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Europe’s industrial output jumped annually this May

Industrial production in Europe showed a significant improvement in May compared to the same month last year – near the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic to date – the bloc’s statistical authority said on Wednesday.

The figure rose 21.2% year-on-year in the EU27 and 20.5% in the eurozone, Eurostat said in a statement.

The eurozone/euro area, or EA19, represents member states that use the single currency – euro – while the EU27 includes all member countries of the bloc.

Industrial production climbed in all EU countries, with the largest rises seen in Hungary (+40.3%), Slovakia (+36.8%), and Poland (+30.2%).

In the bloc, production of durable consumers rose by 39.1%, capital goods by 29.6%, intermediate goods by 24.2%, non-durable consumer goods by 10.1%, and energy by 7.1%.

Meanwhile, on a monthly basis, industrial output fell 1% in the eurozone and 0.9% in the EU in May.

On Tuesday, the Turkish Statistical Institute announced that Turkey’s industrial production in the month rose 1.3% on a monthly basis and jumped 40.7% annually.

Source: Anadolu Agency