Transgender woman, 23, is executed by her brother in ‘honour killing’ in Iraqi Kurdistan

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TDPel Media

A 23-year-old transgender woman has been killed by her brother in Iraqi Kurdistan. Doski Azad, who was a make-up artist, died in a so-called ‘honour killing’ when her long-lost brother Chakdar Azad shot her, police said. Police heard about Ms. Azad’s death three days later, after receiving a call from a man who identified himself as another brother of the victim. Ms. Azad was found dead in the village of Mangesh, around 12 miles north of the city centre of Duhok. No arrests have been made and the suspect fled the country, Ekurd Daily reported. Ms. Azad, who left home more than five years ago, … Continue reading “Transgender woman, 23, is executed by her brother in ‘honour killing’ in Iraqi Kurdistan”

Azerbaijan has significant potential for development of renewable energy sources – European commissioner

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Azer News

By Trend Azerbaijan has significant potential for development of renewable energy sources, EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson said, Trend reports. Simson made the remark at a press conference following the VIII meeting of ministers within the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council in Baku on February 4. “This meeting was a good opportunity for me to discuss the intensification of our cooperation with Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is a strategic and reliable energy partner of the EU,” she noted. “During today’s talks [within the meeting], the expansion of infrastructure within the framework of the pr… Continue reading “Azerbaijan has significant potential for development of renewable energy sources – European commissioner”

Ski tours and cosy rustic cabins in Colorado’s snowy wilderness

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Take a ski tour through Colorado’s snowy back country hills and you’ll get a chance to reflect on just how fast a ski lift would get you to the top of the mountain. It’s a 6-kilometre trail to Colorado’s Sisters Cabin and it is a challenging tour as it usually takes an hour per kilometre. But it’s worth it. Built in 2018, Sisters Cabin is the newest of Colorado’s 160 rustic mountain huts and back-country yurts. You won’t find that many anywhere else in the US. The Rocky Mountain state is famous for its ski resorts, such as Breckenridge, Aspen or Vail. But you can head out past the groomed slop… Continue reading “Ski tours and cosy rustic cabins in Colorado’s snowy wilderness”

‫شركة CRMNEXT تطلق منصة اتصالات مفتوحة جديدة لدعم قنوات التواصل الحديث

– تدعم المنصة الجديدة عمليات بيع المنتجات وخدمة العملاء والتواصل معهم عبر مجموعة متنوعة من قنوات التواصل الحديثة والتقليدية المستخدمة حاليًا بشكل متزايد في إدارة الأعمال التجارية الجديدة

مومباي، الهند، 4 فبراير 2022 /PRNewswire/ — أطلقت شركة CRMNEXT، وهي شركة رائدة عالميًا في تقديم حلول تكنولوجيا رقمية للمصارف وشركات التأمين، منصة اتصالات رقمية مفتوحة (OCP) لدعم قنوات التواصل المستخدمة في إدارة الأعمال؛ وذلك بهدف تلبية الاحتياجات المتزايدة لعملائها ومساعدتهم على ابتكار منتجات مخصّصة وتقديم خدمات استثنائية تُعزز ثقة عملائهم.


 ونظرًا لتبني المؤسسات المالية والمصرفية لسياسة “تقديم الخدمات وبيع المنتجات في كل وقت وفي أيّ مكان”، فقد أصبحت التكنولوجيا الرقمية بالغة الأهمية لهذه المؤسسات في الوقت الحالي. وتساعد منصة الاتصالات المفتوحة (OCP) التي توفرها شركة CRMNEXT هذه المؤسسات على التحوّل إلى استخدام حلول رقمية تعمل بطريقة آلية تمامًا وتُتيح لهم انجاز أعمالهم باستخدام نموذج تسويقي قائم على تقنيات ذكاء اصطناعي تساعدهم على تقسيم العملاء المستهدفين إلى فئات محدّدة واختيار الأماكن المناسبة لتسويق منتجاتهم. وتدعم هذه المنصة الجديدة قنوات التواصل الحديثة المستخدمة في إدارة الأعمال ، وتمكّن المصارف وشركات الخدمات المالية وشركات التأمين من استخدام مجموعة متنوعة من تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي تساعدهم على إدارة أعمالهم بشكل فوري وفعال.

 تدعم منصة الاتصالات المفتوحة ( OCP ) قنوات التواصل التالية:

  • قنوات التواصل النصي: تُتيح المنصة الجديدة لعملاء شركة CRMNEXT إمكانية ربط برامج وتطبيقات تواصل جديدة بأجهزتهم بسلاسة متناهية، مثل تطبيق واتساب، وتويتر، وتطبيق المحادثات Google Business Messenger، وفيسبوك، وبرامج روبوتات الدردشة، وبرامج روبوتات المحادثات الصوتية، وغير ذلك من البرامج والتطبيقات.
  • قنوات التواصل الصوتي: تُتيح المنصة الجديدة لعملاء شركة CRMNEXT إمكانية دمج العديد من قنوات التواصل الهاتفية بأجهزتهم، مثل مركز الاتصال السحابي الخاصّ بشركة أمازون (AWS)، وتقنية ربط أجهزة الحاسوب بالهواتف (CTI)، ونظام الاستجابة الصوتية التفاعلية (IVR)، وتطبيق WebEX، ونظام Avaya، وغير ذلك من الأنظمة والتطبيقات؛ وهو ما يساعدهم بدرجة كبيرة على تعزيز إمكانيات وكفاءة مراكز الاتصالات الخاصّة بهم.

تُوفر منصة الاتصالات المفتوحة ( OCP ) مجموعة متنوعة من الإمكانيات الفعالة، من بينها:

  • إنجاز المحادثات في وقت فوري: تُتيح المنصة تقديم خدمات للعملاء في وقت فوري والانتقال بسلاسة عبر قنوات التواصل المخصّصة لذلك، مع الحفاظ على سياق المحادثات معهم في الوقت نفسه.
  • دمج تطبيق Softphone تُتيح المنصة إمكانية تمكين متصل آخر من الدخول على لوحة التحكّم الخاصّة بالعميل.
  • إنشاء قواعد معلومات باستخدام تقنيات ذكاء اصطناعي: توفر المنصة حلول ديناميكية للإجابة على استفسارات العملاء.
  • تحليل بيانات المشتريات السابقة للعملاء باستخدام تقنيات ذكاء اصطناعي: تُتيح المنصة تقديم عروض منتجات للعملاء -باستخدام  تقنيات ذكاء اصطناعي- اعتمادًا على مشترياتهم السابقة.
  • تحليل آراء وملاحظات العملاء: تُتيح المنصة إمكانية تحليل آراء وملاحظات العملاء على نحو استباقي باستخدام تقنيات ذكاء اصطناعي.
  • إجراء مكالمات هاتفية جماعية مع المشرفين: تُتيح المنصة للموظفين التواصل مع مشرفيهم بشكل فوري من خلال مكالمات جماعية.
  • تعزيز التواصل مع العملاء في أماكن العمل: تُتيح المنصة التواصل مع العملاء في أماكن العمل على نحو أكثر فعالية؛ حيث توفر المنصة إمكانية إضافة أداة الدردشة الخاصة بفيسبوك (Facebook Chat Plugin)، وأدوات إجراء المحادثات عبر لوحة التحكم، والامتدادات التي تحوّل الأصوات إلى نصوص، وغير ذلك من الإمكانيات الأخرى المتكاملة.

ومن جانبه قال السيد/ سوشيل تياجي، المدير التنفيذي لشركة CRMNEXT “يحرص عملاء شركتنا في مختلف القطاعات دائمًا على ابتكار وسائل جديدة لتسويق منتجاتهم والتواصل مع عملائهم وموظفيهم وشركائهم بفعالية. ومن خلال منصة الاتصالات المفتوحة (OCP)، سيتمكّن عملاء الشركة من التعامل بسرعة ومرونة وكفاءة مع عملائهم؛ حيث توفر لهم هذه المنصة حلول رقمية وتقنيات ذكاء اصطناعي تساعدهم على تنفيذ ذلك على نحو سهل وفعال”.

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Azerbaijan discloses timeframe for new seismic stations installation

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Azer News

By Trend Borehole stations are planned to be installed in Azerbaijani areas liberated from Armenian occupation [in the 2020 second Karabakh war], Director General of the Republican Center for Seismological Service under the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), Corresponding Member of ANAS, Professor Gurban Yetirmishli told Trend. According to Yetirmishli, the stations will be provided by Turkey. “The plans of the Republican Seismological Service Center for 2022 include the installation of 10 seismological stations in the liberated territories,” he said. “Besides, the process of inst… Continue reading “Azerbaijan discloses timeframe for new seismic stations installation”

Press conference following 8th ministerial meeting within Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council kicks off

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Azer News

By Trend A press conference following the eighth meeting of ministers within the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council has kicked off in Baku, Trend reports. Baku hosted the meeting on February 4. European Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi, as well as high-ranking representatives of the US, UK, Turkey, Georgia, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, Croatia, Hungary, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, North Macedonia, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine and Turkmenistan attended the meeting. The first meeting of ministers withi… Continue reading “Press conference following 8th ministerial meeting within Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council kicks off”

Luxcore, Inc. Announces Production Release of LambdaXchange™ Cloud Data Infrastructure Platform

– Signs 3-year exclusive agreement with the State of the African Diaspora (SOAD) to provide cloud data infrastructure platform, products, and services

– LambdaXchange™ will support SOAD’s digital mobile banking services, central bank digital currencies, derivative cryptocurrencies and exchanges, mobile and e-commerce services to their potential global market of 1.7 billion people

– Company to access private capital markets to further scale cloud data infrastructure platform

ATLANTA, Feb. 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Luxcore, Inc., an early-stage cloud data infrastructure provider, announced today the production release of its LambdaXchange™ cloud data infrastructure platform, an AI-enabled distributed ledger technology platform for the intelligent routing, switching and transport of data with exchange points in Miami, Dallas and Atlanta.


In conjunction with this initial production release, on January 8, 2022, Luxcore signed its first multinational enterprise customer with the Government of the State of the African Diaspora (SOAD). SOAD is a Treaty Member of the Economic Community of States, Nations, Territories and Realms of the 6th Region of Africa. Through this exclusive three-year agreement, Luxcore will provide its LambdaXchange™ cloud data infrastructure platform, products, and services in support of digital mobile banking services, central bank digital currencies, derivative cryptocurrencies and exchanges, mobile and e-commerce services to SOAD’s global market of potentially 1.7 billion people.

“Our Parliament recently passed a law establishing our Code of Nationality and Citizenship: thus, the African Diaspora and also the Africans on the continent shall be eligible for SOAD’s digital ID,” said Dr Louis-Georges Tin, Prime Minister of SOAD. The ID Card will function as a Multi-Card. This historic initiative will provide digital services such as giving access to elections, our education system, banking and crypto services, e-commerce and more. We are excited to partner with Luxcore as our exclusive cloud services technology provider to help SOAD fulfil its goals and to enhance the lives of potentially 1.7 billion people globally.”

Luxcore’s Cloud Data Infrastructure Platform and core services will enable SOAD’s Global Data Infrastructure with dedicated physical and virtual data computing, storage, and transport technologies to support the SOAD and its forthcoming digital ecosystem. These worldwide applications and services include:

  • Internet Network Access Points (NAPs) globally (for broadband Internet access)
  • SOAD Citizenship ID App
  • SOAD Digital Passports
  • Mobile Digital Wallet(s)
  • Access to Centralized and Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange services
  • Access to payments-processing platforms and transaction settlement services
  • Support for Merchant Exchanges for e-commerce and m-commerce
  • Future DApp and App Development

“Luxcore is one of the first cloud computing service providers whose core cloud data infrastructure platform is vertically integrated, from our photonic integrated circuit processors, redefined as layer one, through the higher integrated network layers to the application stack, which provides enhanced speed, scalability, and security for future Web3 digital apps and services,” said Gerald Ramdeen, Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Luxcore, Inc.

Capital Raise to Scale Cloud Data Infrastructure Platform

In a return to the private capital markets, Luxcore has announced a capital raise to scale its cloud data infrastructure platform from supporting 2 million Monthly Average User (“MAU”) subscriptions and 2,000 concurrent transactions per second today to 50 million global MAU’s, using its digital ID tokenization and digital wallet services at higher performance and transaction speeds. As a private secondary market transaction, interested accredited, institutional investors can find more information on the Company’s website and its electronic data room, facilitated by Nasdaq Private Market.

Luxcore, Inc. has long been a pioneer of optical semiconductor and optical switching technologies with their trademarked LambaRouter™ and LambdaXchange™ Decentralized Network Architecture, uniquely positioning them to introduce an emerging cloud data infrastructure model.

About Luxcore, Inc.

Luxcore is an early-stage, next-generation cloud data infrastructure provider. Since 2001, we have been a leading innovator in all-optical, photonic integrated circuit and optical routing, switching and transport technologies. Starting with our award-winning LambdaRouter™, a core optical routing, switching and transport system, the Company is designing the LambdaRouter G7 – an even more radical core optical routing, switching and transport system powered by a proprietary quantum multicore all-photonic processor. Luxcore is introducing an innovative, different cloud data infrastructure business model for the automated, provisioning of data transport, data storage and data computing resources in an open, decentralized network of edge-to-core Data Center provisioned Optical Exchange Points (OIX’s). The LambdaXchange™ Decentralized Network Architecture (LXE DeNA) will provide unprecedented speed, scalability, security, and availability to support the world’s most advanced Web3 and digital asset exchange ecosystems. We are Luxcore – Architects of the next Internet for the future of Finance, Commerce, Mobility and the Metaverse.

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Erdogan accuses West of making Ukraine crisis ‘worse’

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused the West of making the Russia-Ukraine crisis “worse” and slammed US President Joe Biden’s stance, in comments published by local media on Friday. Erdogan’s comments, made on his return from a trip to Kyiv on Thursday, come as he tries to set up a Russia-Ukraine summit aimed at easing fears that Russian President Vladimir Putin is preparing to invade Ukraine. Erdogan has tried to position Turkey, which is a member of the NATO defence alliance, as a neutral mediator close to both Moscow and Kyiv. He issued some of his strongest criticism yet of the … Continue reading “Erdogan accuses West of making Ukraine crisis ‘worse’”

Russia wins Chinese backing in showdown over Ukraine

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Moscow (AFP) – Russia won China’s backing in its showdown with the West over Ukraine on Friday, as Beijing agreed with Moscow that the US-led NATO military alliance should not admit new members. The demand for NATO to stop expanding came after a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in Beijing that saw Putin hail the two countries’ “dignified relationship”. In a long strategy document, Moscow and Beijing hit out at what they said was Washington’s destabilising role in global security. “The parties oppose the further expansion of NATO and call on th… Continue reading “Russia wins Chinese backing in showdown over Ukraine”