the scene.

The Grand National Assembly will open in the afternoon after a 3-month break.

Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation into the terrorist attack.

Türkiye’s fight against terrorism

Following the terror attack, Türkiye’s parliament speaker Numan Kurtulmus said: “We emphasise once again that we always stand by our heroic security forces and institutions as they fight determinedly to eliminate terrorists and the forces behind them. Our nation and state will not give any opportunity to treacherous forces and will continue their struggle in unity and solidarity.”

Writing on X, he wished the police officers, who are receiving treatment, a speedy recovery.

Communications Director Fahrettin Altun urged people to be sensitive to disinformation activities and to respect information provided by official sources.

”We would like to emphasise once again the importance of our media continuing its news activities on the subject with a sense of responsibility. We will never allow terrorism to shape Türkiye’s politics, and we will continue our fight against terrorism in every field,” Altun said on X.

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan also condemned “the treacherous terrorist attack.”

“I wish a speedy recovery to our heroic police officers who were injured in this vile attack, and I convey my best wishes to the personnel of our Interior Ministry. We will continue our fight against terrorism with determination at home and abroad,” Fidan said on X.

‘Until bloody terrorists disappear’

Turkish Defence Minister Yasar Guler strongly condemned the terrorist attack and wished the injured police officers get well soon.

”We will continue to fight with resolution and determination until bloody terrorists disappear from this geography!,” Guler was quoted as saying by the Turkish National Defence Ministry on X.

Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yilmaz flayed the “treacherous terrorist attack.”

Yilmaz said on X that their attempt to disrupt the environment of peace and trust will not be successful.

Justice Minister Yilmaz Tunc condemned the attack and wished the injured police officers a speedy recovery.

“These attacks will in no way hinder Türkiye’s fight against terrorism. It will continue even more determinedly,” Tunc said on X.

Türkiye’s Justice and Development (AK) Party spokesperson Omer Celik also condemned the terrorist attack.

“Our fight against terrorism will continue with determination. The terrorists who attempted a bomb attack in Ankara were neutralised by our security forces. We wish our heroes who were injured while preventing this vile terrorist attack full recovery,” Celik said on X.

Chief adviser to the Turkish president, Akif Cagatay Kilic, also condemned the terrorist attack.

“Terror attacks will never achieve their goals. Our effective fight against all forms of terrorism will continue with determination,” Kilic said on the same social media platform.
