New Cypriot Ambassador to Uzbekistan presents his credentials

The Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to the Republic of Uzbekistan, based in Moscow, Dr. Kypros Yiorgallis, presented on Wednesday his credentials at a special ceremony held in the capital Tashkent, expressing his commitment to further strengthen relations between the two countries.

The credentials and revocable documents were received on behalf of the President of the country, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Saidov Bakhtiyor Odilovich.

Delivering the personal greetings of the President of the Republic, Nikos Christodoulides, Dr. Yiorgallis expressed his readiness and commitment to further strengthen relations between the two countries, but also to deepen cooperation at a bilateral level, as well as in the framework of EU-Uzbekistan relations, according to a press release by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan returned the President’s warm greetings to President Christodoulides and congratulated the Ambassador for his accreditation. He also conve
yed wishes for the success of efforts to further strengthen the relations between the two countries at bilateral and multilateral levels.

At a meeting held after the official ceremony, the Uzbekistan’s Foreign Minister referred to the country’s foreign policy priorities and the prospect of developing relations between his country and the Republic of Cyprus.

During his stay in the capital Tashkent, Dr Yiorgallis held meetings where he went on to brief on the latest developments in the Cyprus problem and on the efforts to upgrade the secessionist entity, particularly within the framework of the Organization of Turkic States and the Organization of Islamic Conference, in violation of international legality.

Source: Cyprus News Agency