‫اختيار China Renaissance للانضمام إلى برنامج شراكات الاستثمار العالمية في شنغها “Shanghai Global Investment Partnership” لعام 2022

سوف يدعم أعضاء البرنامج خطط شنغهاي لكي تصبح أحد مراكز الاستثمار الرائدة على مستوى العالم

هونغ كونغ، 7 يوليو 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — يسُر شركة China Renaissance Holdings Limited (التي يشار إليها فيما يلي بعبارة “China Renaissance” أو بلفظ “الشركة”)، والمسجلة في سوق المال تحت الرمز: 1911.HK) أن تعلن عن اختيارها من قبل هيئة البلدية للاقتصاد والمعلوماتية في شنغهاي “Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization” لكي تصبح عضوًا في برنامج “Shanghai Global Investment Partnership” لعام 2022 في مؤتمر الترويج للاستثمارات العالمية في شنعهاي بحضور المؤسس المشارك لشركة China Renaissance السيد Xie Yijing. وفي إطار البرنامج، سوف تنضم China Renaissance إلى شركات الاستثمارات والتقنية والخدمات المهنية الرائدة لدعم حكومة شنغهاي في تنفيذ برنامج المدينة للترويج للاستثمارات في عام 2022 عبر أربعة “مسارات جديدة” – الاقتصاد الرقمي، والاقتصاد الأخضر، والميتافيرس، والمحطات الذكية. تشمل الشركات التسع الأخرى الأعضاء في البرنامج IQVIA وBallard Power Systems وGroupe Speciale Mobile Association وAccenture وRoland Berger وBoston Consulting Group وJones Lang LaSalle وOaktree Capital وGSR Ventures.

يهدف برنامج الترويج للاستثمارات العالمية في شنغهاي، والذي أطلقته حكومة شنغهاي في عام 2021، إلى جذب الاستثمارات العالمية والترويج للمشاريع الاقتصادية عالية الجودة في المدينة. وخلال مؤتمر عام 2022، شهد المسؤولون وقادة الأعمال توقيع اتفاقيات لعدد 322 مشروعًا استثماريًا بقيمة 565.8 مليار رنمينبي (84.3 مليار دولار أمريكي)، تمثل زيادة كبيرة مقارنة بتوقيع اتفاقيات لعدد 216 مشروعًا بقيمة 490 مليار رنمينبي (74.9 مليار دولار أمريكي) في عام 2021.

وبصفتها شركة رائدة وصاحبة سجل حافل في دعم رواد الاقتصاد الذكي، سوف تواصل China Renaissance العمل على جعل الخبرات الهائلة التي تتمتع بها الشركة في أسواق المال الرئيسية والثانوية حلقة وصل بين أسواق المال في الصين وباقي دولار العالم دعمًا لبرنامج ترويج الاستثمارات في شنغهاي لعام 2022. ومنذ تأسيسها في عام 2005، كانت شركة China Renaissance ولا تزال تتفانى في تحديد الشركات ذات إمكانيات النمو الهائلة والعمل كشريك موثوق لدعم رحلتها في خلق القيمة. وهذا يشمل التعريف الناجح للمؤسسات ذات إمكانيات النمو العالية في شنغهاي، مثل Poizon وSenseTime وNavitas وBlack Lack Technology، مع تقديم خدمات مصرفية استثمارية لمئات الشركات الكائنة في شنغهاي، مثل Zhenkunxing وATRenew and Qinglang Intelligent.

الخلفية عن قطاعات العمل الرئيسية لدى China Renaissance: Huaxing Growth Capital وInvestment Banking وCR Securities

Huaxing Growth Capital

Huaxing Growth Capital (“HGC”) هو الصندوق الرائد لقطاع إدارة الاستثمارات لدى شركة China Renaissance وذراع الاستثمار الرئيسي في مجال حقوق الملكية الخاصة، حيث يدير أربعة صناديق مقومة بالدولار الأمريكي وأربع صناديق مقومة بالرنمينبي بقيمة إجمالية للأصول المُدارة تبلغ 5.8 دولارًا أمريكيًا، كما في 31 ديسمبر 2021. يحظى صندوق Huaxing Growth Capital بشبكة وتغطية لا نظير لهما في الأسواق عن طريق الاستفادة من الموارد الهائلة التي تقدمها منصة الشركة. وبالإضافة إلى العمل كشريك مفضل ومستثمر شبه استراتيجي لرواد الاقتصاد الذكي الصينيين، يعمل Huaxing Growth Capital كحلقة وصل تساعد المستثمرين العالميين على الوصول إلى فرص استثمارية جذابة في الصين. يهدف HGC إلى استكشاف فرص النمو في الاقتصاد الذكي الناشئ في الصين عن طريق استغلال عمليات التحول في قطاعات الاستهلاك والصناعة والرعاية الصحية والخدمات المؤسسية، إلى جانب التقنيات التي تُمكّن الاقتصاد الذكي، لا سيما موضوعات الاستثمار الخمس الرئيسية: التقنية الذكية، والصناعات الذكية، والرعاية الصحية الذكية، والمؤسسات الذكية، والنهج الاستهلاكي الذكي.

Investment Banking

حافظت Investment Banking التابعة لشركة China Renaissance على مكانتها الرائدة في أسواق الاكتتابات الخاصة على مدار 17 عامًا متتالية من خلال تقديم الاستشارات للشركات الرائدة في قطاعات التقنية والطب والخدمات المؤسسية وغيرها من القطاعات الأخرى عالية النمو.

CR Securities

تم تدشين CR Securities في شنغهاي عام 2016. وبصفتها واحدة من أولى شركات الأوراق المالية التي تأسست وفقًا للاتفاقية التكميلية العاشرة لاتفاقية الشراكة الاقتصادية الأقرب بين البر الرئيسي وهونغ كونغ (“CEPA”)، لعبت CR Securities دورًا نشطًا في تطوير سوق المال الصيني، وكانت واحدة من أولى الجهات الراعية للشركات المدرجة في مجلس العلوم والابتكار التكنولوجي في بورصة شنغهاي.

نبذة عن China Renaissance

تأسست China Renaissance (“CR”) في عام 2005، وأصبحت مؤسسة مالية رائدة توفر خدمات الاكتتاب الخاص والاستشارات ذات الصلة بعمليات الدمج والاستحواذ والتعهد بتغطية حقوق الملكية والمبيعات والتداول والأبحاث وإدارة الاستثمارات وغيرها من الخدمات. وعلى مدار السبعة عشر عامًا الماضية، كانت شركة CR ولا تزال تتفانى في تحديد الشركات ذات إمكانيات النمو الهائلة والعمل كشريك موثوق لدعم رحلتها في خلق القيمة.

تمتلك CR مكاتب في بكين وشنغهاي وهونغ كونغ وسنغافورة ونيويورك، ويعمل لديها أكثر من 650 موظفًا. واعتبارًا من 30 يونيو 2021، قدمت شركة China Renaissance استشاراتها واستثمرت في أكثر من 1125 صفقة، بقيمة إجمالية تتجاوز 1.4 تريليون رنمينبي (نحو 220 مليار دولار أمريكي). واعتبارًا من 31 ديسمبر 2021، تجاوزت قيمة الأصول المُدارة لدى صناديق حقوق الملكية الخاصة بالشركة ما يربو على 49 مليار رنمينبي (نحو 7.7 مليار دولار أمريكي).

شركة CR Securities (المعروفة في السابق باسم “Huajing Securities”) هي واحدة من بين أول أربع شركات للأوراق المالية يتم تأسيسها وفقًا للملحق س “لاتفاقية الشراكة الاقتصادية الأقرب بين البر الرئيسي وهونغ كونغ”. ومنذ أن تأسست CR Securities نجحت في تكوين فرق قوية متخصصة في الخدمات المصرية الاستثمارية والدخل الثابت وإدارة الأصول وإدارة الثروات ووساطة الأوراق المالية والأبحاث من أجل خدمة عملائها الحاليين والجُدد.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني للشركة على http://www.huaxing.com/ 

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China Renaissance

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Brighter prospects for Turkish-Swiss trade ties: Swiss diplomat

The days ahead promise even brighter prospects in Turkish-Swiss trade ties, said a senior Swiss diplomat on Sunday.

The incentives provided by Türkiye in new technologies such as renewable energy, electric cars, drones, and artificial intelligence create new opportunities for Swiss business circles, said the Swiss Consul General in Istanbul Julien Thoni in an interview with Anadolu Agency.

On commercial relations between the two countries, he said in 2021 the bilateral trade volume totaled $4.6 billion.

We have the vision to improve this volume, Thoni added.

The free trade pact between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), of which Switzerland is a member, and Türkiye gives impetus to bilateral commercial relations, he also noted.

Over 300 Swiss companies are already active in the Turkish market and consequently, Switzerland is the sixth-biggest foreign direct investor in the country, said Thori.

Saying that Türkiye has been among the major destinations for Swiss tourists, he stressed that the number of Swiss people visiting the country would soon catch pre-pandemic figures, nearly 280,000.

Source: Anadolu Agency

US president pledges to ‘reorient’ relations with Saudi Arabia

US President Joe Biden is saying he aims to reorient America’s strategic relations with Saudi Arabia.

In a guest op-ed published by The Washington Post late Saturday, Biden said he will travel to the Middle East next week to start “a new and more promising” chapter of America’s engagement there.

This trip comes at a vital time for the region, and it will advance important American interests, he said.

“From the start, my aim was to reorient — but not rupture — relations with a country that’s been a strategic partner for 80 years. Today, Saudi Arabia has helped to restore unity among the six countries of Gulf Cooperation Council, has fully supported the truce in Yemen and is now working with my experts to help stabilize oil markets with other OPEC producers,” he said.

Arguing that a more secure and integrated Middle East benefits Americans in many ways, he said he will pursue diplomacy intensely — including through face-to-face meetings — to achieve his goals.

“I know that there are many who disagree with my decision to travel to Saudi Arabia. My views on human rights are clear and long-standing, and fundamental freedoms are always on the agenda when I travel abroad, as they will be during this trip, just as they will be in Israel and the West Bank,” he stressed.

He said when he meets with Saudi leaders on Friday, he will aim to strengthen a strategic partnership going forward based on mutual interests and responsibilities, while also holding true to fundamental American values.

Underlining that he will also be the first US president to fly from Israel to the Saudi port city of Jeddah, he said this trip will also be “a small symbol of the budding relations” and “steps toward normalization between Israel and the Arab world.”

“Next week, I will be the first president to visit the Middle East since 9/11 without US troops engaged in a combat mission there. It’s my aim to keep it that way,” he added.

He said leaders from across the region will gather in Jeddah for a meeting of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, in addition to Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt, pointing to the possibility of a more stable and integrated Middle East, with the US playing a vital leadership role.

“Of course, the region remains full of challenges: Iran’s nuclear program and support for proxy groups, the Syrian civil war, food security crises exacerbated by Russia’s war against Ukraine, terrorist groups still operating in a number of countries, political gridlock in Iraq, Libya and Lebanon, and human rights standards that remain behind much of the world. We must address all these issues,” he wrote.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Lust for giraffe meat, organs in Tanzania leading to extinction of tallest animal

The world’s tallest animal, the giraffe, may be on the brink of extinction in the East African country of Tanzania, as they are being poached to meet the demand for bushmeat and superstitious beliefs that their organs ward off misfortune and treat diseases like HIV/AIDS.

“This is a very serious problem here. Giraffes are innocently being killed by poachers. I urge relevant authorities to stop this madness,” said Kulwa Herman, a resident of the northern Manyara Region, known for the world-famous Tarangire National Park and Lake Manyara National Park.

He blamed the large-scale poaching on beliefs that the brain and bone marrow of giraffes can cure chronic diseases, including HIV/AIDS, and also boost men’s libido.

“People are being deceived by witch doctors to believe that giraffe body parts have magical powers. It’s absolute nonsense,” Herman told Anadolu Agency.

The giraffe’s chief distinguishing characteristics are its extremely long neck and legs, the conical skin-covered bone structures on their heads, and its spotted coat patterns.

According to the international Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF), Masai or Tanzanian giraffe have been already declared an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The most populous giraffe three decades ago with an estimated 71,000 individuals, only 45,400 Masai giraffes remain in the wild today, according to the foundation.

But the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWRI) claims that their aerial survey data recently found a mere 28,850 giraffes in the region.

Despite the giraffe being a national symbol protected under the country’s conservation laws, independent researchers believe that almost 2,246 giraffes are illegally poached every year.

Alleged poacher, officer collusion

Herman said that gun-wielding poachers from the northern Arusha region often collude with local ward officers to trap and kill giraffes. They then extract their hair, tail, brains, and fats, which are highly valued on the black market, before escaping into the darkness.

“It’s very easy to kill a giraffe, that’s why many people are attracted to doing so. A single gunshot is more than enough to take down the big animal,” he said.

Benjamin Kuzaga, Manyara regional commander of the police force, said that in the past three months they have seized 560 kilograms (1,235 pounds) of poached giraffe meat.

“This is a serious problem here in Manyara,” said Jeremia Kizinga, a resident of Vilima Viwili village. “The police force should intervene, otherwise these animals will be finished.”

William Mwakilema, commissioner of conservation at Tanzania National Parks Authority, said growing human activity and settlements coming up near the wildlife corridors in the region have also increased the killing of giraffes.

Need to create awareness

“We’re working hard along with other security organs to identify and dismantle a vicious network of criminals involved in this illegal business,” he said. “We will leave no stone unturned until all the perpetrators are arrested and punished under the law.”

Selemani Juma, a local leader at Vilima Vitatu village in Manyara, said there was an urgent need to create awareness to stamp our superstitious beliefs.

He said the illegal trade is fueled by mistaken beliefs that giraffes’ fats and bone marrow and other organs help to treat chronic diseases and increase male sexual prowess.

“These claims are not true. We’re trying to educate the people to ignore these false claims and understand the importance of conserving wildlife, including giraffes, whose population is decreasing at an alarming rate,” he said.

Source: Anadolu Agency

6 killed, 5 injured in Russian airstrike in Ukraine’s Donetsk region

At least six people were killed and five others injured by a Russian airstrike in Ukraine’s Donetsk region, officials said Sunday, adding that numerous people are still buried beneath the rubble of a building that collapsed in the barrage.

Five injured people and six bodies have been recovered from the rubble of a five-story building in the city of Chasiv Yar, according to local daily Ukrinform, citing a statement by Pavlo Kyrylenko, head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration. He said the search for people trapped under the rubble is ongoing.

Four Russian-launched missiles struck the Pivdenny settlement in southern Chasiv Yar, about 30 kilometers (18 miles) from the Donetsk front line.

The attack took place around 9.17 p.m. local time (1817GMT) on Saturday, according to Oleg Kirnitskiy of the Donetsk Region Police Press Center. Kirnitskiy said search and rescue operations are still underway in the wreckage of houses on Yujnaya Street.

“Two people tried to call out from under the rubble in the morning,” he said, adding that there are 35 people under the rubble, including at least one child.

They believe four Uragan-type rockets were used in the attack, which is prohibited in civilian areas, he added.

Donetsk and Luhansk – both part of Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region, bordering Russia – have been the scene of a Russian-backed insurgency since 2014, when Russia illegally annexed Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula.

Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized the “independence” of Donetsk and Luhansk just before the start of the Ukrainian war on Feb. 24.

Like Crimea, all of Donbas remains internationally recognized as Ukrainian territory, and the country’s armed forces continue to fight for it.

Nearly 4,900 civilians have been killed in Ukraine since the beginning of the war on Feb. 24, according to UN figures.

Over 15 million people have been forced to flee their homes, including more than 8.4 million that have fled to other countries.

Source: Anadolu Agency

‘Floods in Bangladesh turn people into paupers overnight’

In what has been called one of the worst floods in recent history, 120 people are reported dead in Bangladesh and a whopping 15 million displaced.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, flood victims in remote areas said although they have to fight rising waters almost every year, this year the losses have been especially huge.

Peara Begum, 65, a mother of five, has been living on a highway leading to the border town of Companiganj from the northeastern district of Sylhet, as her home was washed away by floods.

The floodwaters flowed into her tin-and-bamboo home and began racing across the floor. Her family members had to stand in waist-deep waters for a full two days before they were finally rescued, she said.

“With the help of some neighbors, we reached the highway by boat somehow and have been living here under the open sky since then with a single dress,” she said, pointing towards a large swath of water, gesturing to where her village might have once stood.

But with a sheet of water covering everything, there are no traces of villages around.

As Anadolu Agency visited the flood-hit Sylhet region bordering India, it could see telltale signs of destruction left behind by the floods. Villagers were seen wading, swimming, and paddling using makeshift rafts or small skiffs, rescuing those marooned, or delivering aid. A large swath of habitats and farms are underwater.

It took nearly an hour by boat to reach the waterlogged place from where Begum and others were forced to relocate due to the deadly floods.

In some places, where the water has receded, people were seen trying to rebuild their houses making use of the odd bits and pieces of materials available.

“Only some wood and tin is left, and I’m trying to restore it just to take shelter with my three kids,” said Mohammad Rafiq.

Need permanent solution

He added that they need at least 10-15 years to recover from the damage caused by the floods.

In the remote Gussagram locality, Mohammad Juel asked the government to find a permanent solution to the floods that hit them every year.

“If the government makes concrete houses on high pillars for us, then we can get relief from such floods permanently,” he said.

He added that many residents of the area have migrated to different urban areas due to floods. Some of them are begging now after failing to find any other means of livelihood. Floods turn people into paupers overnight.

Heavy rains lashed the region ahead of the scheduled monsoons, a harsh reminder that climate change is bringing more extreme weather around the world.

Bangladesh’s 58 rivers, which create fertile plains, have also been a bane for the country, as they overflow frequently, causing death and destruction in the region.

Md. Mojibur Rahman, chief district officer, told Anadolu Agency that the government is on its way to finding a permanent solution to floods in the most vulnerable Sylhet and adjacent districts.

“From now on we will make more culverts instead of constructing roads so that during the rainy season, water flow is not interrupted. On the other hand, we will also dredge the two main rivers of Surma and Kushiara,” he said.

He also said the government has allocated funds for reconstructing the damaged houses of the people affected by this year’s floods.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Ferrari’s Leclerc wins Austrian Grand Prix at Formula 1

Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc on Sunday won the Austrian Grand Prix to secure his third Formula One victory this season.

Monegasque driver Leclerc finished the Round 11 of the season in one hour, 24 minutes and 24 seconds at Red Bull Ring in Spielberg.

Red Bull Racing driver Max Verstappen came second, followed by Lewis Hamilton of Mercedes in the 71-lap race.

Ferrari driver Carlos Sainz was out of the race due to engine failure. His car caught fire and he safely out it on lap 58.

“It was a really good race, the pace was there at the beginning, we had some good fights with Max, and the end was really difficult, I had some issues with the throttle, so it was very tricky … I definitely needed that one, the last five races have been incredibly difficult for not just myself but for the team,” Leclerc said following his victory in Austria.

Dutch driver Verstappen, who was the 2021 world champion, won six races this season and still leads the driver standings with 208 points.

Leclerc jumped to the second place, increasing his points to 170.

Verstappen’s Mexican teammate Sergio Perez is third with 151 points.

The round 12 race, French Grand Prix, will be held at Circuit Paul Ricard in Le Castellet between July 22-24.

Driver Standings

1. Max Verstappen (Netherlands): 208 points

2. Charles Leclerc (Monaco): 170

3. Sergio Perez (Mexico): 151

4. Carlos Sainz (Spain): 133

5. George Russell (Great Britain): 128


1. Red Bull Racing: 359

2. Ferrari: 303

3. Mercedes: 237

4. McLaren: 81

5. Alpine Renault: 81

Source: Anadolu Agency

Ukraine war reminds Europe of Srebrenica genocide, say EU officials

The war in Ukraine reminds Europe of the Srebrenica genocide and the grim memories of the Western Balkans war of the 1990s, the EU officials said Sunday on the eve of the 27th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide.

“Europe has not forgotten what happened in Srebrenica and our own responsibility for not being able to prevent and stop the genocide,” EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell and Oliver Varhelyi, European commissioner for neighborhood and enlargement, said in a joint statement.

“In Srebrenica, Europe failed and we are faced with our shame,” they admitted.

The Srebrenica genocide should be remembered more than any other atrocity in European history, the officials said.

“There is no place in Europe for genocide denial, revisionism, and glorification of war criminals. All citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina deserve a society where pluralism, justice, and human dignity prevail,” it added.

Bosnia-Herzegovina is set to bid farewell to 50 more identified victims on Monday on the 27th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide.

After Monday’s burials in Potocari, the number of genocide victims laid to rest in the memorial cemetery will rise to 6,721.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Suspected terrorist explosion in northern Togo kills 7 children

Seven children were killed in a suspected terrorist explosion in northern Togo in the night from Saturday to Sunday, local media reported.

“A rescue team was immediately dispatched to the scene,” said Motaog Radio and Television in Dapaong, the town where the explosion occurred.

The local radio quoted a victim’s parent as saying he was shocked and that he heard “a loud explosion never heard before.”

He discovered children’s bodies lying on the ground which he said were difficult to identify.

No official source has yet commented on the incident.

The incident may join a list of terrorist attacks seen in recent months in the West African country, which had previously been spared.

On June 16, an attack was foiled in the Gnoaga and Gouloungoushi townships, on the border shared by Togo, Ghana and Burkina Faso in the far north.

An attack on the night of May 10 left eight soldiers dead and 13 wounded. An Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist group claimed responsibility for it three weeks later, according to the Site Intelligence Group, an American NGO which tracks extremist threats online.

“Once these attacks start, they don’t stop,” Joseph Mensah-Boboe, the publisher of online media outlet Imagine Demain, told Anadolu Agency. “This is a new terrorist action despite the strong security method of the government, which has established a state of emergency and its corollaries. This situation is worrying.”

Source: Anadolu Agency