‫أول منتج من نوعه في الأطعمة المجمدة “سِيارا” تستعد لطرح “دجاج شواية” في “غلفود 2022”

– المنتج الجديد يلبي متطلبات المستهلكين من سرعة التحضير وسهولته ويساهم في تيسير الحياة اليومية

– الدجاج المتبل المجمد الذي يُنقل مباشرة “من الفريزر إلى الفرن” سيُتاح في المتاجر في الربع الأول من العام الجاري

– تشمل تشكيلة هذا المنتج الدجاج الكامل المتبل والمجمّد بثلاث نكهات محلية، إضافة إلى الدجاج الكامل الطري المجمّد المنقوع مسبقً

دبي، الإمارات العربية, 13 فبراير / شباط 2022 /PRNewswire/ — تستعد علامة “سِيارا” للمنتجات الغذائية التي تمتاز بأعلى معايير الجودة، لطرح منتجها الجديد “دجاج شواية”، أحد المنتجات الفريدة في الأطعمة المجمدة، وذلك خلال مشاركتها المرتقبة في معرض الخليج للأغذية “غلفود” 2022، الذي يقام بين 13 و17 فبراير الجاري.

Seara Shawaya - Chicken for Roasting line

وتحظى “سِيارا”، وهي شركة أغذية، بحضور عالمي واسع في أكثر من 150 دولة، وتُعدّ أحد أكبر منتجي المواد الغذائية في العالم، كما أنها جزء من شركة “جيه بي إس” الرائدة عالميًا في إنتاج البروتين.

ويُعدّ “دجاج شواية” من “سِيارا” المنتج الأحدث الذي يهدف إلى سدّ حاجة المستهلك في هذه الفئة من الأطعمة التي تفتقر إلى المنتجات ذات القيمة المضافة. وطوّرت الشركة هذا المُنتج آخذة في اعتبارها المرأة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط، إذ يعزّز المنتج التنوّع في الخيارات ويلبي متطلبات المستهلكين من نواحي السرعة والذوق الرفيع والجودة العالية.

ومن المنتظر أن يقدّم طهاة “سِيارا” إلى زوار “غلفود” هذا المنتج الحلال الذي يُطهى بنقله مباشرة من الفريزر إلى الفرن، وذلك لمنحهم فرصة تذوّق مختلف نكهاته وملاحظة سهولة التحضير.

وأعربت شركة “سيارا”، عن فخرها بتقديم المنتج الجديد في فئة الدواجن المجمدة “دجاج شواية”، الذي يأتي في إطار التزام الشركة بالابتكار والجودة، مشيرًا إلى أن الدجاج المشوي يُعدّ أحد الأطباق المفضلة لدى شعوب المنطقة. كما أعربت الشركة عن سعادتها بتقديم المنتج الجديد في هذه الفئة، المُعدّ حسب الذوق المحلي والنكهات المفضلة في المنطقة، والذي يمتاز بسرعة التحضير والمذاق الطيّب. وقد خضع المنتج للاختبار خلال أبحاث أُجريَت بين المستهلكين المحليين، ليضمن تلبية احتياجات المرأة التي يقع على عاتقها الكثير من المسؤوليات”.

ويُعدّ الدجاج الكامل المجمد الفئة الأكبر في فئات الأطعمة المباعة، سواء في محلات السوبرماركت أو المطاعم، فيما يُعدّ الدجاج المشوي المفضل لدى المستهلكين، ما يجعل من “دجاج شواية” أول دجاج كامل متبّل ومجمّد من نوعه، وهو جاهز للطهو في الفرن أو المقلاة الهوائية، مباشرة من الفريزر. كذلك تقدّم “سيارا” للراغبين في تتبيل الدجاج بأنفسهم منتجها الجديد “الدجاج الكامل الطري المجمد”، وهو حلّ مثالي لضمان طراوة صدور الدجاج كما هو مفضل في الشرق الأوسط، وتستهدف الشركة المستهلكين في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي بهذا المنتج المبتكر، رافعة شعار “نحن نتبّل لتستمتعوا أنتم”.

وتأتي تشكيلة “سيارا” من “دجاج شواية” بأربعة خيارات تتضمّن ثلاث نكهات لذيذة هي الكاري الحار والكبسة والنكهة الإيطالية، والدجاج الكامل المنقوع المجمد، والدجاج الكامل العادي الطري. ومن المقرر أن تصل مجموعة “دجاج شواية” في الربع الثاني من العام الجاري إلى متاجر ومحلات سوبرماركت مختارة في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي.

يمكن زيارة الموقع www.searafoodsme.com لمعلومات أوفى حول أطعمة ووصفات “سِيارا”.

ومن المقرّر أن تعرض العلامة التجارية، بالإضافة إلى هذا الطرح، مجموعة جديدة تضم أكثر من 120 منتجًا أنتجت في مصنعَين في دولة الإمارات والمملكة العربية السعودية. وتراعي هذه المنتجات ثقافة المطبخ في الشرق الأوسط. وتقدّم المجموعة الجديدة محفظة كاملة من المنتجات الحلال تتضمّن دجاج “سيارا” بالبقسماط وبرغر الدجاج وبرغر لحم البقر، واللحوم المفرومة والنقانق وكرات اللحم والخضروات المجمدة والمأكولات البحرية المجمدة والفواكه المجمّدة، وغيرها. وستُعرض جميع المنتجات الجديدة في المعرض التجاري، ما يعزز استراتيجية “سيارا” الرامية لتقديم منتجات مبتكرة عالية الجودة في المنطقة.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1745374/Seara_Shawaya_Roasting_Chicken.jpg

Turkiye’s daily power consumption down 8.6% on Feb. 13

Daily electricity consumption in Turkiye decreased by 8.64% on Sunday compared to the previous day, totaling 802,801 megawatt-hours, according to official figures of Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation (TEIAS) on Monday.

Hourly power consumption peaked at 37,933 megawatt-hours at 20.00 local time (1700 GMT), data from TEIAS showed. The country’s electricity usage dropped to the lowest level of 29,250 megawatt-hours at 08.00 local time (0500 GMT).

Electricity production amounted to 801,486 megawatt-hours on Sunday, marking a decrease of 8.69% compared to Saturday.

Electricity production from imported coal plants constituted 22.3% of total electricity consumption, lignite plants contributed 16.5% while natural gas plants comprised 16%.

On Sunday, the country’s electricity exports amounted to 14,455 megawatt-hours and imports totaled 15,770 megawatt-hours.

By Zeynep Beyza Kilic

Source: Anadolu Agency

Turkish auto industry makes over 90,500 vehicles in January

Automakers in Turkiye produced 90,520 vehicles in January, including automobiles and commercial vehicles, according to a sectoral report released on Monday.

Last month’s figure fell by 14.7% year-on-year, a report from the Automotive Manufacturers Association (OSD) showed.

Turkiye’s passenger car production fell 30.5% to 47,778 units during this period.

Over 75% of manufactured vehicles were exported in January, an annual drop of 12.6% to 67,799 units.

Taking the lion’s share in the country’s total exports last month, automotive exports reached $2.2 billion, decreasing 5.7% on a dollar basis compared to January 2021.

The association also said the country’s overall auto sales market, including light trucks and other vehicles, shrank by 12.4% year-on-year to 39,692 units over the month.

Top international automakers — including Ford, Honda, Hyundai, Mercedes, Renault, and Toyota — have factories in Turkey, one of the world’s top auto sales markets.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Turkiye’s BIST 100 index down at weekly open

Turkiye’s benchmark stock index opened at 2,018.97 points on Monday, down 32.08, or 1.56%, from the previous close.

The BIST 100 index was up 0.61% to close on Friday at 2,051.05 points, with a daily trading volume of 33.1 billion Turkish liras ($2.4 billion).

The US dollar/Turkish lira exchange rate rose slightly to 13.5240 as of 9.30 a.m. local time (0630GMT), from 13.5040 at Friday’s close.

The euro/lira exchange rate fell to 15.3390 from 15.3910, while a British pound traded for 18.3101 liras, down from 18.3840 at the last close.

Brent crude oil was sold for around $95.30 per barrel as of 10 a.m. local time (0700GMT).

Source: Anadolu Agency

Global markets start week with weak risk appetite

In global markets, the increased risk perception over fears of a Russian invasion of Ukraine has persisted at the beginning of the new week.

After the US officials’ statements on Friday regarding the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, the diplomatic steps taken over the weekend were not enough to boost investor confidence.

US President Joe Biden assured his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky Sunday that the US would “respond swiftly and decisively” to any further Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Zelensky thanked Biden for America’s “unwavering support” and invited him to visit Ukraine.

Commodity prices have risen to the highest levels in the recent years after growing tensions, with the situation expected to affect the economic recovery.

Following the increasing inflation pressure in the US, the probability of the US Federal Reserve’s interest rate hike of 50 basis points in March has weakened.

The barrel price of Brent oil, which increased more than $3 on Friday to $93.9, finds buyers at $94.4 with an increase of 0.5% at the beginning of the new week.

Energy prices already play an important role in the increasing inflation pressure worldwide, according to analysts who argued that increased price volatility in these assets might affect the uncertainty in monetary policies as well.

As investors’ demand for safe-haven assets increased after rising geopolitical risks, the gold ounce price closed Friday at $1,859 with a 1.76% increase after hitting $1,865, the record high since November 2021.

The price of one ounce of gold started the new week with a slight decline and stabilized at $1,853.

The 10-year bond yield of the US decreased 15 basis points to 1.94% on Friday. S&P 500, Nasdaq and Dow Jones indices decreased 1.9%, 2.78% and 1.43%, respectively.

In the EU side, markets will focus on European Central Bank Governor Christine Lagarde’s speech on Monday.

After the bank’s hawkish stance at its previous monetary policy meeting, uncertainties regarding the monetary policy roadmap continue.

According to analysts, Lagarde moved away from the hawkish stance in the statements last week. They also said the European Central Banks’s evaluations about possible effects of the Russia-Ukraine crisis on the region’s economy will be important.

On Friday, European stock markets followed a sales-weighted course, while all major indices posted declines.

European indices are also moving in a downward trend on Monday.

In Asia, a negative trend is observed in the stock markets on Monday due to rising COVID-19 cases, decreasing global risk appetite, and concerns about the real estate sector in China.

All major Asian indices were also down at Friday’s close.

Turkiye’s BIST 100 index closed the last week with an increase of 0.61% at 2,051 while it started the new week with a decline.

Analysts said Russia-Ukraine tension will continue to be the main global agenda topic

Source: Anadolu Agency

Russia-Ukraine crisis hits Asian, European markets

All major Asian indices closed Monday with strong declines amid Russia-Ukraine tensions, which affects commodity prices in particular.

After the US officials’ statements on Friday regarding the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, the diplomatic steps taken over the weekend were not enough to boost investor confidence.

Commodity prices have risen to the highest levels in the recent years after growing tensions, with the situation expected to affect the economic recovery.

The Asia Dow, which includes blue-chip companies in the region, fell 1.25% or 47.58 points, to close at 3,744 points.

Tokyo’s Nikkei 225 stock exchange went down 2.23%, or 616.5 points, to reach 27,079 points.

The Hang Seng, the benchmark for blue-chip stocks trading on the Hong Kong stock exchange, lost 350 points, or 1.41%, to stand at 24,556 points.

China’s Shanghai stock exchange dropped 0.98%, or 34 points, to 3,428 points.?

The Indian Sensex benchmark posted a decrease of 3% or 1,747 points to close at 56,405 points, and the Singapore index lost 7.75 points, or 0.23%, to reach 3,421 points.

European markets

All major European indices posted negative figures as of mid-Monday.

The STOXX Europe 600, which includes around 90% of the market capitalization of the European market in 17 countries, was down 13.33 points, or 2.84%, to reach 456.24 points as of 1018GMT.

London’s FTSE 100 decreased 171.64 points, or 2.24%, to stand at 7,489 points, and Germany’s DAX index reached 14,874 points, down 550.91 points or 3.57%.

The French CAC 40 lost 248.9 points, or 3.55%, to stand at 6,762 points, while Italy’s FTSE MIB posted a fall of 1,020 points, or 3.78%, to reach 25,945 points.

Spain’s IBEX 35 also dropped 267.8 points, or 3.04, to 8,530 points.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Turkiye’s Borsa Istanbul closes Monday lower

Turkiye’s benchmark stock index closed Monday at 2,001.94 points, down 2.39% from the previous close.

Starting the day at 2,018.97 points, Borsa Istanbul’s BIST 100 index lost 49.11 points from Friday’s close of 2,051.05 points.

During Monday’s trading, the BIST 100 hovered between 1,971.11 points and 2,026.90 points.

While seven stocks on the index rose, 93 fell, compared to Friday’s close.

Closing the day with a market value of nearly 1.6 trillion Turkish liras ($118 billion), the benchmark index posted a daily trading volume of 34 billion Turkish liras ($2.5 billion).

National flag carrier Turkish Airlines, defense company Aselsan, and private lender Yapi Kredi recorded the highest trading volumes during the day.

Stocks of renewable energy company Aydem was the top gainer with a 9.94% rise, while shares of stocks of software and information technology firm ARD Bilisim suffered the most, dropping 6.44%.

One ounce of gold traded for $1,845 by market close, up from $1,831.50 at the previous close, according to data from Borsa Istanbul’s Precious Metals and Diamond Markets.

The price of Brent crude oil was around $94.18 per barrel as of 6.44 p.m. local time (1544GMT) with a daily loss of 0.3%.

Exchange Rates Friday Monday

USD/TRY 13.5040 13.5530

EUR/TRY 15.3910 15.3340

GBP/TRY 18.3840 18.3860

Source: Anadolu Agency

‘UAE seeks to enhance political, economic ties with Turkiye’

In an exclusive interview with Anadolu Agency, Abdulla Bin Touq Al Marri, Minister of Economy of UAE said his country seeks to boost political and economic ties with Turkiye, focusing on investment.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency on the visit of Turkiye’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the UAE on Monday, Abdulla Bin Touq Al Marri said the country looks forward to strengthening trade exchange and joint cooperation in new economic sectors.

Anadolu Agency: What shall we expect from Erdogan’s visit to UAE from an economy perspective?

Minister Al-Marri: The economic relations between the UAE and Turkiye are strong and well-established, and they have continued to develop despite the various changes that the region and the world have witnessed. The UAE today is Turkiye’s number one trading partner in the Arab region, and the development witnessed by the two countries’ relations during the past few months is historic, as represented by the visit of Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, to Turkiye last November, and the visit of Turkish President Erdogan to the UAE today. The exchange of visits by the senior leadership of the two countries is a clear indication of the significant outcomes that we can expect as a result of the two countries’ partnership during the next stage. We expect the economic cooperation with Turkey to cover all areas that serve common interests and achieve mutual benefit during the next stage. There is no doubt that the visit of Erdogan will give a strong impetus to accelerating the pace of cooperation between the two countries at both the public and private sector levels.

Q: Will there be any agreements on economy signed? Can you give us specific details on them?

Al-Marri: During the visit, UAE and Turkish officials will sign a joint ministerial statement on the intent to pursue a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) to expand two-way trade in goods and services, thereby strengthening the mutually beneficial economic and investment partnership. Signing the UAET-CEPA is expected to serve as a platform for a modern and dynamic economic partnership that reflects the mutual understanding between Turkiye and the UAE, providing a wide array of social and economic benefits while improving living standards in both countries. In addition, more than ten agreements and a Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) will be signed on cooperation in the fields of health and life sciences, advanced industries, land and maritime transport, agriculture, cultural exchange, youth empowerment, and information and communications technology, among others. While further details will be revealed in due course, the agreements and MoUs in question serve to advance the modern and dynamic economic partnership between the UAE and Turkiye while expanding avenues for political and diplomatic cooperation in the coming period.

Q: On the 50th anniversary of the country’s establishment, the UAE administration announced 50 strategic investment projects worth more than 150 billion dollars in the coming years. In this context, shall we expect big investment plans between the two countries, such as the land corridor between the UAE and Turkey?

Al-Marri: The UAE is one of the top 15 investors in Turkiye, with a total Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) of $5 billion as of 2020. At the same time, Turkish investments in the UAE reached $310 million in 2019. During the high-level visit of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince bin Zayed to Turkey in November last year, 10 agreements were signed in the fields of energy, finance and trade. Furthermore, the UAE established a $10 billion fund to support strategic investments in Turkiye’s health and energy fields. Both countries are keen to expand trade and economic exchange in the coming period with a focus on investment opportunities. Overall, the UAE is interested in exploring the prospects of reinforcing ties in a way that serves the prosperity and common interests of our two countries and peoples. To mark the nation’s Golden Jubilee and pave the way for the next 50 years, the UAE launched a new round of national strategic projects called ‘Projects of the 50,’ ushering in a new era of domestic and international growth. The projects aim to boost the UAE’s economic competitiveness to attract $150 billion in foreign direct investment in the next nine years across key sectors, including digital economy, entrepreneurship, advanced skills, space, and advanced technologies.

The first set of projects include new and amended visa schemes to reinforce the UAE’s status as an ideal destination for work, investment, entrepreneurship, education and life; global economic partnership. We are currently working to establish comprehensive economic agreements with eight strategic global markets to achieve an $11 billion annual growth to the UAE’s current $70 billion trade volume with these markets. And Turkiye is one of them; The 10×10 program, which aims to achieve an annual increase in the country’s exports by 10% in 10 key markets; Invest.ae, an online portal to serve as an umbrella for all investment-related local entities and 14 state economic entities & present all investment opportunities across the UAE; ‘Investopia’ Summit, which will connect investment funds with the public and private sectors to create investment opportunities that will attract $150 billion in FDI over the next nine years. As you can imagine, the current pace of economic activity and investments are creating unprecedented opportunities in both of our markets, and there are opportunities for increased partnership in these areas to benefit both our countries.

Q: Turkiye named as ‘rising star of defense industry’ by many observers. Do you see any perspective of cooperation in the defense industry between Turkiye and the UAE?

Al-Marri: The defense industry is among the most competitive industries in the UAE, and Emirati companies have proven their superiority in the region in this vital field. This sector is a basic pillar of the country both at the strategic and economic levels, as it is a main contributor to the national economy. It is also one of the most important sectors that stimulate innovation R&D and adopt Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, including artificial intelligence, to promote economic growth and ensure its diversity and its sustainability. The space and defense industries are also part of the country’s future vision and its new economic model for the next 50 years, which is based on knowledge and innovation. From this standpoint, the UAE considers the development of its economic cooperation with various friendly partner countries in the fields of defense and space as an integral aspect of its development strategy and vision for the future. I believe that this is a vision shared by both the UAE and Turkiye, and the UAE is keen to expand its partnership with Turkey in various vital fields in addition to the defense sector.

Q: There is an aspiration for improved economic and commercial relations between Turkiye and UAE. In your opinion, how will this affect the prosperity of the region?

Al-Marri: The UAE seeks to strengthen its relations with Turkiye both politically and economically, with a focus on investment. Through this visit and the momentum that will result from it, the UAE looks forward to strengthening trade exchange and joint cooperation in new economic sectors that will benefit both countries’ economies and the wider region. The total value of non-oil trade between the UAE and Turkiye reached $13.7 billion in 2021, a 54% increase from 2020 and an 86% increase from 2019. In light of major global changes, it has become important to build a greater regional consensus that guarantees peace and stability and benefits the region’s countries. The region cannot tolerate more polarization and confrontation, and the coming decades require more communication, integration, and cooperation in the political, economic, technological, health, and food security fields in particular. Ultimately, the UAE believes in the necessity of communication and dialogue to enhance confidence in a way that bridges multiple points of view on issues of concern. We also wholly believe that enhancing mutual understanding will positively affect the entire region in strengthening its interconnectedness while enhancing engagement with the international community.

Source: Anadolu Agency

US stock market opens lower as Ukraine crisis intensifies

Major indices in the US stock market opened lower on Monday as crisis between Russia and Ukraine has intensified.

The Dow Jones fell 134 points, or 0.4%, to 34,603 at 9.36 a.m. EDT (1436GMT). The S&P 500 lost 9 points, or 0.2%, to 4,409.

The Nasdaq was almost flat at 13,790 points.

Diplomatic steps taken over the weekend were not enough to boost investor confidence after US officials’ statements on Friday that warned of an imminent military aggression by Moscow in Ukraine.

US President Joe Biden on Sunday assured his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky that Washington would “respond swiftly and decisively” to any further Russian aggression against Ukraine. Zelensky thanked Biden for America’s “unwavering support” and invited him to visit Ukraine.

Amid rising geopolitical risks, VIX volatility index soared 8.1% to 29.6.

The dollar index rose 0.2% to 96.28, and the yield on 10-year US Treasury notes jumped 2% to 1.989%.

Precious metals, which are regarded as safe haven for investors, were on the rise. Gold added 0.2% to $1,861 per ounce and silver increased 1.2% to $23.85.

Rising risks have continued to push crude oil prices higher, but they showed some pullback from their highest level in almost eight years.

Brent crude was trading at $94 per barrel at the time, while US benchmark West Texas Intermediate was at $92.85.

Source: Anadolu Agency