At least two people were killed early on Sunday by a Russian missile strike in Ukraine's southern region of Mykolaiv. "Last night, on April 16, at 02:20 (2320GMT), the Snihurivka community was hit by enemy rocket fire. S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems," Mykolaiv Governor Vitaliy Kim said on Telegram. Kim said two teenagers died in one of the strikes, noting that residential buildings, an educational institution, and a private business were damaged. He further said that two educational institutions, a hospital, a cultural center, and residential buildings were damaged in Snihurivka city. "According to preliminary information, there were no casualties," he added. Now in its second year, Russia's war has so far killed 8,490 civilians and wounded 14,244 others in Ukraine, according to the latest UN figures.
Source: Anadolu Agency