President announces support decisions for athletes of Olympic-Paralympic games

President Nikos Christodoulides announced on Monday evening certain decisions to support all Cypriot athletes who take part in Olympic and Paralympic games. The President hosted a dinner in honour of all athletes and their coaches who competed in the recent Paris games and said that they are the best ambassadors of Cyprus abroad. He expressed his pride for their participation and hard work.

President Christodoulides said that he is ready to listen to their concerns and requests adding that a decision has already been taken for their immediate admittance to the Professional Rehabilitation Programme of Cyprus Sports Organisation, annulling all previous prerequisites.

He also said that there shouldn’t be any discrimination between male and female athletes. The President announced furthermore the decision to set up a Paralympic Center and also added that free benefits will be the same for athletes who compete in Olympic and Paralympic games.

The President also said that the government will ask for more positi
ons to be available at the University of Cyprus and at Universities in Greece for Cypriot athletes who wish to study there.

Source: Cyprus News Agency