An adorable friendship between a cleaner and a 13-day-old baby goat is mesmerizing onlookers here in the western province of Bolu.
Bekir Tekdemir cleans roads for the municipality in Cayir Village. He is also a farmer, who, along with his family, looks after 30 sheep and goats.
Tekdemir, 59, began caring for the baby goat, including giving him bottle feedings, just after his birth on the farm.
The mother was young and could not look after the baby and herself, Tekdemir told Anadolu Agency.
So, Tekdemir took it upon himself to look after baby Osman, the name Tekdemir gave the kid.
Osman quickly turned into Tekdemir’s pet — following him even when works on the village’s streets at his cleaning job.
“We work with Osman in the cleaning works. This one is following me,” he said. “We wouldn’t do this job without their love.”
“The love of animals is instilled in us,” said Tekdemir.
Osman follows Tekdemir wherever he goes, “He does not go to anyone else,” he said proudly.
Source: Anadolu Agency