Heavy rains leave 22 dead, 14 others missing in South Korea

At least 22 people have died while 14 others were reported missing on Saturday after torrential rains lashed South Korea, officials said.

Train services have also been disrupted in parts of the country.

Thousands of people were evacuated as rains caused mudslides and resulted in overflowing rivers, according to Seoul-based Yonhap News.

According to the central disaster and safety countermeasure headquarters, 20 fatalities have been recorded in the southeastern North Gyeongsang province and central Chungcheong province.

The southeastern province of North Gyeongsang recorded the highest number of fatalities, with 16 deaths mainly caused by landslides and collapsing houses.

Around 6,400 residents in the central of Goesan were evacuated.

As heavy rain continued across the country, 1,567 people from 1,002 households in 13 cities and counties sought temporary shelters. Out of these, 1,114 individuals could not return home due to safety reasons.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Altun: Spirit that defeated 2016 coup attempt ensures Türkiye’s future

The spirit that defeated the July 15, 2016 coup attempt is the guarantor of Türkiye's future, the Turkish communications director said.

"We will never forget, and we will never let anyone forget the epic written by our people's wisdom and glorious resistance with the call and stance of our president that illuminated the darkness of the night on July 15," Fahrettin Altun said in a message on Twitter for July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day.

Saturday will mark the seventh anniversary of the July 15, 2016 defeated coup plotted by the Fetullah Terror Organization (FETO).

Since its designation in October 2016, every year the nation marks July 15 as Democracy and National Unity Day, with events held nationwide to commemorate those who lost their lives be ating back the putschists and to remember the bravery of the nation.

Saying July 15 saw a “blessed resistance,” Altun called it the day “the solidified will of the nation in all its glory stood against terrorism.”

He added that the resistance heroically fought back the coup bid with its “bare hands,” foiled traps, gave no quarter to terrorists, and thwarted treacherous plans with courage and belief.

FETO and its US-based leader Fetullah Gulen orchestrated the defeated coup of July 15, 2016, in which 252 people were killed and 2,734 injured.

It is well known that FETO members have been infiltrating state institutions including the judiciary, the police force, and the army for years.

"Like a roaring river, the heroes of the Century of Türkiye demolished the dams erected in front of their will and wrote a new manifesto of resistance, freedom, and independence against tanks and cannons on July 15," Altun said.

“In the night of resistance and resurrection, our martyrs and veterans entrusted us with a free future, paved the way for the Turkish Century, and left a legacy that will never forget betrayal and loy alty,” he added.

Altun said that the nation will never forgive those who threaten the future of the country. “Let everyone know, let everyone hear that combating FETO is our top priority," he added.

Under the leadership of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he said, Türkiye will continue to fight all terrorist groups, especially FETO, until the last terrorist is “neutralised.”

"On the occasion of July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day, we remember our martyrs with mercy and wish good health to our veterans. We respectfully salute our esteemed and heroic nation," he add ed.

- ‘Invasion attempt in the form of a coup’

In an interview with Turkish public broadcaster TRT, Altun also said July 15 was an ''invasion attempt in the form of a coup'' which threatened the independence, stability, and future of the nation.

He said the Turkish people did not allow the terrorists to implement their ''dirty project.''

"In the seven years since, we have also seen that our state and institutions are much stronger after the state and our institutions were cleared of this treacherous terrorist group," he added.

Source: TRTworld.com

Ankara has accelerated efforts to be removed from ‘gray list’

Trkiye's Treasury and Finance Ministry has intensified its efforts for Trkiye to be removed from the 'gray list' of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

It has been reported that out of the seven deficiencies identified by the FATF, five have been resolved.

On July 10, the ministry and officials from the relevant ministry and agency held their first meeting regarding the remaining two deficiencies.

Through this meeting, the ministry initiated a "rapid and effective" coordination process.

'Efforts to be intensified to accelerate education and awareness programs on money laundering and terrorism financing. Specialized public prosecutor's offices and competent courts have been established in all provinces, and guidelines have been prepared for the investigation process. Training programs to increase awareness will be expedited,' said the ministry.

Special working offices were established and technical teams were formed to strengthen Trkiye's positive perception in the international community, it added.

Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek stressed in the meeting that "Trkiye continues to demonstrate determination and sincerity in combating money laundering and terrorism financing in line with the international standards set by the FATF, and that the country has accelerated their efforts to address the deficiencies identified by the FATF."

'In order to address the remaining deficiencies swiftly and efficiently, coordinated action will be taken in conjunction with several ministries and agencies,' he added.

Emphasizing the importance of addressing these deficiencies "rapidly and in coordination", specialized courts and prosecutors' offices responsible for combating money laundering and terrorism financing have been determined, and special investigation offices have been established.

Simsek also stressed that 'Trkiye will quickly fulfill the necessary requirements to be removed from the FATF gray list and strengthen the country's positive perception in the international community.'

Referring to the negative effects of being included in the gray list, he said that being listed leads to "a decrease in capital inflows up to a certain percentage of the gross domestic product" and "an increase in the cost of syndicated loans."

FATF serves as the worldwide watchdog for money laundering and terrorist financing. Its primary objective is to establish global standards aimed at preventing these unlawful activities and mitigating the resulting societal damage.

Trkiye became a member of FATF in 1991 and has been subject to an intensified follow-up process since the evaluation of its measures against money laundering and terrorist financing in 2019.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Türkiye says Europe doing little to combat FETO

After the failed coup attempt in 2016, members of FETO dispersed, spreading their activities across Europe. The terror group still maintains a global network. Türkiye says European countries provide safehavens for the group, and do little to co-operate in the fight against terrorism. TRT World's Bera Karaman reports from Berlin.

Source: TRTworld.com

Veteran recalls July 15 resistance

The night of July 15, 2016 changed the history of Türkiye, and the lives of many people who fought to stop the coup attempt. Our correspondent Andrew Hopkins has been to Kahramankazan near Ankara to meet one man who joined thousands of others at a military base in the capital to try to bring the plot to an end.

Source: TRTworld.com

What threat do FETO terrorists pose to Türkiye?

Following the failed coup attempt in 2016, members of FETO dispersed, spreading their activities across Europe. To this day, the terror group maintains a global network. Necdet Ozcelik, researcher on terrorism and insurgency and security directorate at the SETA Foundation explains how.

Source: TRTworld.com

Turkish intelligence neutralises senior PKK/YPG terrorist in northern Syria

Türkiye’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) neutralised a senior operative of the PKK/KCK-PYD/YPG terrorist organisation in northern Syria, Turkish security sources said.

The slain terrorist was responsible for several bomb attacks in Jarablus in 2019, as well as the 2020 car-bombing in Afrin which left 40 civilians dead, including 11 children, and 47 people injured.

Heysem Cuma, codenamed Heysem Abu Dahham, was operating in Manbij, Syria and transferring arms to attack Türkiye's terror-free zones in northern Syria, primarily the Euphrates Shield Operation Zone, said the sources on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to the media.

Cuma was neutralised by the MIT on July 9 in an operation in the city centre of Manbij.

In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK – listed as a terrorist organisation by Türkiye, the US, and the EU – has been responsible for the deaths of nearly 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants.

Since 2016, Türkiye has launched a trio of successful anti-terror operations across its border in northern Syria to prevent the formation of a terror corridor and to enable the peaceful settlement of residents: Euphrates Shield (2016), Olive Branch (2018), and Peace Spring (2019).

Source: TRTworld.com

Ankara ramps up counterterrorism efforts post July 15

It’s been seven years since the FETO terrorist organisation attempted to overthrow Türkiye’s democratically-elected government. The coup attempt failed, but 252 people lost their lives and more than 2,000 others were injured. The Turkish government has since adopted new counterterrorism policies to repel threats to democracy. TRT World’s Diplomatic Correspondent Hasan Abdullah reports.

Source: TRTworld.com

World leaders mark 7th anniversary of Trkiye’s 2016 defeated coup

Leaders from around the world on Saturday shared messages of solidarity with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the seventh anniversary of the 2016 defeated coup.

In a statement, Pakistan's Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said: "While recalling the supreme sacrifices of the brave Turkish people, we pay our rich tribute and respects to the martyrs who valiantly resisted the heinous attempt to deprive them of democracy and basic rights."

"This historic and epoch-making day in 2016 also represented unwavering faith and profound trust in the dynamic leadership of my brother H.E. President @RTErdogan. The takeaway of the day was that the nations can overcome any challenge with the power of unity, fraternity and deep bonds," he added.

On Friday, Raja Pervez Ashraf, the speaker of Pakistan's National Assembly, also expressed his unflinching solidarity and unwavering support for the brotherly people, parliament, and government of the Republic of Trkiye.

"The valiant resistance of the resilient Turkish people to the devious coup attempt on July 15, 2016, is a prime example of how nations can overcome obstacles and hardships by cooperating and being brave, determined, and dedicated," he said, according to a statement issued by his office.

Azerbaijan, Qatar, Northern Cyprus, and worldwide

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev also sent a letter to Erdogan marking the anniversary and commemorating the memories of those who sacrificed their lives to defeat the coup attempt.

Aliyev underlined that the victory, won at the cost of the blood and lives of martyrs, confirmed the Turkish people's love for their homeland, their spirit of struggle, and their invincibility.

'Democracy and National Unity Day, which is a symbol of solidarity and national unity, will remain as a day of great honor in Turkish state history," he said.

The Azerbaijani people and state have stood alongside Trkiye from the very beginning of this struggle, condemning the traitors who attacked the country's constitutional structure and legitimate government, Aliyev added.

Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani 'sent a cable of congratulations to HE President of the Republic of Turkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the anniversary of his country's Democracy and National Unity Day,' said state news agency QNA.

Ersin Tatar, president of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), echoed this sentiment, saying: 'I once again condemn the July 15, 2016 FETO coup attempt on its 7th anniversary in the strongest terms, I commemorate all our martyrs with mercy and express my gratitude to our veterans.'

Various commemoration programs were also held around the world to mark the day.

****Events were held in the countries of Cameroon, Belgium, Jordan, Georgia, Russia, Lebanon, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia, Uzbekistan, Nigeria, Mauritania, France, Ireland, Germany, Egypt, and Qatar.

The programs paid tribute to the martyrs and underlined the significance of democracy.

The Fetullah Terrrorist Organization (FETO) and its US-based leader Fetullah Gulen orchestrated the defeated coup attempt of July 15, 2016, which left 253 people killed and 2,734 injured.

Ankara also accuses FETO of being behind a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police, and judiciary.

Source: Anadolu Agency