The resumption of negotiations for a Cyprus solution is a priority, President says

The resumption of negotiations with the aim of achieving a viable and functional solution to the Cyprus issue is a priority, the President of the Republic of Cyprus Nikos Christodoulides noted addressing the Annual Conference of the Federation of Cypriot Organizations of America, held in New York.

“The main priority is none other than ending the impasse and resuming negotiations with the aim of achieving a viable and functional solution to the Cyprus issue, as determined by the relevant United Nations resolutions,’ he noted.

‘The fact that for 49 years now there is still illegal occupation and division of our island, it is an anomaly, a black spot for the international community and our European family and at the same time it is an open wound for Cyprus and its people, something which I personally have no intention of accepting. We cannot accept that this is the future of our country, the future of our children,” he went on.

Christodoulides further said that the focus of the efforts is “to break the impasse and to achieve this long-awaited resolution of the Cyprus issue, we are not only talking about the removal of the barbed wire of the occupation that separates the territory and our people. I am primarily referring to the restoration of human rights for all legal citizens of the Republic of Cyprus”.

Moreover, he referred to the events in Pyla saying that the recent incidents when Turkish Cypriots attacked UNFICYP members while trying to build a road in the buffer zone. He pointed out that what happened in Pyla with Turkey’s attempt to expand the occupation as well as in the closed area of Famagusta, remind the international community that the Cyprus issue is not a frozen conflict. ‘The present unacceptable status quo cannot under any circumstances provide security and is not sustainable,’ the President stressed.

The passage of time, he added, creates new fait accompli, creates more difficulties, and moves further away from a solution that can be accepted.

Christodoulides emphasized that Cyprus is ready to restart the talks from where they were left off in Crans Montana and in a constructive dialogue that will lead to the reunification of Cyprus.

“I consciously choose, some people – they don’t like it and they say it to me despite the inflammatory and provocative statements that are made – not to get involved in a blame game. I don’t think this is the essence of the Cypriot. It is not communication management that we need. What we are exclusively interested in is creating data that will allow us to start the talks”, he said.

He also spoke about the prospects of a reunified Cyprus, without anachronistic guarantees, without occupation army which, he described as unlimited.

“The benefits of reunification will not only concern our country itself, which for the first time after half a century will be able to enjoy and take full advantage of all the advantages of a functional solution in a member state of the European Union, in an area of particular geostrategic importance’, he said.

The benefits are something we highlight and will be important to others as well. They will be important for our neighboring countries, including Turkey, we cannot change the geography, but also for Europe itself and the international community, the President said.

He also underlined the role that a free and reunited Cyprus will play in promoting and maintaining stability in the Eastern Mediterranean region and the wider Middle East.

He referred to the US government which shares this approach and recognizes the important role that the Cypriot republic can play in the wider region, stressing that a key pillar of the relationship between Cyprus and the USA that has developed in recent years rests precisely on this vision of regional security, stability, peace and prosperity and within this context they also recognize more perspectives that may arise from the resolution of the Cyprus issue.

He also spoke about the continuously developing bilateral relations with the USA in recent years, which are also due to the efforts of the diaspora.

Christodoulides made reference to the enormously important realization of the goal of the Republic of Cyprus to join the visa-waiver program for the United States.

‘Cyprus is one of the three EU member states that do not participate in this program. Significant progress has been made in recent months to bring these efforts to fruition and we hope within 2024 to be able to make an announcement from the United States,” he said.

President Christodoulides added that this it is of particular importance because it will create a new dynamic in relations with the US, it will help trade, business, education and contacts at the level of civil society, thus strengthening our economic relations.

He also emphasized the cross-party recognition of the importance of the relations of the Republic of Cyprus in Washington. “Cyprus can be one of the most reliable partners of the United States. And this bipartisan recognition is a product of your own work’.

Finally, referring to Ukraine, he pointed out that Cyprus has taken the right side.

“In this difficult period for humanity, where we are witnessing the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine and its tragic consequences, Cyprus, consistent with its history, has from the beginning been on the right side of history, actively supporting Ukraine, both with the humanitarian aid mission, the largest in our history, and the hosting of Ukrainian refugees”, he concluded.

Source: Cyprus News Agency