Contacts for EU involvement in Cyprus problem will continue, says Letymbiotis

Diplomatic contacts for a more active EU involvement in the Cyprus problem will continue, Government Spokesperson ?onstantinos Letymbiotis said on Tuesday, as part of his regular briefing to the media.

Specifically, in response to a journalist’s question about the EU’s attempt to get involved in the Cyprus problem, Letymbiotis said the President of the Republic has also referred to this issue. “It is well known that this has been and remains our approach. We believe that a more active EU involvement can play a catalytic role in the efforts for a resumption and resolution of the Cyprus problem,” he added.

He also noted that what emerged through contacts as the first step in this discussion was the appointment of a personality as the UN Secretary General’s envoy, “something which we and our European partners welcomed with satisfaction.” He added that the Government’s diplomatic efforts to engage more actively on the part of the EU were continuing.

“It is a project that we have never abandoned, it is at the h
eart of our diplomatic contacts and we will continue in this direction,” he said.

In response to a reporter’s remark that there seems to be no interest from the EU side or any development on this issue, the Spokesperson recalled that the UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy has just made her first visit to Cyprus and is expected to go to Brussels as well.

“It was a development which was expected as a first step before any discussion could begin,” he said, adding that “it is not an easy task, but we believe it is in the interest of the process and we will continue our own efforts in this direction.”

Responding to another question, he said that there is regular communication between the President of the Republic and the UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy, and that she will hold meetings with the President, the Turkish Cypriot leader and other groups during her next visit to the island in the second half of March, as she has recently mentioned through her written statement.

Responding to a question about
the Azerbaijani President’s invitation to the Turkish Cypriot leader to attend the informal summit of Turkic states to be held in July in Azerbaijan, and what the Government’s actions will be, Letymbiotis noted that, “once again, we will make all the foreseen interventions through all available channels that we have,” despite the fact that this is an informal summit. He recalled the similar actions taken by the Government in November 2023 regarding the Summit in Kazakhstan, “where ultimately, due to these interventions, the occupying regime was not represented.”

Facts of Turkish-Libyan memorandum annulment under assessment


Asked by a journalist how the government assesses the annulment on Monday of the Turkish- Libyan memorandum by the Tripoli Court of Appeal in Libya, and whether it can thwart Turkey’s plans in the region, Letymbiotis said that the issue came up a few months ago and yesterday was the confirming statement of the Libyan Court of Appeal.

This development has its geopo
litical significance and it differentiates, in any way that it can, the facts, he added, noting that the facts are being evaluated “at all times.”

Source: Cyprus News Agency