Serbian premier looks for Brussels meeting with Kosovar leader to be constructive

Serbia’s prime minister on Monday said that she expects meetings of Kosovar and Serbian leaders next week in Brussels to be constructive.

Ana Brnabic’s remarks came after meeting with US Ambassador Christopher Hill in the capital Belgrade.

Kosovar Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic both accepted the invitation of EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell for the meeting next Thursday.

Brnabic said Serbia’s key priorities are maintaining peace and stability in the region as well as investing additional efforts with the aim of developing regional relations in all areas.

Brnabic added that the parties have great potential for cooperation in the energy sector through the Open Balkans initiative, which has proved to be an efficient framework for solving issues.

The parties said there was great potential for cooperation in the energy sector, in particular when it comes to projects concerning renewable energy sources.

Hill emphasized that continued dialogue is the only path to resolving open issues.

The leaders will meet with Borrell and Miroslav Lajcak, the EU’s special representative for Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, on Aug. 18 in the EU capital.

Tensions between Belgrade and Pristina escalated in late July ahead of Kosovo’s planned implementation of a new law making it mandatory for everyone, including Serbs living in Kosovo, to have a Kosovar ID card and license plate.

Later, Kosovo announced that it had decided to delay the new measures until Sept. 1.

Vucic called for dialogue to resolve issues with Kosovo.

Launched in 2011, the EU-led Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue aims to normalize relations between the two Balkan countries and find a mutually agreeable solution for their disputes in the framework of a legally binding agreement.

Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in 2008, with most UN members, including the US, UK, France, Germany, and Türkiye, recognizing it as a separate autonomous country from its neighbor.

Serbia still claims that Kosovo is its territory.

Source: Anadolu Agency