Berlin: Mustafa, an animated film focusing on the early years of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founding father of the Republic of Turkey, made its premiere in Germany and Austria on Saturday. The inaugural screening drew attention, with Trkiye’s consul general in Berlin, Ilker Okan Sanli, attending and sharing the experience with children.
According to Anadolu Agency, Sanli commended the film’s production, expressing satisfaction with the cinematic portrayal of Ataturk’s childhood. “My son and I found the movie very successful. We hope to see more movies like this to inform children growing up abroad,” Sanli remarked. The film, distributed by AF Media, is currently being showcased in 39 cinemas across Germany and Austria. It is scheduled to premiere in the Netherlands on November 21 and in Norway on November 23.
The film’s release is significant given the large Turkish diaspora in Europe, with Germany hosting over 2 million immigrants of Turkish descent and Austria home to approximately 360,000. The film aims
to reach these communities and educate younger generations about the life and legacy of Ataturk.