Turkey, UK hold first ‘strategic dialogue’ meeting

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Azer News

By Trend Turkey and the United Kingdom held the first “strategic dialogue” meeting in the Turkish capital as part of their common policy of deepening bilateral relationship after the latter left the European Union, Trend reports citing Hurriyet Daily News. The first of this kind of strategic dialogue was held under the leadership of Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Faruk Kaymakci and permanent Under-Secretary of the British Foreign Office Sir Philip Barton, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a written statement. Barton also met Deputy Foreign Minister Sedat Onal. The two men discussed all … Continue reading “Turkey, UK hold first ‘strategic dialogue’ meeting”

U.S. poultry producers harden safety measures as bird flu spreads

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By Tom Polansek CHICAGO (Reuters) – U.S. poultry producers are tightening safety measures for their flocks as disease experts warn that wild birds are likely spreading a highly lethal form of avian flu across the country. Indiana on Wednesday reported an outbreak of highly pathogenic bird flu on a commercial turkey farm, leading China, South Korea, and Mexico to ban poultry imports from the state and putting the industry on edge at a time that labor shortages are fueling food inflation. The disease is already widespread in Europe and affecting Africa, Asia and Canada, but the outbreak in India… Continue reading “U.S. poultry producers harden safety measures as bird flu spreads”

Azerbaijan to develop national artificial intelligence strategy

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Azer News

By Ayya Lmahamad Nowadays, practically everything around us that comes from the realm of technology appears to have some aspect of artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence, in computer terminology, is the programming and development of computers and systems capable of utilising and processing information in a way analogous to human activity. In other terms, it is a technology that allows robots to accomplish jobs that would ordinarily need human-like reasoning. Artificial intelligence offers a wide range of potential applications, including transportation, healthcare, education, a… Continue reading “Azerbaijan to develop national artificial intelligence strategy”

Explore the new platform for personal trainers in Dubai – a fun, fast and simple way to get fit

The User-Friendly Platform for Connecting Personal Trainers with Their Clients in Dubai

DUBAI, UAE, Feb. 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Losing weight, gaining muscle or simply getting healthier is easier using DubaiPT platform that helps clients find a perfect match for their training needs among numerous personal trainers in Dubai. Each certified trainer can create a profile, join, and start scheduling sessions right away. Aside from personal training sessions and meal plans, DubaiPT offers a diverse variety of fitness classes. The platform welcomes both fitness enthusiasts and fitness trainers in Dubai and worldwide to get in touch with DubaiPT and become a small part of a much healthier future!

A few easy steps to success

With its modern and accessible platform, the brand’s innovative approach has recently been recognized by hundreds of exercisers under the watchful guidance of 250+ personal trainers. Satisfied customers and committed trainers are the cornerstone of the platform, giving testimony to its positive impact. DubaiPT offers:

  • Personal training
  • Yoga
  • Zumba
  • Boxing
  • Football
  • Karate

Everybody can choose to attend a class or work out from the comfort of your own home. In times like these, it’s comforting to know that anyone can improve their overall health in a safe and easy manner.

Tailor-made meal plans

As the saying goes “Health and time are our most precious assets therefore we should use them wisely”, and many believe that health starts with a proper meal. To harvest the benefits of your workout routine, you need to follow it up with good nutrition. DubaiPT now offers monthly meal plans specialized for clients’ needs.

A healthy and customized diet can help clients maximize their results and complement all the work that they are putting in. But they have to be the ones to take the leap and dive into the world of fitness in Dubai.

About DubaiPT

DubaiPT is a comprehensive platform, designed to help people find skilled personal trainers in Dubai and to assist trainers in finding customers. Their offices are located in Armada Towers, Floor 19, Dubai, and you can reach them at this number: +971 55 655 4507.

If you are a personal trainer in Dubai, you can sign up here to become a member!

Syria’s Kurds call for more German help in fighting Islamic State

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The recent attack by Islamic State terrorists on a prison in north-eastern Syria has led to louder calls from the region’s ruling Kurds for more help from Germany in fighting extremism, particularly concerning repatriations. Dozens of radical Islamist Germans are still in detention centres and camps, Nowruz Ahmed from the military council of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia told dpa. Many foreign governments have turned their backs on the issue, leaving heavy burdens on us, she said. “Some officials said that as long as the detainees were not present on our territories, t… Continue reading “Syria’s Kurds call for more German help in fighting Islamic State”

‫شركة StashAway تطلق حملة تحت شعار “هي تستثمر” للمساعدة على سد الفجوة في الاستثمار بين الجنسين

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 11 فبراير 2022 / PRNewswire / — تشير الإحصائيات إلى أنّ النساء يحققن في المتوسط عائدات استثمارية أفضل ومعدّلات ادخار أعلى ويستثمرن بشكل أكثر انتظامًا مقارنة بالرجال. ومع ذلك، فإنّ عدد النساء اللاتي يستثمرن أقل من عدد الرجال. فلماذا لا تزال “الفجوة في الاستثمار بين الجنسين” قائمة؟

ستُجيب شركة StashAway عن هذا السؤال وغيره من الأسئلة المهمّة، من خلال أول سلسلة دورات تعليمية لها في إطار حملة تحمل شعار “هي تستثمر – She Invests “، والتي ستشرح للمشاركات موضوعات متعددة من بينها: التمويل الشخصي، وأساسيات الاستثمار، والاستثمار الموضوعي وفقًا للقناعات الشخصية، والأصول الرقمية، وممارسات المساواة بين الجنسين في أماكن العمل.

وفي تعليقها على حملة “هي تستثمر” قالت نانديني جوشي، مديرة العمليات في شركة StashAway : “بصفة عامة، تعيش النساء أعمارًا أطول من الرجال، ويضعن الخطط المالية لأزواجهنّ، ويأخذن إجازات من العمل لرعاية أسرهنّ؛ لذا فمن الأهمية بمكان أن تتولى النساء مسؤولية التخطيط المالي طويل الأجل لمدخراتهنّ واحتياجاتهنّ المالية بعد التقاعد. ونستهدف من خلال حملة “هي تستثمر” أن نشرح للنساء بالتفصيل مجموعة كبيرة من الفرص الاستثمارية المتاحة؛ بدءًا من الاستثمار في مؤشر ستاندرد آند بورز 500 ( S&P500 ) وصولًا إلى العملات المشفرة والرموز غير القابلة للاستبدال ( NFTs ).

وأضاف ميشيل فيراريو، الشريك المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة StashAway : “تُظهر أحدث البيانات أنّ 94٪ من الرجال يميلون إلى اتخاذ القرارات المالية بشكل مشترك مع زوجاتهنّ. كما أنّ غالبية النساء اللاتي يفوضن أزواجهنّ في اتخاذ القرارات المالية يرغبن أيضًا في المشاركة في اتخاذ مثل هذه القرارات [1]. لذا، ستواصل StashAway جهودها من خلال حملة “هي تستثمر” لتزويد جميع المشاركات بالمعارف والأدوات اللازمة لتمكينهنّ من إجراء نقاشات مع أزواجهنّ بشأن التخطيط المالي، وتكوين الثروات وإداراتها على المدى الطويل”.

تُعدّ حملة “هي تستثمر” قسمًا جديدًا في أكاديمية StashAway ، وهي أكاديمية تابعة للشركة تقدّم دورات مالية مجانية للأفراد، وقد شارك في هذه الدورات أكثر من 16000 امرأة في 5 دول مختلفة، وهو ما أسهم في زيادة عدد عملاء الشركة من النساء؛ حيث تشكل النساء حاليًا نصف أعداد العملاء المسجلين في قاعدة بيانات عملاء الشركة، بعد أن كانت نسبتهنّ 10% عند انطلاق الشركة قبل 5 سنوات.

[1]  امتلك ثروتك الخاصة – 2021 ، موقع شركة UBS ، نُشر في أبريل 2021

عن شركة StashAway

StashAway هي شركة تعمل في مجال إدارة الثروات الرقمية، وتقدم حلولًا للمحافظ الاستثمارية ولإدارة الثروات للمستثمرين من الأفراد والشركات، وتزاول الشركة أنشطتها في سنغافورة وماليزيا والشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا وهونغ كونغ وتايلاند.

وقد تجاوزت قيمة الأصول الخاضعة لإدارة الشركة في يناير 2021 مليار دولار أمريكي؛ وحققت الشركة هذا الإنجاز في مدّة أقل من المدّة التي استغرقتها شركة Betterment وشركة Wealthfront (أكبر شركتين في العالم لإدارة الثروات الرقمية) لتحقيق الهدف نفسه. وقد صُنّفت StashAway في عام 2020 كشركة تكنولوجيا رائدة من قبل المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي، كما صُنّفت من أفضل 10 شركات ناشئة على موقع لينكد إن.

وقد جمعت الشركة استثمارات رأسمالية بقيمة 61.4 مليون دولار أمريكي من شركات استثمار كبرى في 6 دورات تمويلية؛ ومن بينها شركة Asia Capital & Advisors وشركة Eight Roads Ventures وشركة Square Peg وشركة Sequoia Capital .

S&P expects Fed to raise interest rates 6 times this year

S&P Global Ratings expects the US Federal Reserve to raise interest rates six times this year starting in March, according to a report released Thursday.


The global rating agency forecasts another five rate hikes in total during 2023 and 2024 and anticipates the central bank to begin shrinking its balance sheet early in 2023.


The agency said it also expects that the American economy will continue to grow even as the Fed tightens its monetary policy.


“We also assume that higher rates will not destabilize the economy due to heightened market volatility,” the report said.


It estimates the US economy to grow 3.9% this year, despite the Fed rate hikes, adding it sees only a 10%-15% chance of a recession.


Markets and investors are expecting the central bank to make faster and higher rate hikes this year in order to tame record-high inflation.


Consumer prices in the US rose 7.5% year-on-year in January, marking the largest 12-month increase since February 1982, the Department of Labor said earlier


Source: Anadolu Agency

Russia accuses NATO of destabilizing post-Soviet states

Russia on Thursday accused NATO of destabilizing post-Soviet states and a number of Western countries of militarizing Ukraine to fuel the ongoing escalation between the country and the West.


Following a phone call between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov his Italian counterpart Luigi Di Maio, the Russian Foreign Ministry released a statement.


Lavrov argued that the de-stabilizing nature of NATO’s actions in the post-Soviet states and militarization of Ukraine led to the ongoing escalation, according to the statement.


For de-escalation, Kyiv should be demanded to comply with the Minsk agreements and agreements reached within the framework of the Normandy format and the Trilateral Contact Group, he told Di Maio.


The statement added that Russian efforts to provide long-term legal guarantees of security in Europe based on the implementation of the generally recognized principle of the indivisibility of security were also discussed by the two ministers.


Russia recently amassed more than 100,000 troops near Ukraine, prompting fears that the Kremlin could be planning another military offensive against its former Soviet neighbor.


Moscow has denied that it is preparing to invade and said its troops are there for exercises.


The Kremlin also issued a list of security demands from the West, including a rolling back of troop deployments to some ex-Soviet states and guarantees that Ukraine and Georgia will not join NATO.


Source: Anadolu Agency

International Energy Agency oil demand forecast up 900,000 barrels per day for 2022

The International Energy Agency (IEA) revised up its global oil demand estimates for 2022 by around 900,000 barrels per day (bpd) compared to last month’s assessment.


Global oil demand is estimated to reach 100.6 million bpd, increasing by 3.2 million bpd in the 2022 year on year, according to the IEA’s latest oil market report on Friday.


“The milder-than-expected negative impact of the Omicron variant on demand has been largely offset by additional consumption stemming from a cold snap in the US and a continued switch to oil from gas in some industrial sectors,” the agency explained.


It noted that the absolute level of demand increased significantly from last month’s report, due to changes to the IEA’s baseline estimates for Saudi Arabia and China, which have been revised higher on new and more complete data.


World oil demand in 2019 is now estimated at 100.3 million bpd, an upward revision of 770,000 bpd relative to the IEA’s previous data.


The agency projects that the fast spread of the omicron variant and accelerated vaccination programs are expected to increase population immunity by the end of the first quarter, while restrictions to mobility are anticipated to be more limited in the second half of the year, supporting a strong recovery in transportation demand.


The growth this year will be driven by the Asia Pacific region with 37.5 million bpd of demand, followed by the Americas with 31.03 million bpd and Europe with 14.4 million bpd.


Global supply rises in January


The IEA said global oil supply increased by 560,000 bpd in January to 98.7 million bpd, “with non-OPEC+ producers delivering 70% of the increase while the OPEC+ alliance continued to pump far below target levels.”


The Agency stressed that the group’s persistent supply shortfall, largely due to technical issues and other capacity constraints, has resulted in a loss to the market of around 800,000 bpd since the start of 2021.


The prevailing lower output levels versus stated monthly increases by the bloc have led to unintended consequences, with sharp draws in global inventories and supply shortfalls compounding tight oil markets, the Agency said.


The report noted that in January non-OPEC+ oil supply rose by 410,000 bpd, led by higher output from Canada, Ecuador, Brazil, and China. Total oil production from OPEC+ rose by a more modest 150,000 bpd after a recovery in Nigeria while higher Middle East and Russian flows were partly offset by lower output in Venezuela and Libya.


By the end of this year, the amount of oil lost could approach 1 billion barrels unless members with substantial spare capacity, concentrated in the Middle East, pump more to make up for those who cannot, the Agency warned, adding that “there is no sign of that happening yet.”


Iran production to ramp up if sanctions are lifted


As for Iran, which is in talks to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal, crude production could rise towards a sustainable capacity of 3.8 million bpd, up roughly 1.3 million bpd from current levels by the end of this year, according to the IEA.


Iran also has about 80 million barrels of crude oil and condensate stored on tankers, the Agency said, adding that it will move to clear that overhang as quickly as possible.


In addition to Chinese exports, the IEA also expects Iran to re-establish supply contracts with key customers in India, Korea, Japan, Turkiye and Europe.


Source: Anadolu Agency