It is high time to reunify the last divided EU member state, President says at AHEPA event

AHEPA, the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association, has been a staunch pillar of support in Cyprus’ quest for peace, President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nikos Christodoulides, said Wednesday, adding that 50 years of Turkish occupation are enough and it is high time to reunify the last divided EU member state.

The President was addressing an event held to honour the members of AEHPA, in the framework of the 102nd AHEPA Supreme Convention 2024, at the Presidential Palace gardens, during which First Lady, Filippa Karsera Christodoulides was given an award by the ‘Daughters of Penelope’ organisation.

Referring to the event, he said that it is a great honour to host for the first time, here in Cyprus, this very important event for Hellenism. “In the 102 years of the history of AHEPA, this is only the second time that this event is held outside the United States. This speaks volumes about the importance of our relationship and our unbreakable bond. We are pleased to have all of you here in Cyprus”
he noted.

Hosting you in Cyprus, he said, at the eastern-most edge of Hellenism, sends a resounding message of our unity and strength – one a pre-requisite for the other – because our strength lies precisely in our unity.

He pointed out that since 1922, AHEPA has been tirelessly promoting the Hellenic values: Greek language, identity and cultural heritage but also universal principles and ideals, including humanism, reason, the pursuit of knowledge, arts, moderation and civic responsibility.

“I would like to thank AHEPA’s Supreme President, my dearest friend Savvas C. Tsivicos, the Supreme Lodge Members and the entire AHEPA Leadership for your profound dedication to our common cause”.

This important gathering, he noted, coincides with a tragic, somber anniversary – the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974.

“This solemn milestone calls for reflection on the loss we have endured, and the sacrifices undertaken by the people of Cyprus. It is also a moment of reflection, for our future.
An opportunity to renew our commitment to reunifying Cyprus and its people. Our commitment to peace, stability and prosperity, is the only path that we can choose for Cyprus, for the generations to come”.

The pain, he went on to say, of half a century since the Turkish invasion, of 50 years of occupation, violation of fundamental freedoms and human rights, remain, but so does our resolve to reunify Cyprus through a viable comprehensive settlement in line with the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, EU law, values and principles.

“As we commemorate this somber anniversary, we also reflect on the resilience and enduring spirit of the Cypriot people and the rest of Hellenism, as well as on their unrelenting efforts and their quest for peace and justice” the President said.

He said that AHEPA has been a staunch pillar of support in Cyprus quest for peace. “We are profoundly grateful to all the AHEPA members, and we extend our deep appreciation to all Hellenes for their unwavering support. Your voice and
resolve strengthen our own”.

Your role, he continued, has also been very instrumental in further reinforcing Cyprus-US relations.

“It is with your contribution that Cyprus-US relations are stronger than ever. I am proud because since my time as Minister of Foreign Affairs we worked tirelessly to advance our relations with the US, in line with our clear foreign policy orientation” he said.

He recalled that in 2018 he signed the Statement of Intent which paved the way for cooperation in fields ranging from security to defence and regional cooperation.

As a result, the President added, only last month we launched the structured strategic dialogue between Cyprus and the United States, our Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Kombos and the US Secretary of State, which epitomizes our joint commitment to this partnership, and the alignment of our common interest for security and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

“We owe it to those who heroically defended democracy, who defended the territorial integrit
y and sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus, to reunify our country and its people. I adamantly believe that the status quo cannot be the future of Cyprus” he said.

The President said that it is his duty, as President, to work tirelessly so that generations to come are able to live in a viable, functional, reunified EU member state where they can enjoy all the human rights that all other Europeans enjoy, and live in an environment of peace, stability, freedom and prosperity. Without guarantees and without foreign troops.

“A reunified Cyprus that will be able to further enhance its role as a pillar of regional stability and peace and a model of peaceful coexistence and prosperity”.

He assured them that despite the challenges we face, stemming from the intransigence of Turkey, we will not relent. “I will continue to exert every possible effort to resume negotiations, in line with the agreed basis as outlined in relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions”.

“50 years of occupation are enough. It is
high time to reunify the last divided EU member state. It is high time to walk the path of peace, stability, co-existence and prosperity” the President stressed.

In this endeavour, he said, you, our Diaspora constitutes a key driver, adding that AHEPA, as the largest and oldest homogeneous Greek organization, is a fundamental pillar of our vision to reunify Cyprus.

“As I often like to say, you are our greatest extraterritorial power and our most valuable tool. For your valuable contribution, your solidarity, I once again express on behalf of the people of Cyprus and my Government our deep respect and great appreciation” he concluded.

The executive director of the ‘Daughters of Penelope’ International Women Oraganization, Elena Saviolakis, outlined the reasoning behind the award of First Lady, Filippa Karsera Christodoulides.

As she said, ”this distinctive award is given to women who exemplify dignity, perseverance, creativity and inspire and empower women”. The First Lady is not only a career diplomat,
but also a mother of four girls, she pointed out, adding that she has served at the High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in the UK, at the Embassy in Athens and the Permanent Representation of Cyprus in Brussels.

During the first presidency of Cyprus to the Council of the EU, she also has had the General Secretariat of European Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and served as an advisor to the President on European Affairs EU Sherpa, she noted.

“Madam First Lady, your unwavering determination and hard work towards yours professional accomplishments as a leader embody this award,” she concluded.

Accepting the award ‘Daughters of Penelope’ the First Lady said she was extremely honoured “to be included among the 25 thousand members of the ‘Daughters of Penelope’ from the United States, Canada, Australia and Europe. Such a dynamic group of strong, capable women, is always an important source of inspiration for me”.

She said that being a diplomat herself she spent many years abroad and she always
felt proud about the Greek diaspora, their commitment to helping Greece and Cyprus, noting that their role is pivotal. She thanked them for their struggle to preserve the historical truth and support Cyprus. Referring to the fifty years’ tragic anniversary of the Turkish invasion and occupation of Cyprus, she said that we declare together with the President, with a strong voice, that this is enough.

“We are all united to support the unwavering efforts of President Christodoulides for the resumption of the talks and a reunited country, in line with the UN Security Council Resolutions” she stressed.

Referring to the Independent Social Support Body she said that in 2023/2024 it succeeded in helping approximately 800 students for their first degree, to study in Cyprus or abroad, which is an important number for Cyprus.

“The primary goal is to help students from very low income families to be educated and get into the arena of adulthood stronger. We have upgraded our website, communicated our scholarship scheme
better and broader and we have now started our fundraising for academic year 2024/2025” she said and thanked all the expats who “send donations from abroad for this noble cause and I am sure that more will follow them”.

Supreme President Savvas Tsivikos said that the Hellenes of Diaspora can play a very-very crucial role and we have been doing it for so many years. But now, he noted, is a critical time, “as we commemorate 50 years since the Turkish invasion and Turkish occupation our role becomes even more critical.”

He assured President Christodoulides that the Hellenes of Diaspora have Cyprus in their heart and that they will stand by his side. There are difficult days ahead, he said, adding that he believes that during this presidency there will be opportunities for a final solution of the Cyprus issue. However, he noted that the President should not accept a solution which would see Turkish troops remaining in Cyprus, intervention rights or divisions.

He also announced a donation of 10,000 euro per yea
r towards the fund chaired by the First Lady in aid of students in need.

Source: Cyprus News Agency