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How farmers can support biodiversity

National Biodiversity Week Ireland 2023 takes place 19th – 28th May. National Biodiversity Week is all about connecting people with nature and communicating the importance of biodiversity.

Conservation of Farmland Habitats

Conservation and protection of farmland wildlife and habitats is an important dimension of environmental sustainability. In order of priority, decisions about the management of wildlife habitats should aim to:




Prioritised Guidance for Management of Farmland Wildlife Habitats

Retain what you have

Retain existing wildlife areas. These habitats have highest value for farmland wildlife e.g. native woodlands, ponds, wetlands, species-rich grasslands, marshland, as well as hedgerows and field margins. Old buildings can be important roosts for birds and bats.

Enhance degraded farmland habitats through improved management

Increase the quality of existing farmland habitats to improve the wildlife value of a farm. Native grasslands and heathland areas can be improved through appropriate grazing. Control invasive species. Allow hedgerows to grow tall for farmland birds and flower for pollinators. Prevent spray drift onto field margins, hedgerows, ponds, wetlands and waterways.

Only consider habitat creation after existing habitats have been retained or enhanced

Newly created habitats usually have a lower wildlife value than existing habitats. However, in areas with very little existing habitats, the creation of farmland habitats can help e.g.

new hedgerows

field margins

pollinator strips

native woodland

wildbird seed mixes etc.

Do not locate new wildlife habitats on existing habitats

Placing newly created habitats e.g. pollinator strips, wild bird cover or woodland on existing habitats such as species-rich grasslands and heathland typically results in a net loss of biodiversity.

Source: EMM/ A&FDA