The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday that the EU uses "foul play" to ensure its global economic dominance.
In a statement on its website, the ministry called a "myth" the EU parliament resolution, claiming that farmers from other regions, such as Russia and South America, have access to much cheaper fertilizers, which undermines the competitiveness of EU farmers.
The ministry said based on the claim, the EU is pushing "a global strategy, aimed at reducing the dominant role of the Russian Federation in the global fertilizer and food market."
It further said the EU perceives any business activities, which does not bring benefits to the EU itself, as "abuse of a dominant position."
The ministry stressed that the EU parliament resolution is "another confirmation" that the EU sanctions deliberately target Russian exports of fertilizers and food in order to kick the country out of the world agricultural market.
It added that aiming to hurt Russia, the EU lawmakers neglect the associated risks to global food security.
"Following this logic, any country, outdoing the EU by some economic indicators, may be recognized as abusing its geostrategic position. Who's next?" the ministry said.
"A self-revealing example of foul play is the EU's desire to extend its protectionist tools, including the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, to imported fertilizers," the ministry added.
The ministry said the EU promises third countries affected by anti-Russian sanctions of EU financial support.
The ministry called this practice a "bait" aimed at expanding the pro-Western coalition and a tool for promoting the EU's foreign policy interests and the interests of European business.
Source: Anadolu Agency