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EU’s greenhouse gas emissions fall by 22% in 2022

ANKARA: The EU’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from economic activities declined by 22% in 2022 compared to levels in 2008, according to the EU’s statistical office, Eurostat, on Thursday.

Data revealed that the European bloc slashed about 3.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2-eq) during the 14-year period between 2008 and 2022.

The mining and quarrying industry saw the highest relative decline in GHG emissions during the period, accounting for 40% of total emissions.

This was followed by around a 37% drop in greenhouse gas emitted from the supply of electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning, and a 28% fall in gas emissions by the manufacturing sector.

The manufacturing sector, along with the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning, topped the list as the activities with the highest GHG emissions in 2022, both with 745 million tonnes of CO2-eq, representing 21% of total greenhouse gases emitted.

These were followed by households, with 718 million tonnes of CO2-eq, repr
esenting 20%, with emitters of greenhouse gases related to transportation, heating and other purposes.
Source: Anadolu Agency