Erdogan: There is no peace in the region without resolving the Palestinian issue justly

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed on Sunday that peace cannot be achieved in the region “without resolving the Palestinian issue justly.”

This came in a speech delivered by Erdogan at the opening ceremony of the “St. Ephrem” Syriac Orthodox Church in the Yesilköy district of Istanbul.

The Turkish President highlighted the importance of the city of Jerusalem in the conscience of Muslims and Christians.”

He stressed that “those who know the history of the Middle East are aware of this fact: the Palestinian issue lies at the heart of all problems in the region, and if this issue is not resolved in a fair manner, the region will continue to yearn for peace.”

He added: “Bringing permanent peace to the Middle East can only be achieved by finding a radical solution to the Palestinian-Israeli problem.”

The Turkish President stressed the importance of adhering to the “two-state solution.”

He said: “The establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with (East) Jerusalem as its capital, geographically integrated, has become a need that cannot be postponed.”

The Turkish President stressed the need to avoid any steps that would “escalate tension in the region and open the way for more bloodshed and exacerbate problems.”

Erdogan reiterated his country’s readiness to make every effort to stop the clashes as soon as possible and reduce tension in the Gaza Strip.

In this regard, he said: “We are determined to intensify the diplomatic efforts that we have begun in order to restore calm.”

He pointed to the “repeated violations that affected Al-Aqsa Mosque” and the reactions that Turkey has repeatedly shown regarding this.

According to Erdogan, various Turkish institutions have worked to ease the burden of the siege on the residents of the Gaza Strip in the recent period, saying: “Today we are moving based on the principle of ‘There is no loser from establishing a just peace.’”

Source: International Islamic News Agency