Turkish, Ukrainian ministers discuss grain export as shipment to start

Türkiye’s defense minister on Sunday held separate phone calls with Ukraine’s defense and infrastructure ministers, with the latest developments on grain shipments from the war-hit country discussed.

In talks with Ukrainian counterpart Oleksiy Reznikov and Infrastructure Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov, Hulusi Akar exchanged views on the activities conducted at the Joint Coordination Center in Istanbul, the Turkish National Defense Ministry said in a statement.

They said technical work on grain shipment was completed and Ukrainian grain shipment is expected to start at the earliest after administrative preparations conclude.

Türkiye, the UN, Russia, and Ukraine signed in Istanbul a deal last week to reopen three Ukrainian ports – Odesa, Chernomorsk, and Yuzhny – for grain exports stuck for months due to the Russia-Ukraine war, which is now in its sixth month.

According to the agreement, a Joint Coordination Center was established to carry out inspections at the entrances and exits of harbors and to ensure the safety of the routes.

Source: Anadolu Agency

New York City declares public health emergency over monkeypox

Authorities in New York City on Saturday declared a public health emergency over the rising monkeypox cases.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan said in a joint statement that as many as 150,000 city residents could be at risk of infection.

“We will continue to work with our federal partners to secure more doses as soon as they become available,” Adams and Vasan said.

It came days after the New York state and San Francisco declared a state of emergency amid the spread of the virus.

“I am declaring a State Disaster Emergency to strengthen our ongoing efforts to confront the monkeypox outbreak,” New York Governor Hochul tweeted late Friday.

On Thursday, San Francisco declared a public health emergency over the monkeypox outbreak.

The declaration “will allow us to prepare and dedicate resources to prevent the spread,” Mayor London Bread said on Twitter.

The cases in San Francisco have almost doubled in a week and reached 261, she said.

The western US state of California, where San Francisco city is located, accounts for almost 40% of nearly 5,000 cases confirmed in the country.

The World Health Organization last week declared a global health emergency over the ongoing monkeypox outbreak.

Source: Anadolu Agency

‫تجربة LIMES المعشاة ذات الشواهد حول بالون سيروليموس المطلي في BTK تأخذ الخطوة الأولى: بدأ تسجيل المرضى

Concept Medical Inc. ، وهي شركة رائدة في تطوير منصات أجهزة توصيل الأدوية للتدخل الوعائي، أعلنت عن بدء تجربة LIMES .

مونستر، ألمانيا, 30 يوليو / تموز 2022 /PRNewswire/ — قامت LIMES (تجربة معشاة ذات شواهد متعددة المراكز لتقييم سلامة وفعالية بالون SeroLIMus المغلف بالأدوية مقابل رأب الوعاء القياسي لعلاج الانسداد تحت الرضفة في المرضى الذين يعانون من مرض السكري الشرياني) بتسجيل 15 مريضًا، وهو أمر مشجع حيث تتطلع الشركة إلى تحقيق قفزة في علاج مرض الشريان المحيطي (PAD).

Study team at the University Hospital Münster Germany -LIMES RCT - First Patient Enrolled!

بدأت LIMES من قبل المستشفيات الجامعية جينا ولايبزيغ في ألمانيا وبقيادة الباحث الرئيسي ( PI ) الأستاذ الدكتور أولف تيشغرابر إلى جانب الباحث الرئيسي المشارك البروفيسور توماس زيلر والبروفيسور ديرك شاينرت، وهي تجربة مستقبلية متعددة المراكز وعشوائية الشواهد ( RCT ) تم تصميمها وتهدف إلى تقييم Magic Touch – PTA 0.014 “و 0.018” ( Concept Medical Inc ) مقابل POBA (Plain Old Balloon Angioplasty) في مقارنة وجهًا لوجه (1: 1). بدأت التجربة مع تسجيل مريض المؤشر في 31 مارس 2022 من قبل الأستاذ الدكتور ناسان ماليار في مستشفى جامعة مونستر في ألمانيا.

من المقرر أن يسجل LIMES RCT 230 مريضًا، عشوائيًا في 1: 1 موضة ( Magic Touch-PTA: POBA ) في 19 مركزًا حاليًا في جميع أنحاء ألمانيا والنمسا. سيشمل عدد المرضى الذين يعانون من نقص تروية الأطراف الحرجة المزمنة الموثقة ( CLI ) في الطرف المستهدف المعرف باسم فئة رذرفورد السريرية (RCC) 4 أو 5 أو 6 الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين ≥18 عامًا. تقيم الدراسة المرضى الذين لديهم قطر وعاء مرجعي (RVD) ≥2 و ≤4.0 مم وانسداد كلي (تضيق بنسبة 100%) للآفة المستهدفة. لا يوجد حد أدنى لطول الآفة المطلوبة، ولا يوجد حد لطول الآفة ولا يوجد قيود على عدد الأجهزة المستخدمة. ستكون المتابعة لكل زيارة داخلية في 30 يومًا و 6 و 12 و 24 و 36 شهرًا.

سيقيس RCT فعالية البالونات المغلفة بال Sirolimus في بيئة معقدة ( CLTI ) من قطاع PAD (الموجود أسفل الجزء P3 من الشريان المأبضي إلى مفصل tibiotalar ) مقابل المعيار الحالي للرعاية، مما يجعل التجربة مهمة وواحدة نتطلع إليها. نقاط النهاية الأولية للدراسة هي مركب إنقاذ الأطراف والمباح الأولي خلال 6 أشهر. إضافة إلى أهمية التجارب العشوائية المضبوطة، فإن نقطة نهاية السلامة الثانوية الرئيسية هي مركب من أحداث الأطراف الضائرة الرئيسية ( MALE ) والوفاة المحيطة بالجراحة ( POD ) في 30 يومًا. سيقوم مختبر أساسي أعمى بتقييم المباح في 6 و 12 و 24 شهرًا عن طريق الموجات فوق الصوتية المزدوجة وتصوير الأوعية الدموية الكمي ( QVA ) في حالة وجود أي TLR .Concept Medical Logo

يوضح البروفيسور أولف تيشغرابر نقطة حول سبب قيمة RCT من حيث تدخل DCB في الانسداد تحت المأبضي، “تتعامل إعادة التوعي BTK مع منطقة الأوعية الدموية الأكثر تحديًا في المرضى جدًا. سيحل LIMES السؤال عما إذا كان رأب الأوعية بالبالون sirolimus لديه القدرة على أن يصبح المعيار المستقبلي للرعاية في تدخلات BTK “ ، بعد عرضه الأخير في LINC 2022 .

يلفت RCT انتباه واهتمام المجتمع بالنظر إلى مجموعة المرضى المعقدة التي سيشملها، واستخدام البالون المغلف بالـ Sirolimus ، والذي يثبت بالفعل جدارته في SFA ضد POBA و Paclitaxel في العديد من التجارب العشوائية المضبوطة. Magic Touch PTA هو sirolimus DCB الوحيد المتاح تجاريًا ل PAD ، والذي تم منحه أيضًا تسمية Breakthrough Device Designation . باكليتاكسيل يثير الأفكار الثانية بسبب مخاوف السلامة التي أثارتها إدارة الأغذية والعقاقير الأمريكية في العلاج المحيطي، Sirolimus هو الأكثر طلبًا واحتمالًا محتملًا للبديل التالي في علاج PAD . من المؤكد أن تقييم البالون المطلي بالـ Sirolimus في هذا الإعداد المعقد سيضيف وزنًا وقيمة إلى بالون Magic Touch PTA Sirolimus المطلي كمستقبل للتدخل المحيطي.

نبذة عن MagicTouch PTA

Magic Touch PTA هو أول بالون مغطى بالدواء، حيث أُسند إلى “تصميم جهاز الاختراق” من قبل إدارة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية ( FDA) ، لعلاج أضرار أسفل الركبة في الشرايين المحيطية. MagicTouch PTA عبارة عن بالون مطلي بطبقة sirolimus معتمد من الاتحاد الأوروبي ويتم تسويقه تجاريًا، وقد تم تطويره باستخدام تقنية النانولوت الخاصة وهي منصة تكنولوجيا توصيل الأدوية الخاصة ببالون MagicTouch PTA ، وهي مصممة لتوصيل جزيئات شبه ميكرون من sirolimus للوصول إلى أعمق طبقات جدران الأوعية.

نبذة عن شركة Concept Medical Inc (CMI)

يقع المقر الرئيسي لشركة Concept Medical Inc (CMI) في تامبا بولاية فلوريدا ولديها مكاتب تشغيلية في هولندا وسنغافورة والبرازيل ووحدات تصنيع في الهند. تتخصص الشركة في تطوير أنظمة توصيل الأدوية ولديها منصات تقنية فريدة وحاصلة على براءة اختراع يمكن نشرها لتوصيل أي دواء / عامل صيدلاني عبر الأسطح اللمعية للأوعية الدموية.

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FTX Exchange FZE Receives Dubai’s First Virtual Asset Service Provider MVP Licence from the Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, July 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — FTX Exchange FZE, today announced that it has received approval to enter Dubai’s ‘Minimum Viable Product’ (MVP) programme for Virtual Assets under the world’s only specialist regime for this sector operated by the Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority (VARA). As a subsidiary of FTX Europe, FTX Exchange FZE (FTX) becomes the first Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) to receive this MVP licence to operate its Virtual Asset (VA) Exchange and Clearing House services in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


Earlier this year, FTX became the first fully regulated Exchange to receive a provisional licence and ready itself to trial complex crypto derivatives dedicated to professional institutional investors in the UAE. Having successfully concluded VARA’s rigorous regulatory evaluation, it has now been fully approved to transition to an operational MVP licence, enabling the Company’s VA Exchange to deploy regulated crypto derivatives products, and trading services to Qualified Institutional Investors across the region. In addition, the VARA MVP Licence also grants FTX permission to act as a Clearing House, operate an NFT Marketplace, and provide Custodial Services under tightly prescribed parameters for specific class of consumers – assuring strong guardrails for market protection and economic security.

H.E. Helal Saeed Almarri, Director General of Dubai World Trade Centre Authority that houses VARA said, “We are pleased to onboard FTX as the first VASP to enter the operational phase of the VARA MVP Programme. VARA’s operating model, based on our unique test-scale-adapt principle designed for secure and sustainable growth, is reflective of Dubai’s commitment to creating a globally interoperable model for the ‘future economy’. The MVP Phase, exclusive to select, responsible international players like FTX, will allow VARA to prudently structure guidelines and risk mitigation levers for secure commercial operations. We look forward to FTX’s active participation in this next stage of collaborative global VA innovation”.

FTX CEO, Sam Bankman-Fried, commented on the news, “The approval for FTX to receive the first MVP VASP licence from Dubai’s prudential supervision regime to fully operate our exchange is a tremendous honor and landmark achievement for our team. Our mission is to lead the way in growing the digital asset industry in countries and jurisdictions that possess a robust digital asset framework.”

With VARA’s letter of approval, FTX FZE Exchange will operate under a model which has rigorous regulatory oversight and mandatory FATF compliance controls that are in line with the requirements of Tier 1 international financial markets.

Patrick Gruhn, Head of FTX Europe, adds, “Over the last several months, we at FTX Europe have been working alongside regulators to secure the first official VASP-MVP licence to operate in the UAE region. The approval from Dubai’s VARA is yet another milestone for FTX Europe, and we look forward to expanding our presence within the Dubai, UAE and MENA regions as a result.”

Mohammad Hans Dastmaltchi, Chairman of the Board of FTX Exchange FZE, adds, “We are honored to be the inaugural MVP licence holder of the esteemed VARA Ecosystem. We are grateful and obliged to have our operating licence. This would not have been possible without the progressive business environment in Dubai, the thorough and trustworthy regulatory guidelines provided by VARA, and the outstanding support from their team. We are motivated and committed to being a constructive and responsible participant in the VARA ecosystem and looking forward to growing and strengthening our regional office in Dubai”.

About FTX Exchange FZE

FTX Exchange FZE is a subsidiary of FTX Europe and the Middle East division of FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange built by traders, for traders.  Through FTX Exchange FZE, users in the Middle East will soon be able to access FTX’s innovative products, including industry-leading derivatives, options and volatility products, tokenized stocks, and other services and products.


FTX is a cryptocurrency exchange built by traders, for traders. It offers innovative products, including industry-leading derivatives, options and volatility products, tokenized stocks, prediction markets, leveraged tokens and an OTC desk. FTX strives to be an intuitive yet powerful platform for all kinds of users, and to be the most innovative exchange in the industry.

To learn more about FTX.COM, please visit: https://ftx.com

FTX.COM is not available to US residents or residents of other prohibited jurisdictions, as set out in its Terms of Service.

About VARA

Dubai Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority [VARA] is the world’s first specialised regulator for the Virtual Assets sector. Established in March 2022, following the effect of Law No.4 of 2022, VARA is responsible by decree for licensing and regulating the Virtual Asset sector in the Emirate of Dubai and its free zone territories [excluding DIFC], and oversees all licensing requirements and applications for authorisation of Virtual Asset activities under UAE law. VARA plays a central role in creating Dubai’s advanced legal framework to protect investors and establish international standards for Virtual Asset industry governance, while supporting the vision for a borderless economy.

Media Contact
Jay Morakis
M Group Strategic Communications (on behalf of FTX)
+1 646 859 5951

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Barcelona reaches agreement with Sevilla to transfer Jules Kounde

Barcelona announced on Friday that they reached an agreement with Sevilla to transfer Jules Kounde.

Barcelona’s website said the French star will be officially presented Monday.

The 23-year-old defender will sign a contract with the Spanish club for the next five seasons, with a buyout clause of €1B ($1.021B), Barca added.

Kounde joined Sevilla from French club Girondins Bordeaux in 2019.

He has one UEFA Europa League title in 2020 with Sevilla.

Kounde also won the 2021 UEFA Nations League with France.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Fenerbahce repudiates chant some fans made during match with Ukrainian team

Turkish football club Fenerbahce on Saturday firmly repudiated a chant some fans used during a match with a Ukrainian team this week, saying that these actions have no connection to the team.

“The Fenerbahce Sports Club stresses that we do not accept the brief expression (chanted), and once again we clearly express that we will not let this issue be connected with our brand identity,” said a statement by the Istanbul club submitted to UEFA, which has launched a probe of the incident.

During a UEFA Champions League match in Istanbul this Wednesday against Ukraine’s Dynamo Kyiv, a number of the club’s fans chanted “Vladimir Putin” from the stands after the visiting team made a goal, a chant made as Ukraine is several months into Russia’s war on their country.

The Fenerbahce statement, sent to European football’s governing body via the Turkish Football Federation (TFF), also said the chant does not reflect Fenerbahce’s stance on social and humanitarian issues.

It added that on April 19 the Istanbul club organized a “Football for Peace” charity match against Ukraine’s Shakhtar Donetsk to raise awareness of the need to help people and children in war-torn Ukraine.

It emphasized that the chant from a section of the crowd took up just 20 seconds of a two-hour match (including extra time) adding that holding the club legally responsible for the incident would be unfair.

Separately, Fenerbahce said it has photos and videos of some Dynamo Kyiv players trying to provoke Turkish fans before and during the match, and after the Ukrainian team scored a goal.

The club also shared photos of the Turkish team wearing “Stop the war” shirts before the previous first-leg match in Poland and images of executives of both clubs’ gathered at a meal before the second leg on Wednesday in Istanbul.

After the incident, UEFA launched a disciplinary investigation over “alleged misbehaviour of Fenerbahçe SK supporters” during the match at Istanbul’s Ulker Stadium.

Source: Anadolu Agency

PROFILE: Sebastian Vettel to hang up racing boots after 15-year career as Formula 1’s youngest winner

Considered one of the most respected drivers in Formula 1 history, Vettel became the youngest to clinch a world title in 2010 with Toro Rosso at the age of 23 years and 134 days.

The 35-year-old German . He also drove for Toro Rosso, Red Bull, Ferrari, and Aston Martin, respectively.

During his 15-year career, Vettel made 122 podiums and clinched four consecutive titles with Red Bull from 2010 to 2013.

In a video announcing his retirement, Vettel said he wants to spend more time with his family.

“My passion for racing and Formula 1 comes with lots of time spent away from them and takes a lot of energy. Committing to my passion the way I did and the way I think it is right does no longer go side by side with my wish to be a great father and husband,” he said.

The world champion said his decision was made with a lot of thought after 15 successful years at Formula.

“I love this sport. It has been central to my life since I can remember. But as much as there is life on track, there is my life off track, too. Being a racing driver has never been my sole identity,” he said in the video on Instagram.

Last race victory with Ferrari in 2019

Vettel moved to Ferrari in 2015, where he won his last race in 2019 before switching to Aston Martin for 2021.

Winning four world titles put the German driver in fourth place alongside Alain Prost of France (1980-1993) for the most World Drivers’ Championships.

The Aston Martin man is currently behind Michael Schumacher (1991-2012), Lewis Hamilton and Juan Manuel Fangio (1950-1958).

Hamilton and Schumacher are both holding the record for most titles with seven championships.

Vettel, who is in his second year racing for Aston Martin after six seasons with Ferrari, will say goodbye to Formula 1 after the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix in November – his 300th entry.

Aston Martin F1 Team Principal Mike Krack had very strong words to say regarding Vettel’s performance. “Sebastian is a superb driver – fast, intelligent and strategic – and of course we are going to miss those qualities.

“However, we have all learned from him, and the knowledge that we have gained from working with him will continue to benefit our team long after his departure.”

In addition to the Aston Martin Team, several Formula One drivers, including Hamilton, Schumacher, Charles Leclerc, Max Verstappen, and Sergio Perez took to social media platforms to share emotional messages for Vettel.

Source: Anadolu Agency

‫ Innodisk تعلن عن إطلاق محركات الأقراص SSD Edge AI

تايبيه، 29 يوليو 2022  — /PRNewswire/  ، Innodisk الشركة الرائدة عالميًا في التخزين على مستوى الصناعة والأجهزة الطرفية المدمجة، تدفع بتطوير edge AI ، وبذلك أطلقت رسميًا خط إنتاج جديد للأقراص الحوسبة الصلبة الحالة ( SSD) ، تتكون من 2.5″ SATA 3TS6-P 3TS9-P و M.2 (P80) 4TS2-P  محركات. تتميز محركات الأقراص الصلبة الحالة الجديدة edge AI من Innodisk بانخفاض زمن الاستجابة، وارتفاع DWPD (عدد كتابات محرك الأقراص في اليوم )، والسعة الكبيرة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تحمي التقنيات المتضمنة  iCell و AES البيانات من الخسائر والخروقات. تهدف شركة Innodisk إلى تحقيق مبيعات التجزئة الذكية والمدينة الذكية وإدارة الأسطول الذكي وتطبيقات تخزين شبكة NAS ، وتوفر Innodisk سرعات عالية وموثوقية وجودة عالية من الدرجة الصناعية للاستجابة لاحتياجات السوق المتزايدة.

تشير الأبحاث إلى أنه من المتوقع أن يصل سوق مراكز بيانات edge إلى معدل نمو سنوي مركب يبلغ 24.58% بين عامي 2020 و 2028. مع التطور السريع للذكاء الاصطناعي وإنترنت الأشياء و 5G ، تحول استخدام البيانات من التطبيقات السحابية إلى تطبيقات edge ، مما أدى إلى زيادة الطلب على خوادم edge ومراكز بيانات edge Innodisk على استعداد لتقديم حلول سوق خوادم edge وفتح فرص عمل جديدة.

محركات الأقراص الصلبة الحالة من Edge AI داخل خوادم edge مطلوبة لمعالجة البيانات بسرعات عالية عند المصدر، بدلًا من إعادة إرسال جميع البيانات إلى مركز بيانات مركزي، وبالتالي تحسين زمن الاستجابة وتقليل التكلفة. على سبيل المثال، تعتمد مصابيح الشوارع الذكية ووحدات مراقبة حركة المرور على محرك الأقراص الصلب الحالة ( SSD ) لتوفير قراءة/كتابة عالية السرعة وسعة كبيرة وكمية منخفضة من الوقت لمعالجة البيانات في الوقت الفعلي، ويمكن قول الشيء نفسه بالنسبة لمراكز بيانات edge . مع وصول السلسلة إلى 6.4 تيرابايت، من المؤكد أن محركات الأقراص الصلبة الحالة الجديدة هذه ستعطل سوق تخزين edge وتحسن تجارب المستخدمين النهائيين.

أشار سي سي وو، المدير العام لقسم فلاش في Innodisk ، إلى أن Innodisk بدأت بالفعل في التركيز بنشاط على التطبيقات لمجالات 5G والذكاء الاصطناعي سريعة النمو. يدمج خط الإنتاج الجديد هذا قدرات Innodisk في مجال البحث والتطوير في البرامج والأجهزة والبرامج الثابتة. مع إدخال محركات الأقراص الصلبة الحالة المتخصصة التي تجمع بين مزايا محركات الأقراص الصلبة الحالة الصناعية وخصائص محركات الأقراص الصلبة الحالة لمركز البيانات، تأمل Innodisk في اغتنام فرص أعمال الحوسبة المتقدمة وتلبية احتياجات القطاع المتزايد باستمرار.

نبذة عن Innodisk

Innodisk هي مزود خدمة للذاكرة الفلاشية ووحدات ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي ( DRAM ) والمنتجات الطرفية المدمجة لتطبيقات الصناعة والمشاريع. لمزيد من المعلومات عن شركة Innodisk ؛ يُرجى زيارة https://www.innodisk.com

Innodisk Logo

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الشعار – 

Mitratel Succeeds with IDR 3.72 Trillion revenue and Net Profit Soars 27.2%

JAKARTA, Indonesia, July 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi Tbk (IDX: MTEL) or Mitratel, recorded a revenue of IDR 3.72 trillion in H1 2022, increasing 15.5% compared to H1 2021. This also contributed to the company’s net profit soaring 27.2% to IDR 892 billion.

“In H1 2022 post-IPO, we had solid fundamentals for sustainable growth driven by organic growth strategy, strong revenue from tower-related businesses, product innovations, and cost efficiency,” said Mitratel President Director Theodorus Ardi Hartoko, better known as Teddy Hartoko.

The earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) and net profit margins in H1 2022 increased to 77.5% and 23.9%, respectively, with the EBITDA margin of tower rental portfolios increasing to 85.2% as the main contributor. This was achieved by cost efficiency and selecting revenue from businesses with higher margins for higher profitability in the industry.

In H1 2022, most revenue contributions came from tower rental incomes, which grew 13.5% from IDR 2.93 trillion to IDR 3.33 trillion, as well as other tower-related businesses, which increased 35.4% to IDR 399 billion.

The number of towers owned by Mitratel in H1 2022 reached 28,787, with 5,555 additional towers or 23.9% growth from H1 2021. The number of tenants increased by 20.3%, from 36,507 tenants to 43,900 tenants.

The company’s total asset was recorded at IDR 55.06 trillion, with equity of IDR 33.49 trillion. Total liabilities in H1 2022 decreased by 10.4% to IDR 21.56 trillion, in line with the payment of long-term loans worth IDR 5.1 trillion, including early payment of IDR 4.3 trillion long-term debts using excess cash from operating activities and refinance loans at lower interest rates.

Mitratel is a telecommunications tower company consisting of the largest tower and number of subscribers growth in 2017 to 2021. Mitratel’s biggest anchor customer, Telkomsel, has the largest cellular operator and the best credit rating. This gives telecommunication operators and non-operator tenants a chance to expand their service coverage to include other supporting businesses. Furthermore, Mitratel has no risk to foreign currency fluctuations as all loans are in Indonesian Rupiah. The debt to equity and net debt to EBITDA ratios were maintained at 44.3% and -0.4x.

Going forward, Mitratel will continue with its strategic initiatives to maintain its position in the market, strengthen new business portfolios, accelerate inorganic growth targeting 6,000 towers this year, and increase profitability and cash flow through cost efficiency.

“We are targeting an EBITDA margin of more than 80% in this medium-term through a series of programs that facilitate telecommunication operators in Indonesia to expand the reach using the collocation of Mitratel towers. We have prepared well-rounded solutions with attractive a business scheme for all telecommunication operators namely by bundling solutions such as tower, connectivity, and power. The connectivity includes fiber access (dark fiber, capacity leased, and hybrid) and non-fiber access (satellite). With these innovative product solutions, Mitratel aims to provide convenience to all operators to develop telecommunication networks throughout Indonesia, especially outside Java,” concluded Theodorus.