Quantexa Provides ING with Solution to Strengthen and Automate Global Risk Coverage

ING is utilizing Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform to gain a 360-degree view of customer data, identify risk, and continue advancing their world-class customer experiences

LONDON, May 10, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today Quantexa, a global leader in Decision Intelligence (DI) solutions for the public and private sectors, announced that ING is deploying Quantexa’s platform to strengthen its risk detection and investigative efforts. Being a global bank serving 37 million customers, corporate clients, and financial institutions in 40 countries, ING is determined to protect its customers and fight financial crime.

Using AI and advanced graph analytics capabilities provided by Quantexa’s platform, ING’s investigative teams are focused on developing more effective and efficient global Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) measures. By connecting customers and counterparties, the platform creates context and uncovers complex networks. This further automates the first line defence processes.

ING selected Quantexa’s platform for its ability to aid in the analyzation of internal transaction data and to incorporate external data, to complete a 360-degree view of customer base risk. Early 2023 ING and Quantexa completed a successful first implementation for Trade Finance in Hong Kong and Singapore.

ING and Quantexa are now working on a global rollout with expanded efforts in Financial Markets and Correspondent Banking.

Dan Higgins, Chief Product Officer, Quantexa
“The most effective method to prevent money laundering is by understanding the context underpinning and linking how criminals behave. We are excited to build on our successful track-record of innovation with ING and support them in their mission to improve risk coverage throughout significant global practice areas and their continued effort to be a leader in identifying and combating criminal threats in the banking industry.”

Karim Tadjer, Global KYC lead, ING Group
“At ING, we are committed to the fight against money laundering, economic crime, and continually innovating to ensure the safety and compliance of the bank. We are thrilled to have found a partner with compatible ambitions in Quantexa. By leveraging the contextual insights generated through their platform, we can strengthen our detection models and automate key processes in our KYC and AML measures. This is leading to efficiencies for our investigative teams and improved customer experiences.”

About Quantexa

Quantexa is a global data and analytics software company pioneering Decision Intelligence that empowers organizations to make trusted operational decisions by making data meaningful. Using the latest advancements in big data and AI, Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence platform uncovers hidden risk and new opportunities by providing a contextual, connected view of internal and external data in a single place. It solves major challenges across data management, KYC, customer intelligence, financial crime, risk, fraud, and security, throughout the customer lifecycle.

The Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform enhances operational performance with over 90% more accuracy and sixty times faster analytical model resolution than traditional approaches. Founded in 2016, Quantexa now has more than six hundred employees and thousands of users working with billions of transactions and data points across the world. The company has offices in London, New York, Boston, Toronto, Malaga, Brussels, Amsterdam, Luxemburg, Singapore, Melbourne, Sydney, and the UAE. For more information, please visit www.quantexa.com or follow us on LinkedIn.

Media Enquiries 
C: Stephanie Crisp, Associate Director and Media Strategist, Fight or Flight
E: Quantexa@fightflight.co.uk

C: Adam Jaffe, SVP of Corporate Marketing
T: +1 609 502 6889
E: adamjaffe@quantexa.com
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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000809187

‫Recursion توقّع اتفاقيات استحواذ على Cyclica وValence بهدف تعزيز قدراتها في الكيمياء والذكاء الاصطناعي الإنشائي

سالت ليك سيتي وتورونتو ومونتريال، 10 مايو 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)‏ — شركة Recursion (بورصة ناسداك: RXRX)، رائدة التقنيات الحيوية السريرية المُستخدمة في تطوير صناعة اكتشاف الأدوية بالاستعانة بتحليل الشفرات الحيوية، أعلنت اليوم توقيعها اتفاقيات للاستحواذ على شركتين تعملان في مجال اكتشاف الأدوية المُدعم بالذكاء الاصطناعي هما: Cyclica و Valence.

قال كريس جيبسون، المؤسس المشارك والرئيس التنفيذي لـ Recursion، والحاصل على درجة الدكتوراه “كان لـ Recursion دورًا رائدًا في الإنشاء الهائل والمتوازي لبيانات دراسات العلوم الحيوية باستخدام التعلم الآلي، وذلك من أجل رسم خرائط لعلم الأحياء وتسهيل الاطلاع فيه، بهدف تسريع اكتشاف الأدوية الجديدة. ويمكننا تقديم ما أعتقد أنه الحل الأكثر شمولًا لاكتشاف الأدوية المُدعم بالتكنولوجيا في قطاع الأدوية الحيوية، وذلك بفضل الاستحواذ الإستراتيجي على Cyclica وValence وما تضيفانه من قدرات رائدة في القطاع في مجالات الكيمياء الرقمية والتعلم الآلي والذكاء الاصطناعي، إضافة إلى ما نزخر به من المختبرات التجريبية الآلية واسعة النطاق وقدرات الحوسبة الفائقة. نتطلع إلى أن نظهر للعالم الأدلة على الفوائد المضاعفة لهذا النهج المتكامل بتسريع عمليات الإنتاج والشراكات لدينا. وفي خضم التنافس العالمي المتسارع لجذب البارعين في ميدان التكنولوجيا، يرسخ الاستحواذ مكانة Recursion بوصفها مركز ثقل لأفضل الكوادر وألمعها في مجالي التعلم الآلي والذكاء الاصطناعي الذين يرغبون في وضع تصور جديد لطرق اكتشاف الأدوية. تغمرني الحماسة للترحيب بفرق Cyclica وValence في Recursion، لا سيما في هذه اللحظة التاريخية الفارقة بما تشهده من متغيرات سريعة في القطاعات كافة بفضل التعلم الآلي والذكاء الاصطناعي”.

قدمت شركة Cyclica، التي يقع مقرها الرئيسي في تورنتو، منتجَين متميزين للغاية في مجال الكيمياء الرقمية سيُدمجان في RecursionOS يتنبأ محرك التعلم العميق المدعوم بالذكاء الاصطناعي MatchMaker™‎ بعلم الأدوية المتعدد للجزيئات الصغيرة كنقطة انطلاق لاكتشاف الأدوية الجزيئية الصغيرة، حيث يمكنه التعميم عبر البروتيوم، كما أنه يستخدم بنيات AlphaFold2 ونماذج التماثل. POEM™‎ (نموذج باريتو للتضمين الأمثل) نموذج فريد للتنبؤ بالخصائص بناءً على أوجه التشابه. وعلى عكس نماذج التنبؤ الأخرى، يصف نموذج POEM الجزيئات باستخدام أنواع متعددة من بصمات الأصابع الجزيئية، مما يوفر مقياسًا أكثر تنوعًا للتشابه ويعزز مستوى الدقة.

قال نهيد كورجي، الرئيس التنفيذي والمؤسس المشارك لـ Cyclica: “إن كلًا من Cyclica وRecursion متفقتان على أهمية تطوير صناعة اكتشاف الأدوية” وأضاف: “سيتم إنشاء واحدة من أكبر مجموعات البيانات الحيوية والكيميائية الملائمة للغرض في مجال اكتشاف الأدوية من خلال الجمع بين تنبؤنا على مستوى البروتيوم للتفاعلات المستهدفة للجزيئات الصغيرة وعالم بيانات Recursion. وأعتقد أنه بهذا التعاون سيكون لـ Recursion تأثير أكبر على صحة الإنسان على مدى السنوات القادمة”.

يقع المقر الرئيسي لشركة Valence في مونتريال في Mila، وهو أكبر معهد لأبحاث التعلم العميق في العالم. وتكرس الشركة جهودها لإطلاق العنان للإمكانات الكاملة للتعلم العميق في عملية اكتشاف الأدوية. أدت الشركة دورًا رائدًا في تطبيق التعلم القائم على البيانات الضئيلة في تصميم الأدوية، فضلًا عن إطلاق العنان لإمكانات تصميم جزيئات صغيرة متمايزة بخصائص ووظائف محسّنة من مجموعات البيانات المتفرقة أو غير متجانسة أو الضئيلة للغاية لطرق التعلم العميق التقليدية. وتتمتع Valence بسجل حافل من الابتكارات في مجال التعلم الآلي الجزيئي، من بينها أفضل التقنيات في فئتها للأحياء الهيكلية المُدعمة بالذكاء الاصطناعي، والكيمياء التوليدية، والتحسين متعدد المعامِلات، الأمر الذي مكَّن في نهاية المطاف من تصميم كيمياء هي الأفضل أو الأولى في فئتها في مقابل الأحياء الصعبة.

صرح دانيال كوهين، الرئيس التنفيذي والمؤسس المشارك لـ Valence Discovery: “دمج محرك الكيمياء الفعال القائم على الذكاء الاصطناعي لدى Valence في نظام التشغيل المتنوع الغني بالبيانات لدى Recursion سيساعد في إطلاق عنان الإمكانات القصوى للكيمياء الرقمية واكتشاف الأدوية اللذين يأتي الذكاء الاصطناعي في أولويتهما”. وأضاف: “شركة Recursion رائدة في مجال اكتشاف الأدوية المُدعم بالتكنولوجيا، ولديها سجل حافل من تسخير البيانات لاكتشاف آفاق حيوية جديدة، ويسعدني أن تتحد فرقنا وتجمع قواها من أجل ابتكار أدوية جديدة بسرعة للمرضى الذين يحتاجون إليها”.

وبالتعاون مع مكتب أبحاث التعلم العميق التابع لـ Recursion في مونتريال، ستصبح Valence مركزًا لأبحاث الذكاء الاصطناعي والتعلم الآلي تحت قيادة دانيال كوهين وبتوجيهات يوشوا بنجيو المستمرة.

قال يوشوا بنجيو، رائد مجال التعلم العميق والمستشار العلمي لكل من Recursion وValence: “الاستحواذ على Valence يتيح الفرصة لـ Recursion لإنشاء مركز امتياز حقيقي لبعض من أبحاث الذكاء الاصطناعي/التعلم الآلي الأكثر إقناعًا في العالم”. وأضاف: “بالتعاون مع هذه المجموعة المتكاملة حديثًا والموجودة بمنظومة Mila، سيصل فريق Recursion من الباحثين في مجالي الذكاء الاصطناعي والتعلم الآلي في وقت حاسم إلى مستوى مهم في تطوير خوارزميات ذكاء اصطناعي جديدة للاكتشاف العلمي”.

شروط الاستحواذ

وقعت شركة Recursion اتفاقيات للاستحواذ على كل من شركة Cyclica مقابل سعر شراء قدره 40 مليون دولار وشركة Valence مقابل سعر شراء قدره 47.5 مليون دولار، وذلك رهنًا في كل حالة بالتعديلات العادية التي تطرأ على سعر الشراء عند الإغلاق وما بعد الإغلاق. سيتم دفع سعر الشراء في عمليتي الاستحواذ في شكل أسهم عادية من الفئة A العائدة لشركة Recursion، وأسهم شركة تابعة لشركة Recursion قابلة للاستبدال بأسهم عادية من الفئة A عائدة لشركة Recursion، مع افتراض بعض الخيارات المعلقة لشركتي Valence وCyclica. وقد تدفع Recursion في بعض الظروف المحدودة مقابلًا نقديًا رمزيًا لمساهمي Valence وCyclica بدلاً من الأسهم العادية القابلة الاستبدال أو الأسهم العادية من فئة A العائدة لشركة Recursion. لا تتوقع Recursion أي تغيير جوهري في المدرج النقدي لديها نتيجة لعمليتي الاستحواذ هذه، وتتوقع أن يتم الانتهاء من عمليتي الاستحواذ في الربع الثاني من عام 2023، رهنًا بشروط الإغلاق المعمول بها.

نبذة عن Recursion
Recursionشركة رائدة في مجال التكنولوجيا الحيوية في المرحلة السريرية تعمل على تصنيع عملية اكتشاف الأدوية عن طريق تحليل الشفرات الحيوية. يدعم نظام Recursion OS الشركة في تحقيق أهدافها، وهو عبارة عن منصة تم إنشاؤها باستخدام مجموعة متنوعة من التقنيات التي تعمل باستمرار على توسيع نطاق واحدة من أكبر مجموعات البيانات الحيوية والكيميائية المسجلة الملكية في العالم. تستخدم Recursion خوارزميات التعلم الآلي المعقدة لاستخلاص مجموعة من تريليونات العلاقات القابلة للبحث في مجالي الأحياء والكيمياء التي لا تتقيد بالتحيز البشري من مجموعة بياناتها. تجمع Recursion مجالات التكنولوجيا والأحياء والكيمياء بهدف النهوض بمستقبل الطب، وذلك بفضل التحكم في نطاق تجريبي ضخم — يصل إلى الملايين من التجارب المعملية أسبوعيًا — ومقياس حوسبي هائل — بامتلاك أحد أقوى أجهزة الحاسوب الفائقة في العالم وتشغيله.

يقع المقر الرئيسي لشركة Recursion في سالت ليك سيتي، وهي هناك عضو مؤسس في BioHive، وهي جمعية تعمل في مجال علوم الحياة في ولاية يوتا. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تمتلك Recursion مكاتب في تورنتو ومونتريال ومنطقة خليج سان فرانسيسكو. تعرف على المزيد عبر الموقع الإلكتروني www.Recursion.com، أو تواصل على Twitter و LinkedIn.

نبذة عن Cyclica
Cyclica شركة ناشئة في مجال التكنولوجيا الحيوية تسعى سعيًا جادًا إلى إنشاء محفظة أعمال رائدة وقوية ومستدامة لاكتشاف الأدوية تركز على الجهاز العصبي المركزي وعلم الأورام وأمراض المناعة الذاتية. أنشأت Cyclica المنصة الوحيدة القابلة للتعميم عبر البروتيوم بكامله، ما وسّع النطاق المستهدف للأهداف ضئيلة البيانات، بما في ذلك بنيات AlphaFold2، ومثبطات مضخة البروتون (PPI)، والأهداف الخاصة بالأورام المتحولة. جمعت Cyclica فريقًا متنوعًا وماهرًا من علماء الأحياء والكيميائيين وأخصائيي الحاسوب والمتخصصين في مجال الأعمال الذين لديهم جميعًا شغف بتغيير نموذج اكتشاف الأدوية. وتهدف Cyclica إلى إحداث تأثير غير مسبوق على صحة المريض باستكشاف الأشياء المجهولة وعلاج ما يتعذر علاجه. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني: www.cyclicarx.com.

نبذة عن Valence Discovery
تستفيد Valence من التطور الثوري في مجال الحوسبة في سبيل تحسين الرعاية الصحية. وهي شركة رائدة في تطوير تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي والتقنيات القائمة على الفيزياء واستخدامها لتتمكن من تصميم جزيئات صغيرة متمايزة بخصائص ووظائف محسّنة. وبفضل الشراكات الناجحة التي عقدتها الشركة مع شركات رائدة في مجال التكنولوجيا الحيوية والأدوية، فضلًا عن سجلها الحافل من الابتكارات التي لا مثيل لها في المجلات والمؤتمرات الكبرى للذكاء الاصطناعي، جمعت Valence فريقًا من المحترفين متعددي التخصصات في القطاع والخبراء الحاسوبيين الذين ينصب تركيزهم على تسريع التقدم في مجموعة من برامج اكتشاف الأدوية الداخلية. تحظى شركة Valence بدعم مستثمرين بارزين في مجال التكنولوجيا الحيوية والتكنولوجيا العميقة منذ الإعلان عن إطلاقها في 2021، ويقع مقرها الرئيسي في مونتريال. لمعرفة المزيد، يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني www.valencediscovery.com.

مسؤول التواصل الإعلامي


جهة الاتصال للمستثمرين

البيانات التطلعية

تحتوي هذه الوثيقة على معلومات تتضمن أو تستند إلى “بيانات تطلعية” بالمعنى المقصود في قانون إصلاح التقاضي للأوراق المالية لعام 1995، ويشمل على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، البيانات المتعلقة بتوقيت عمليتي الاستحواذ على Cyclica وValence واستكمالهما والنتائج والفوائد المرجوة منهما؛ ونظام Recursion OS وغيره من التقنيات؛ والأعمال والخطط المالية والأداء، بما في ذلك المدرج النقدي؛ وجميع البيانات الأخرى التي لا تمثل حقائق تاريخية. قد تتضمن البيانات التطلعية أو لا تتضمن كلمات يمكن التعرف هذه البيانات من خلالها مثل “تخطط” و”سوف” و”تتوقع” و”تقدر” و”تنوي” و”ترى” و”محتملة” و”ممكنة” و”تستمر” وغيرها من العبارات المماثلة. تخضع هذه البيانات لمخاطر وشكوك معروفة أو مجهولة قد تؤدي إلى اختلاف النتائج الفعلية اختلافًا كبيرًا عمّا هو معبّر عنه أو متضمّن في هذه البيانات، بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر: التحديات المتأصلة في البحث والتطوير في مجال الأدوية، بما يشمل توقيت البرامج قبل السريرية والسريرية ونتائجها، والتي تزيد فيها احتمالية الفشل وإمكانية أن يحدث الفشل في أي مرحلة قبل الحصول على الموافقة التنظيمية أو بعدها بسبب الافتقار إلى الفاعلية الكافية أو اعتبارات السلامة أو غيرها من العوامل؛ وقدرتنا على الاستفادة من منصة اكتشاف الأدوية لدينا وتحسينها؛ وقدرتنا على الحصول على تمويل لأنشطة التطوير وغيرها من الأهداف المؤسسية؛ ونجاح أنشطة التعاون لدينا؛ وقدرتنا على الحصول على موافقة الجهات التنظيمية على الأدوية المرشحة وتسويقها في نهاية المطاف؛ وقدرتنا على الحصول على أوجه حماية الملكية الفكرية والحفاظ عليها وإنفاذها؛ والهجمات الإلكترونية أو غيرها من الاضطرابات الأخرى في أنظمتنا التكنولوجية؛ وقدرتنا على استقطاب الموظفين الرئيسيين وتحفيزهم واستبقاءهم وإدارة توسعنا؛ والتضخم وغيره من المسائل المرتبطة بالاقتصاد الكلي؛ إلى غير ذلك من المخاطر والشكوك مثل تلك الموضحة تحت عنوان “عوامل المخاطر” في ملفاتنا المودعة لدى لجنة الأوراق المالية والبورصات الأمريكية، بما في ذلك تقريرنا السنوي بشأن النموذج 10-K. وتستند جميع البيانات التطلعية إلى التقديرات والتنبؤات والافتراضات الحالية للإدارة، ولا تتعهد Recursion بتصحيح أو تحديث أي من هذه البيانات، سواء كان ذلك نتيجة لمعلومات جديدة أو تطورات مستقبلية أو غير ذلك، إلا بالقدر الذي يقتضيه القانون المعمول به.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 3553080

LeddarTech Showcasing LeddarVision, Its Award-Winning Sensor Fusion and Perception Software and Products at EcoMotion 2023 on May 22-24 in Tel Aviv, Israel

QUEBEC, May 10, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech®, an automotive software company that provides innovative low-level sensor fusion and perception ADAS and AD software technology that is scalable and flexible while delivering high performance, today announces its participation as a Silver Sponsor at EcoMotion Week 2023 in Tel Aviv, Israel.

The company, led by its Israeli-based technical experts, will demonstrate its award-winning technology at its booth and offer delegates the opportunity to experience it live on the road in their LeddarCar. In addition, LeddarTech’s CTO will chair a panel at the event.

Visit LeddarTech’s technology showcase featuring LeddarVision™, a high-performance, low-cost, scalable, hardware-agnostic low-level sensor fusion and perception solution for automotive and off-road industrial ADAS and AD applications. Witness the software’s high performance at various levels of autonomy in various scenarios, such as extreme weather conditions, via their award-winning demonstration dashboard.


LeddarVision Front-View (LVF) family of automotive software products addresses the challenges faced when developing Level 2/2+ ADAS applications, such as solving safety issues and finding scalable fusion and perception software that offers high performance at a low cost. These two distinct products are comprehensive low-level fusion and perception software stacks that optimally combine sensor modalities for Level 2/2+ ADAS applications achieving a 5-star NCAP 2025/GSR 2022 rating.

  • LeddarVision Front (Entry-Level) (LVF-E): This product pushes the performance envelope, potentially doubling the effective range of the sensors and enabling a solution operable with only three sensors.
  • LeddarVision Front (High-End) (LVF-H): With sensor configuration extended to 1V5R based on a single 3-megapixel 120-degree camera and five radars, the LVF-H stack extends the perception support to highway assist applications, including 160 km/h adaptive cruise control, 200-meter range and semi-automated lane change.

LeddarVision Surround (LVS-2+) efficiently extends the LVF front-view product family 1VxR sensor configuration to a 5V5R configuration, enhancing support to traffic jam assist (TJA) and highway assist (HWA) applications. It also enables applications such as automated lane change, overtaking and extended speed range adaptive cruise control (ACC).

Ride along: LeddarCar live – Delegates representing automotive Tier 1-2 suppliers and OEMs are invited to reserve an on-road demonstration of LeddarTech’s LeddarVision low-level fusion and perception software technology.

Participate: LeddarTech’s CTO Pierre Olivier will chair a panel entitled “Autonomous Vehicle 360: Use Cases.”

Pre-arrange a meeting for a product demonstration or to experience LeddarCar live.

About EcoMotion

EcoMotion is a dynamic and growing smart mobility community comprising over 650 start-ups and 15,000 community members. EcoMotion is a joint venture of the Israel Innovation Institute (NGO) alongside Israel’s Ministry of Transport and Road Safety and the Ministry of Economy and Industry.

About LeddarTech

LeddarTech, a global software company founded in 2007, develops and provides comprehensive perception software solutions that enable the deployment of ADAS and autonomous driving applications. LeddarTech’s automotive-grade software applies advanced AI and computer vision algorithms to generate accurate 3D models of the environment, allowing for better decision making and safer navigation. This high-performance, scalable, cost-effective technology is available to OEMs and Tier 1-2 suppliers to efficiently implement automotive and off-road vehicle ADAS solutions.

LeddarTech is responsible for several remote-sensing innovations, with over 150 patents granted or applied for that enhance ADAS and AD capabilities. Better awareness around the vehicle is critical in making global mobility safer, more efficient, sustainable and affordable: this is what drives LeddarTech to seek to become the most widely adopted sensor fusion and perception software solution.

Additional information about LeddarTech is accessible at www.leddartech.com and on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice-President, Global Marketing, Communications and Investor Relations, LeddarTech Inc.
Tel.: + 1-418-653-9000 ext. 232 daniel.aitken@leddartech.com

Investor relations contact and website: InvestorRelations@leddartech.com

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of LeddarTech Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other brands, product names and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8835234

Floship Hand-Picked for The Leading 100 List 2023

The annual research list recognizes Floship’s technology’s innovative approach to driving the future of brand-to-consumer

HONG KONG and NEW YORK, May 09, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Floship, a leading global circular supply chain solutions provider, is pleased to announce that it has been appointed to The Leading 100 List — a highly anticipated annual research list by The Lead that recognizes innovative tech start-ups that are driving the future of brand-to-consumer businesses.

Companies from across the value chain—including marketing, e-commerce, last-mile, and third-party logistics, checkouts, and payments were nominated and considered.

All companies were evaluated and selected using a rigorous methodology including company interviews, nomination forms, and company data. The selection process included a detailed look at each company’s business with a decision-making criterion based on Innovation, Business Impact, Commercialization & Customers, Teams and experience, Competition, Media Buzz, and Investor Value Creation.

Speaking on the selection, Floship CEO Joshua Tsui said, “Floship’s appointment to The Leading 100 List is a tremendous honor. The selection comes at an exciting time in our journey and this acknowledgment underscores Floship’s intelligent technology’s innovative capabilities and the exceptional value that it creates for our clients and their customers. As we look ahead to the next phase of our growth, our technology will remain integral to the rollout of our modular service offering including white-labeling solutions for enterprise organizations and this award confers another level of assurability to our solutions.”

Companies on The Leading 100 List will be honored in an awards ceremony at The Lead Innovation Summit between 12 & 13 July in New York City. The annual summit brings together executives from across the entire fashion, beauty, CPG, and retail innovation community to engage the future of the direct-to-consumer business model.

“I’d like to thank the selection committee and express my congratulations to the other companies selected for The List and look forward to connecting with industry peers in New York,” shared Tsui.

About Floship

Floship’s global circular supply chain ecosystem solutions cover all aspects of the global supply chain, ensuring minimal operation effort for e-commerce businesses, and allowing business owners to concentrate on driving growth with investment flexibility while gaining peace of mind.

Learn more at www.floship.com or follow us on,  LinkedIn,

For more information about Floship, please contact:

James Linacre, PR & Communications Lead

Phone: (+852) 5333 9420

Email: pr@floship.com

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8834891

Consumers across the globe desire humanized experiences when navigating the insurance industry

Duck Creek Technologies launches the second edition of the Global Consumer Insurance Insights survey of over 2,000 global consumers, aimed at refining the strategies that bring insurers closer to consumers worldwide

Boston / London, May 09, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, has proudly published its second annual benchmark survey, the 2023 Global Consumer Insurance Insights. The survey reveals strong demand from global consumers for humanized insurance purchasing, switching and communication experiences through digital channels.

The 2023 wave of research – which is being launched at the Duck Creek Technologies Formation ‘23 event for customers and partners from May 8-10, was conducted independently by Research in Finance for Duck Creek Technologies and surveyed over 2,000 policyholders across 13 countries, all of whom held at least one insurance policy.

Aimed at refining the strategies that bring insurers closer to consumers worldwide, this year’s survey is more extensive than the inaugural 2022 edition, with more questions and responses from policyholders across more countries. The survey provides insights for carriers, reflecting consumer preferences and awareness of innovation opportunities, purchasing, and communication methods.

Key findings from the survey include:


  • 93% of consumers are confident they have the proper coverage, irrespective of which channel they used to purchase the insurance policy.
  • Once a policy is in place, 44% of consumers prefer human interaction (2022: 35%). At the same time, however, interest in app/WhatsApp usage for buying and switching insurance also increased year-over-year.
  • 46% of global consumers are unaware of embedded insurance. Of those who were aware (37%), almost half said they trust it because of product or retailer quality. Those who do not trust it (26%) find embedded insurance unnecessary and expensive. Those who are unsure (29%) require more information, having had little experience with embedded insurance.

The survey reveals significant positives for insurance providers and clearly shows they are getting it right in many areas. However, it also highlights areas where insurers must reflect and improve further – including bolstering global consumer confidence and trust in insurance.

According to Jess Keeney, Chief Product & Technology Officer at Duck Creek, “As the insurance industry continues to evolve, it is crucial for providers to listen to the needs and preferences of their customers. The 2023 Duck Creek Technologies benchmark survey provides invaluable insights into consumer behaviors and trends, highlighting the areas where insurers can maximize accessibility, accelerate speed to market, and differentiate competitively.”

While the survey shows that carriers around the world are responding quickly to consumer demand for more relevant and timely products and services, it also reveals that a significant number of consumers prefer a humanized experience when interacting with their insurance providers. This emphasizes the importance of exploring ground-breaking and varying communication options to meet the needs of diverse customers.

Keeney adds, “It is encouraging to see that despite the challenging economic environment, people are re-evaluating their insurance needs and considering a wider range of products. Mobile and gadget insurance, travel insurance, and embedded insurance are being purchased more frequently than other types of insurance.

Duck Creek’s 2023 survey is a vital resource for insurance providers, offering unique insights into customer perceptions and highlighting the next opportunities for innovation. We urge providers to delve deeply into the results and continue pushing the frontiers of the insurance industry forward.”

Research in Finance Head of Research, Karen Scott, added, “In the insurance industry, listening to consumers is essential for success. As the Global Consumer Insurance Insights Survey 2023 demonstrates, primary research capturing changing behaviors, user feedback, and satisfaction is invaluable to help inform insurance company strategies, new product development, marketing, and communications plans. Insurers now have access to significant data sets to compare year-on-year, creating a true benchmark series of reports we are proud to support. Ultimately, insurers who prioritize listening to and understanding their consumers will come out on top.”

The 2023 Global Consumer Insurance Insights Survey highlights four key calls to action for insurers:

  1. Maximize accessibility of insurance products to consumers across channels
  2. Accelerate speed to market with the SaaS model
  3. Humanize the consumer experience through digital channels
  4. Leverage the SaaS ecosystem to differentiate competitively

Download the 2023 Global Consumer Insurance Insights Survey here.

About Duck Creek Technologies
Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market-leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit www.duckcreek.com to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information – LinkedIn and Twitter.

Drake Manning
Duck Creek Technologies
+1 860 877 3609
GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8833259

Mosa Meat Prepares for Market Entry by Opening Largest Cultivated Meat Campus in the World to date and Working with Two Michelin-starred Chef Hans van Wolde

MAASTRICHT, The Netherlands, May 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mosa Meat, the pioneers in the cultivated meat space that grow beef directly from animal cells, opened a new 2,760 square metre (29,708 square feet) scale-up facility in Maastricht on Monday. This fourth facility completes the new Mosa C.A.M.P.U.S. or Center for Advanced Meat Production, Upscaling, and Sustainability for a total footprint of 7,340 square metres (79,007 square feet).

Monday’s program included a ribbon cutting ceremony with the Mayor of Maastricht Annemarie Penn-te Strake, the Governor of Limburg Emile Roemer, and the Mosa Meat team, a cultivated burger cooking demonstration by Chef Hans van Wolde, and tours of the new facility. A select group of 50 investors, journalists and value chain partners from around the world attended the event. The new facility will start the first production runs in a matter of days.

Mosa Meat CEO Maarten Bosch said: “As this scale-up facility comes online next month, we will have the capacity to make tens of thousands of cultivated hamburgers. The facility is designed to grow as demand increases with regulatory approvals and regional market entries, up to hundreds of thousands of cultivated hamburgers per year. And in combination with our contract manufacturer in Singapore, even a lot more. We are excited to debut this great tasting hamburger today that even hardcore carnivores will love.” 

Mosa Meat Co-founder & CSO Dr. Mark Post said: “When we introduced cultivated meat to the world, we predicted it would take 10 years to create a consumer product. Now, almost exactly 10 years later, we have a consumer product that we can start making in larger quantities and that we can start serving to consumers in Singapore, pending regulatory approval” said Mark Post, co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Mosa Meat.

Chef Hans van Wolden said: “When I first tried a Mosa Burger as part of the internal development team, I was blown away by the beefy taste and the amazing mouthfeel of the beef fat. It gave me goosebumps. I genuinely believe this new way of making beef can delight connoisseurs and casual beef lovers alike, while enjoying the positive benefits of cultivated beef from a sustainability perspective. I am excited to work with the Mosa Meat team to make future versions even better. 


Mosa Meat is a global food technology company pioneering a cleaner, kinder way of making real beef. Our founders introduced the world’s first cultivated beef hamburger in 2013, by growing it directly from cow cells. Founded in 2016, Mosa Meat is now scaling up production of the same beef that people love, but in a way that is better for people, animals, and the planet. A diverse and growing team of 165 food-loving problem-solvers, we are united in our mission to fundamentally reshape the global food system. Headquartered in Maastricht, The Netherlands, Mosa Meat is a privately held company backed by Blue Horizon, Bell Food Group, Nutreco, Mitsubishi Corporation, Leonardo DiCaprio and others. Follow Mosa Meat on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram or visit mosameat.com to learn more about why people #cravechange.

For more information, reach out to press@mosameat.com.

Visual assets from the event will be loaded here by 17:00 CET on May 8th


The general Mosa Meat press kit is here:



Chef Hans is a Dutch 2-Michelin star chef who converted an old farmhouse outside Maastricht into his restaurant Brut172. Previouslyhe was the chef owner of 2-star restaurant Beluga in Maastricht and has been featured on TV shows like MasterChef and Snackmasters. He has formally joined Mosa Meat’s product development, sensory evaluation and recipe formulation team to complement Mosa Meat’s internal team of food scientists.



Tim van de Rijdt
Mosa Meat

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8834249

Recursion Enters into Agreements to Acquire Cyclica and Valence to Bolster Chemistry and Generative AI Capabilities

SALT LAKE CITY and TORONTO and MONTRÉAL, May 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Recursion (NASDAQ: RXRX), a leading clinical stage TechBio company decoding biology to industrialize drug discovery, today announced it has signed agreements to acquire two companies in the AI-enabled drug discovery space: Cyclica and Valence.

“Recursion has pioneered the massive, parallel generation of -omics data with machine learning in order to map and navigate biology to discover new medicines faster. The strategic acquisitions of Cyclica and Valence add industry-leading capabilities in digital chemistry, as well as machine-learning and artificial intelligence, which combined with our large-scale automated wet-laboratories and supercomputing capabilities, enables us to deploy what I believe is the most complete, technology-enabled drug discovery solution in the biopharma industry. We look forward to showing the world proof of the compounding benefit of this full-stack approach through the rapid acceleration of our pipeline and partnerships. Amidst a rapidly accelerating global race for technology talent, these acquisitions cement Recursion as the center of gravity for the best and brightest in ML and AI who want to reimagine how drugs are discovered,” said Chris Gibson, Ph.D., Co-Founder and CEO of Recursion. “I am so excited to welcome the Cyclica and Valence teams to Recursion, especially at such a dynamic moment in history when machine learning and artificial intelligence are creating so much rapid change across every industry.”

Cyclica, headquartered in Toronto, has built two highly differentiated products in the digital chemistry space which will be integrated into the RecursionOS. MatchMaker™ is an AI-enabled deep learning engine that predicts the polypharmacology of small molecules as the foundation for small molecule drug discovery. It is able to generalize across the proteome and uses both AlphaFold2 structures and homology models. POEM™ (Pareto Optimal Embedding Model) is a unique similarity-based property prediction model. In contrast to other AI prediction models, POEM uses multiple types of molecular fingerprints to describe molecules, providing a much richer measure of similarity that leads to greater accuracy.

“Cyclica and Recursion both believe in the value of industrializing drug discovery,” said Naheed Kurji, CEO and Co-Founder of Cyclica. “Combining our proteome-wide prediction of small molecule-target interactions into Recursion’s data universe will create one of the largest fit-for-purpose biological and chemical datasets in the drug discovery space. Together, I believe Recursion will have an immense impact on human health in the years to come.”

Valence, headquartered in Montréal at Mila, the world’s largest deep learning research institute, is committed to unlocking the full potential of deep learning in the drug discovery process. The company has pioneered the application of low-data learning in drug design, unlocking the ability to design differentiated small molecules with improved properties and function from datasets too small, sparse, or noisy for traditional deep learning methods. Valence has an unparalleled track record of innovation in molecular machine learning, including best-in-class methods for AI-enabled structural biology, generative chemistry, and multi-parametric optimization, ultimately enabling the design of best-in-class or first-in-class chemistry against challenging biology.

“The integration of Valence’s powerful AI-based chemistry engine into Recursion’s diverse and data-rich operating system will help unlock the true power of AI-first digital chemistry and drug discovery,” said Daniel Cohen, CEO and Co-founder at Valence Discovery. “Recursion is a leader in technology-enabled drug discovery with a proven track record of leveraging data to uncover novel biology, and I’m thrilled for our teams to join forces and combine our respective strengths to rapidly advance new medicines to patients who need them.”

Joining forces with Recursion’s Montréal deep learning research office, Valence will become an artificial intelligence and machine learning research center to be led by Daniel Cohen with continued advisory from Yoshua Bengio.

“The acquisition of Valence gives Recursion the opportunity to create a true center of excellence for some of the most compelling AI/ML research in the world,” said Yoshua Bengio, deep learning pioneer and scientific advisor to both Recursion and Valence. “With this newly integrated group housed in the Mila ecosystem, Recursion’s team of researchers in AI and ML for drug discovery reaches a critical mass at a crucial time in the development of new AI algorithms for scientific discovery.”

Terms of the Acquisitions

Recursion has entered into agreements to acquire Cyclica for a purchase price of $40 million and Valence for a purchase price of $47.5 million, in each case subject to customary closing and post-closing purchase price adjustments. The purchase price in the acquisitions will be payable in the form of shares of Recursion Class A common stock, shares of a subsidiary of Recursion exchangeable for shares of Recursion’s Class A common stock and the assumption of certain outstanding Valence and Cyclica options. In certain limited circumstances, Recursion may pay nominal cash consideration to Valence and Cyclica shareholders in lieu of such exchangeable shares or Recursion Class A common stock. Recursion expects no material change to its cash runway as a result of these acquisitions. Recursion expects both acquisitions to be completed in the second quarter of 2023, subject to applicable closing conditions.

About Recursion
Recursion is a clinical stage TechBio company leading the space by decoding biology to industrialize drug discovery. Enabling its mission is the Recursion OS, a platform built across diverse technologies that continuously expands one of the world’s largest proprietary biological and chemical datasets. Recursion leverages sophisticated machine-learning algorithms to distill from its dataset a collection of trillions of searchable relationships across biology and chemistry unconstrained by human bias. By commanding massive experimental scale — up to millions of wet lab experiments weekly — and massive computational scale — owning and operating one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world, Recursion is uniting technology, biology and chemistry to advance the future of medicine.

Recursion is headquartered in Salt Lake City, where it is a founding member of BioHive, the Utah life sciences industry collective. Recursion also has offices in Toronto, Montréal and the San Francisco Bay Area. Learn more at www.Recursion.com, or connect on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About Cyclica
As a neo-biotech, Cyclica is efficiently advancing an industry-leading, robust and sustainable drug discovery portfolio focused on CNS, oncology, and auto-immune diseases. Cyclica has built the only generalizable platform across the entire proteome, expanding the target space for low-data targets, including AlphaFold2 structures, PPIs, and mutant oncogenic targets. Cyclica has brought together a diverse and experienced team of biologists, chemists, computer scientists, and business professionals who are collectively passionate about changing the drug discovery paradigm. By exploring the unexplored, and drugging the undrugged, Cyclica strives to impact patient health like never before. For more information, please visit: www.cyclicarx.com.

About Valence Discovery
Valence is harnessing a revolution in computation to improve human health. The company is a leader in developing and deploying AI and physics-based technologies to enable the design of differentiated small molecules with improved properties and function. Following successful partnerships with leading biotech and pharmaceutical companies, and an unparalleled track record of innovation featured in top AI journals and conferences, Valence has built a team of interdisciplinary industry veterans and computational experts focused on rapidly advancing a portfolio of internal drug discovery programs. Valence launched publicly in 2021, is supported by leading biotech and deeptech investors, and is headquartered in Montréal. To learn more, please visit www.valencediscovery.com.

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Investor Contact

Forward-Looking Statements
This document contains information that includes or is based upon “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, without limitation, those regarding the timing and completion of the Cyclica and Valence acquisitions and the outcomes and benefits expected from such acquisitions; Recursion OS and other technologies; business and financial plans and performance, including cash runway; and all other statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements may or may not include identifying words such as “plan,” “will,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “believe,” “potential,” “continue,” and similar terms. These statements are subject to known or unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements, including but not limited to: challenges inherent in pharmaceutical research and development, including the timing and results of preclinical and clinical programs, where the risk of failure is high and failure can occur at any stage prior to or after regulatory approval due to lack of sufficient efficacy, safety considerations, or other factors; our ability to leverage and enhance our drug discovery platform; our ability to obtain financing for development activities and other corporate purposes; the success of our collaboration activities; our ability to obtain regulatory approval of, and ultimately commercialize, drug candidates; our ability to obtain, maintain, and enforce intellectual property protections; cyberattacks or other disruptions to our technology systems; our ability to attract, motivate, and retain key employees and manage our growth; inflation and other macroeconomic issues; and other risks and uncertainties such as those described under the heading “Risk Factors” in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K. All forward-looking statements are based on management’s current estimates, projections, and assumptions, and Recursion undertakes no obligation to correct or update any such statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments, or otherwise, except to the extent required by applicable law.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8833750

Deriv Expands Global Reach with 7 New Offices

Deriv’s new office locations in 2022

In 2022, Deriv opened 2 new offices in Asia, 2 in Europe, and one each in South America, Oceania, and the Caribbean.

CYBERJAYA, Malaysia, May 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv, one of the world’s largest online brokers, opened 7 new offices worldwide in 2022 to broaden its reach and leverage talented professionals spread across the globe.

In the fast-moving world of financial trading, changes are inevitable. Trading firms need to adapt to the evolving financial environment and innovate on their feet. Deriv has always been a broker able to adapt to changes. Last year was one of success and expansion for the firm, reflected in its opening of 7 new offices worldwide.

Deriv’s new office locations ranged from Vanuatu in the east to the Cayman Islands in the west and spanned 3 continents. Deriv opened 2 new offices in Asia, 2 in Europe, and one each in South America, Oceania, and the Caribbean.

Deriv opened 7 new offices worldwide in 2022

Singapore and Amman, Jordan, became Deriv’s latest offices in Asia. Reading, UK, and Berlin, Germany, were the European additions to Deriv workplaces. A new office was set up in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, making it the company’s second workplace in the country, adding to its existing address in Asunción. George Town, Cayman Islands, and Port Vila, Vanuatu, were the other Deriv workplaces in 2022.

The latest additions take the total Deriv office count up to 20 in 16 countries and will help the company reach new clients in more locations as it looks to become the world’s number 1 trading provider.

As it expands globally, Deriv aims to tap into the vast talent pool that exists across the world and provide its employees with the best tools to enhance their knowledge, skills, and experience which will in turn enable them to contribute to the company’s growth and success. Several Deriv locations have been certified with the ‘Best Places to Work’ for 2022 by Great Place to Work® (GPTW).

Jean-Yves Sireau, the CEO of Deriv, said: “At Deriv, we believe that talent isn’t restricted by geography. Our 7 new offices have allowed us to explore new markets — some of them in non-English-speaking countries — and hire quality professionals to help us achieve our goals in 2023. We are expanding our reach by adding new products and services, and customising them to local needs as we integrate our systems with AI language tools, including Amazon Translate.”

He added: “Our hires at the new offices have helped us strengthen our technical infrastructure, add expertise, and create localised educational materials for traders on our platforms.”

Over the course of 2023, Deriv will look to add new employees at its latest offices and to its existing multinational and multicultural workforce — that currently stands at over 1,200 — as it aims to become the world’s number 1 trading provider. If you want to be part of this successful and fast-growing team, check out open positions at Deriv.

About Deriv

Starting its journey in 1999, Deriv’s mission has been to make online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. Deriv’s product offering includes intuitive trading platforms, over 200 tradable assets (in markets such as forex, stocks, and cryptocurrencies), unique trade types, and more. With more than 1,200 employees in 20 global offices spread across 16 countries, Deriv strives to provide the best work environment, which includes positive work culture, timely addressing of employee concerns, celebrating achievements, and conducting initiatives to boost their morale.

Aleksandra Zuzic

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/c41b1ae9-345e-4315-a55e-62d7dc21ad3a

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000808216

Government of India Grants Pan India Unified Licenses to Zoom

Zoom aims to empower the India workforce with the rollout of Zoom Phone

SAN JOSE, Calif., May 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Zoom (NASDAQ: ZM) announced that it has received the Unified License with Access – All/PAN India, NLD National Long Distance, and ILD – International Long Distance from the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Government of India. With these licenses, the company will be able to offer Zoom Phone, its industry leading cloud PBX service, to multinational corporations (MNCs) and businesses operating in India.

Zoom Phone is a global cloud PBX application service, enabling MNCs and businesses in India to have a single communication platform for their global workforce. Zoom partners with international telecommunication providers and offers phone numbers and calling plans in 47 countries and territories bundled with cloud PBX service, making it simple for customers to deploy and manage their phone services.

Zoom Phone offers a robust set of features for the modern workforce, including intelligent call routing, auto attendants, interactive voice response, shared line appearance, call queuing, call analytics, voicemail, recordings and transcriptions, desktop/mobile app experience optimized for business users and integrations with CRM applications.

“We are thrilled and proud to receive the unified licenses from the Department of Telecommunications. With Zoom Phone, India businesses and multinational corporations can support hybrid work environments, foster greater collaboration among employees and elevate the customer experience,” said Abe Smith, Head of International, Zoom. “This important milestone underscores our continued focus in countries like India, a strategic growth market for Zoom, and our commitment to bringing new and innovative collaboration solutions to our customers.”

Zoom Phone grew more than 100% year over year globally in fiscal year 2023, surpassing 5.5 million seats in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2023. This is a testament to Zoom Phone’s ability to meet customer requirements for simplicity and flexibility and help businesses transition to a modern cloud communications platform.

In the coming months, Zoom will be working with regulators and partners in India to offer a complete telecommunications service bundled with its Zoom Phone PBX service.

“Feeling the pinch to produce more with less, Indian multinationals are increasingly turning to collaboration platforms including video communications to streamline workflows and engage employees, partners as well as their customers. The launch of Zoom Phone will offer a competitive edge to the collaboration solution vendor in targeting the Indian enterprise customers,” said Nikhil Batra, Research Director, Telecom at IDC. “Collaboration solutions have been highlighted by Indian enterprises as their top ICT investment priority through the course of 2023 and Zoom Phone, along with the broader Zoom collaboration portfolio, could help organizations accelerate this move to support and empower an increasingly mobile and connected workforce.”

About Zoom
Zoom is an all-in-one intelligent collaboration platform that makes connecting easier, more immersive, and more dynamic for businesses and individuals. Zoom technology puts people at the center, enabling meaningful connections, facilitating modern collaboration, and driving human innovation through solutions like team chat, phone, meetings, omnichannel cloud contact center, smart recordings, whiteboard, and more, in one offering. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more info at zoom.com.

Public Relations
Colleen Rodriguez
Head of Global PR for Zoom

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8831836