Photo exhibit captures fight against terror by Turkish mothers

An exhibition showcasing 42 photographs of Turkish mothers participating in anti-PKK demonstrations continued Wednesday in Türkiye's southeastern city of Diyarbakir.

The Moment When Time Stops For Diyarbakir Mothers exhibition at the historical landmark of Keci Burcu displays the longing by Diyarbakir mothers for their children.

Mothers, who attended the opening Tuesday and continue a sit-in protest Wednesday outside the offices of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), talked about their feelings while taking the pictures and seeing the exhibition.

Mevlude Ucdag said while Anadolu snapped the picture that reflects a photo of her child, she experienced joy and sadness.

Emphasizing that Anadolu did not leave demonstrators alone from the first day of the protests, Ucdag said she attended the opening and was very touched when she saw the photographs.

"I would like to thank Anadolu Agency. It is very nice that they organized such an exhibition. They made our voices heard all over Türkiye and the world. The exhibition is open until Feb. 14, everyone can go. Let them see what mothers mean,” she added.

Necibe Ciftci said she had a difficult time. "Anadolu Agency stood by us, took our photos. We participated in the exhibition of the photographs. We were very touched there, we saw our children, we were very sad,” she said.

The sit-in protest against the PKK terror group in Türkiye began in September 2019 in Diyarbakir, when three mothers said their children had been forcibly recruited by PKK/YPG terrorists.

The demonstration outside the HDP -- a party currently facing a closure case, and which the government accuses of having links to the terrorists -- has been growing daily.

Demonstrations have also spread to other provinces, including Van, Mus, Sirnak and Hakkari.

In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK -- listed as a terror organization by Türkiye, the US, and the EU -- has been responsible for the deaths of some 40,000 people, including women, children and infants. The YPG is the terror group’s Syrian branch.

Source: Anadolu Agency